The Box

kuru said:
We should change "Einloggen" to "Anmelden", which actually is a German word.

Well yeah, though "Einloggen" is used just as much, so many words have been adapted from English.
I might read through the translation file again this week and send dflemstr a fully and properly translated version as this is way easier than to spider the web page from a browser ;)

foxblock out
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dflemstr said:
So this is my first draft, thoughts? (This is actually Javascript and not JSON, since JSON doesn't accept comments)
That looks usable for search results and general listings, yeah.

Why not use the language a key for the localisations?

I kind of wish applications were grouped by PND file, but I see the unique PND ID is deprecated for per-application...

Maybe "image" should be "icon" - and maybe there should be a field for preview pics.

I don't see the point of having a "compact" style, it looks like a bad idea TBH. Use gzip compression if you you want to save bandwidth.
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Multiplex said:
dflemstr said:
So this is my first draft, thoughts? (This is actually Javascript and not JSON, since JSON doesn't accept comments)
That looks usable for search results and general listings, yeah.

Why not use the language a key for the localisations?

I kind of wish applications were grouped by PND file, but I see the unique PND ID is deprecated for per-application...

Maybe "image" should be "icon" - and maybe there should be a field for preview pics.

I don't see the point of having a "compact" style, it looks like a bad idea TBH. Use gzip compression if you you want to save bandwidth.
Ok, language is now being used as the key for localizations. (see my previous post)

Applications are, sadly, the thing we have to treat as packages, since packages don't have any metadata any more...

The image is an image, not an icon :p Some devs put screenshots in there, some actual icons, etc. That's why we shouldn't enforce square images either (the PND spec doesn't even put any size restrictions whatsoever). Until someone fixes the PND spec, I will use a generic name.

Preview pictures? The webapp is server agnostic, and sandboxed, so it's not allowed to use "mount", and without "mount", it is impossible to extract preview pictures from the PND. Again, fix the PND spec.

Oh, and I already implemented the compact style :/ (I created this JSON API in actual code while I wrote the "spec"), oh well, I'll remove it again, it's done easily enough...
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Repository is now available at feel free to write any tools you want (but remember that this is a test URL... If you create any tools, don't hard code a fixed set of repos)
dflemstr said:
The image is an image, not an icon :p Some devs put screenshots in there, some actual icons, etc. That's why we shouldn't enforce square images either (the PND spec doesn't even put any size restrictions whatsoever). Until someone fixes the PND spec, I will use a generic name.
Both the PND and PXML spec clearly call it an 'icon'. Someone should fix the developers. :p

dflemstr said:
Repository is now available at feel free to write any tools you want (but remember that this is a test URL... If you create any tools, don't hard code a fixed set of repos)
Doesn't seem to give full URIs currently.
HEAD requests give me 404.
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Multiplex said:
dflemstr said:
The image is an image, not an icon :p Some devs put screenshots in there, some actual icons, etc. That's why we shouldn't enforce square images either (the PND spec doesn't even put any size restrictions whatsoever). Until someone fixes the PND spec, I will use a generic name.
Both the PND and PXML spec clearly call it an 'icon'. Someone should fix the developers. :p
OK, "icon" it is.
Multiplex said:
dflemstr said:
Repository is now available at feel free to write any tools you want (but remember that this is a test URL... If you create any tools, don't hard code a fixed set of repos)
Doesn't seem to give full URIs currently.
HEAD requests give me 404.
Did some recompiles and had some URL typos. Everything will be fixed in a sec.
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Okay i'm sorry i probably missed this, but.... why exactly did we switch to german? :p

Now I can speak German perfectly, but i believe for the others it's an obvious piss-off, so you really should be adding a british and a german flag on the top to switch around languages if you don't want to be chased around the world by an angry nerdy geek mob armed with clubs, bones and pandoras...

edit: By the way, you just can't name it "Die Box", more correctly would be "Die Büchse" as it's "Die Büchse der Pandora" but "Büchse" sounds kinda gay (no offense to our homosexual brothers and sisters here ;) )
The app detects which language your computer has and uses that. If you want to change the default detection, log in and change the language in your user settings.
Ah, I see. Very clever indeed. Thanks dflemstr , and I have to say, now as it works for me again, it really looks nice & polished!

edit: here's a bug: _ are not accepted when entered in the e-mail adress, making my registration impossible; used a non-existing email adress for that instead.
Wow, I LOVE it :D

That turns out to become exactly what I hoped would be possible with PND files :D
Great work!

