The Case Of The Case.


Still Fresh
Feb 2, 2009
When I first started watching this project I loved the concept of its creation. Recently people seem to be spending most of their time arguing and bitching about this and that, I know people are getting annoyed because it's sssooooooooooooooooo late. But I felt it's maybe time for some creative time, so this is a topic on the shipping case. Or the case of the case. Now I don't remember hearing anything being mentioned about shipping boxes and things being so late I'll be happy it turning up in a brown, plain cardboard box, but for future batches who knows? Discuss and show the world your designs, I thought some from the old topic were great.
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i think this was discussed before, well very vaguely, and then someone was talking about box art, which it dosent need. So im guessing brown package box, i dont see why they would spend the extra on properly designed boxes, most of us just want the pandora badly.
This has been discussed three or four dozen times.
That is why we're getting so antsy: we've discussed EVERYTHING! Some things more than once. Until the console actually makes it to someone's hands, there is nothing new to really talk about.
I think it's money that would could be much better spent on the tangible parts I want to keep and not recycle like the cardboard shipping container, rather have the postman, neighbors and thieves think it's a paperback novel in a bubble bag. Anything extra costs extra.
WizardStan said:
This has been discussed three or four dozen times.
That is why we're getting so antsy: we've discussed EVERYTHING! Some things more than once. Until the console actually makes it to someone's hands, there is nothing new to really talk about.

Not everything ... have we made a poll to guess if the postman is going to be male or female, that delivers us our Pandora's? Or if there is going to be a ... NES emulator?! (It's one of the consoles not listed in the emulators section on the wiki! *gasp* There also seems to be a few Atari consoles missing too! Woah!) Heck we haven't even discussed if we're taking a day of work/school/wives when we get the Pandora! :P
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I admit.. I've been doing libpnd. When the real unit arrives, I am taking sometime off for quick ports and packing em up into pnds :)

I was just thinking if there's something we could do?
List of desired apps, from armstrong repositry to put into pnds say?
I'm really busy at mo (few weeks at least), but wouldn't mind seeing if could help out, once free.

@skeezix - yea seen you been ramping it up, thanks!
Sometimes I wish there was a "Nuke this topic" button riiiight next to "Watch this topic".
quartercast said:
Sometimes I wish there was a "Nuke this topic" button riiiight next to "Watch this topic".

Yes, there are many topics that keep bubbling up to the top that I wish the forum software would allow me to simply "ignore". Would be a nice feature.
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sverm said:
quartercast said:
Sometimes I wish there was a "Nuke this topic" button riiiight next to "Watch this topic".

Yes, there are many topics that keep bubbling up to the top that I wish the forum software would allow me to simply "ignore". Would be a nice feature.
Instead, you choose to bump it to the top so I can't ignore it. thanks.
oh wait-
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MDave said:
Not everything ... have we made a poll to guess if the postman is going to be male or female, that delivers us our Pandora's?

Or if the Postman will ever arrive!

I sincerely hope that, for UK customers, OP isn't even considering using Royal Mail to deliver Pandoras. That could add another 'two months' for some unlucky UK customers!

(for those outside of the UK who are unaware, Royal Mail workers have been striking and are further strikes are likely to occur all the way up to Christmas. Various high profile businesses, including Amazon, have switched to alternative delivery services and I hope OP follows suite)
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Pleng said:
MDave said:
Not everything ... have we made a poll to guess if the postman is going to be male or female, that delivers us our Pandora's?

Or if the Postman will ever arrive!

I sincerely hope that, for UK customers, OP isn't even considering using Royal Mail to deliver Pandoras. That could add another 'two months' for some unlucky UK customers!

(for those outside of the UK who are unaware, Royal Mail workers have been striking and are further strikes are likely to occur all the way up to Christmas. Various high profile businesses, including Amazon, have switched to alternative delivery services and I hope OP follows suite)
Especially after having paid something like another £7.50 for 'special delivery' :(
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