If you ever need some webspace on our server for that repo, let me know :D
Found a bug! No swedish! ;)

I really like what you've done with "Lådan" and I can see myself using it all the time when I get my pandora... in two months.
Wolfsclaw said:
edit: here's a bug: _ are not accepted when entered in the e-mail adress, making my registration impossible; used a non-existing email adress for that instead.
Well, I'm using this regex to validate email adresses:

As you can clearly see ( :rolleyes: ), I *do* accept underscores, and I'm actually following the standard for email addresses by using that regex. So the issue must have been something else with your registration (or you might have an email provider that doesn't comply to the standard).

EvilDragon said:
If you ever need some webspace on our server for that repo, let me know :D
You know that I'll hold you to that! I'll be looking for web space once the app is finished, and if you have a host with a database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, H2 or Oracle supported), a folder with free space and a Java Webapp container (e.g. Jetty (preferred), Tomcat, JBoss etc), I'll be glad to accept any offers!

Xenu said:
Found a bug! No swedish! ;)

I really like what you've done with "Lådan" and I can see myself using it all the time when I get my pandora... in two months.
Ok, I'll translate the thing into Swedish now, should only take a minute or two, be right back.
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sebt3 said:
dflemstr said:
Xenu said:
Found a bug! No swedish! ;)
Ok, I'll translate the thing into Swedish now, should only take a minute or two, be right back.
May I have french then ?
Sorry, I don't speak french, my attempt would be mediocre. But I could try, I *have* taken a french class...

If anyone is up for it, please feel free to take this file and translate it into french. Please note that every non-ASCII character (à, á, â, etc) has to be entered using its unicode values; see the UTF-16 table for more information.
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dflemstr said:
sebt3 said:
dflemstr said:
Xenu said:
Found a bug! No swedish! ;)
Ok, I'll translate the thing into Swedish now, should only take a minute or two, be right back.
May I have french then ?
Sorry, I don't speak french, my attempt would be mediocre. But I could try, I *have* taken a french class...

If anyone is up for it, please feel free to take this file and translate it into french. Please note that every non-ASCII character (à, á, â, etc) has to be entered using its unicode values; see the UTF-16 table for more information.

I'll try and make a dutch one, if noone beats me :)
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# Core translation file for The Box

# Labels. These must not end with a period (".") and should be short. #

# General
application=The Box
greeting=Welkom bij The Box, de plek om je PND files te vinden!

# Submit buttons
save=Bewaar verandering
comment.create=Maak opmerking
user.create=Maak gebruiker
user.login=Log in
user.reset=Wachtwoord resetten
user.reset.sendlink=Verstuur wachtwoord link
user.password.change=Verander wachtwoord

# File sizes
bytes=%n% B
kilobytes=%n% kiB
megabytes=%n% MiB
gigabytes=%n% GiB

# Menu - Applications
applications.list=Applicaties laten zien
applications.add=Voeg Applicatie toe
applications.filter=Maak filter

# Menu - Home

# Menu - User
user.login=Log in
user.logout=Log uit
user.lost-password=Wachtwoord vergeten
user.reset-password=Wachtwoord resetten
user.edit=Account details
user.change-password=Verander wachtwoord
user.validate=Gebruiker Valideren

# Notifications - General

html.addacomment=Voeg opmerking toe
html.change-password=Verander wachtwoord
html.createuser=Maak gebruiker
html.downloadhistory=Download geschiedenis
html.downloadsbycategory=Downloads gesorteerd op categorie
html.edituser=Edit gebruiker
html.login=Log in
html.newpasswordlabel=Nieuw Wachtwoord
html.oldpasswordlabel=Oud wachtwoord
html.pndfilelabel=PND file
html.recentuploads=Recente uploads
html.resetpassword=Reset wachtwoord
html.uploadpnd=Upload PND
html.sendpasswordresetemail=Verstuur wachtwoord reset email

# Messages. These need to be whole sentences and grammatically correct. #

# General
fiddle=Hoe kom je hier nou weer? Probeer de boel niet te verkloten!

# User
# moet je account valideren voordat je kunt inloggen. Check je email. hebben jou een validatie mail gestuurd om je email adres te valideren.
user.invalid=Deze gebruiker/wachtwoord combinatie bestaat niet.
user.loggedin=Je bent succesvol ingelogd
user.loggedinalready=Je bent al ingelogd
user.mustlogin=Je moet ingelogd zijn voor de functie.
user.mustlogout=Log eerst uit alsjeblieft.
user.password.changed=Wachtwoord veranderd
user.profile.updated=Profiel geupdate.
user.welcome=Welkom! e-mail adres is al geregistreerd. e-mail adres.
user.password.nomatch=Wachtwoorden zijn niet gelijk.
user.password.tiny=Wachtwoord te kort (min: %length%)
user.username.exists=Deze gebruikersnaam bestaat al.
user.username.invalid=Onbruikbare gebruikers naam (alleen letters, underscores en dashes toegestaan).
user.username.huge=Gebruikersnaam te lang (max: %length%).
user.username.tiny=Gebruikersnaam te kort (min: %length%).

user.validation.subject=%hostname% email confirmatie aanvraag.
user.validation.resent=Stuur de conformatie email nog een keer.

user.reset.invalidlink=Onbruikbare wachtwoord link.
user.reset.getvalidlink=Probeer een buikbare te krijgen.
user.reset.sent=Wachtwoord reset email verstuurd.
user.reset.subject=%hostname% wachtwoord reset aanvraag.
user.reset.notfound=Email adres kon niet gevonden worden.

user.change.wrongoldpw=Fout oud wachtwoord.

# FileDispatcher
package.notfound=Deze file is gedelete door de eigenaar.
file.notfound=Onbekende file met id %id% en extensie %extension% in data opslag genaamd %datastorage%.

# Packages
package.uploaded=Jouw file is succesvol geupload
package.processing=De server zal nu jouw file processen. Wij zullen je op de hoogte houden. Wordt vervolgd.
package.abortlogout=Gebruik is uitgelogd terwijl de file aan het uploaden was.
package.void=Geen file geupload!

# Comments
comment.empty=Het opmerkingen formulier is leeg.
comment.huge=Opmerking te lang (max toegestane lengte: %length% tekens).
comment.created=Opmerking geplaatst.

# Ratings
rating.created=Beoordeling ingediend.
rating.invalid=Ongeldige beoordeling.
rating.alreadyrated=Je hebt deze applicatie al eerder beoordeeld.
rating.mustlogin=Om een applicatie te beoordelen moet je ingelogd zijn.

# Filters
filters.version.conflict=Meerdere %versionfield% versie beperkingen gespecificeerd.
filters.invalid=Foutieve filter.

# Validation
validation.application.missing=De PXML file bevat geen apllicatie informatie!
validation.title.missing=Er is geen titel gespecificeerd in de PXML!
validation.title.noenus=Er is geen engelse (en_US) titel!
validation.description.missing=Er is geen omschrijving in de PXML gespecificeerd!
validation.description.noenus=Er is geen engelse (en_US) omschrijving!
validation.category.missing=De PXML bevat geen categori U+00EB n!
validation.category.nameless=Er is een naamloze categorie in de PXML.
validation.version.onlyone=Er mag maar 1 versie nummer in de PXML staan!
validation.osversion.toomany=Er zijn teveel OS versies aanwezig in de PXML! zijn teveel auteurs aanwezig in de PXML!
validation.string.lang.missing=Een gelocaliseerde string mist een lang atribuut!
validation.string.lang.invalid=Ongeldig lang atribuut %lang%!
validation.string.empty=Een gelocaliseerde string mist tekst in de PXML!
validation.version.invalid=Ongeldige %versionfield% versie nummer in de PXML.
validation.version.noint=Ongeldige %versionfield%, Moet een integere waarde bevatten!

html.addapps=Om nieuwe applicaties toe te voegen moet je een PND file maken
html.addinfo=Je hoeft slechts de PND file up te loaden; wij zorgen dat alle details ingevuld worden voor jou. Nadat je de file hebt geupload halen wij alle informatie uit de PXML.xml file. daarom vragen wij om zoveel mogelijk data in te vullen en de PXML standaard te volgen.
html.newuser=Vul alstjeblieft alle onderstaande informatie in om een account aan te maken.
html.resetmail=Deze pagina helpt bij het sturen van een wachtwoord reset email.

# XHTML. This XML *must be valid* to avoid crashes. #
# Every entry that is supposed to be parsed as XML needs to start with "%%". #
# E.g. "html.m=<b>m</b>" will display "<b>m</b>" to the user, while #
# "html.m=%%<b>m</b>" will display "m" in bold to the user. #

# Internal
validation.pxmlnotfounderror.title=%filename% bevatte geen pxml file.
validation.pxmltruncatederror.title=%filename% mist een </PXML> tag.
validation.xmlsyntaxerror.title=%filename% bevat onjuiste pxml date.
validation.pxmlsyntaxerror.title=%filename% bevat onjuiste pxml opmaak.
validation.pnginvaliderror.title=%filename% heeft een ongeldige preview afbeelding.
validation.pxmlsyntaxwarning.title=%filename% heeft minor issues.
validation.added.title=%filename% is gevalideerd en toegevoegd.
validation.pxmlnotfounderror.body=%%<p>De file bevatte geen <em>PXML</em> metadata.</p><p>Lees <a href="">De PXML specificatie</a> voor meer informatie.</p>
validation.pxmltruncatederror.body=%%<p>De <em>PXML</em> eindigd zonder een afsluitende &lt;/PXML&gt; tag, daardoor kunnen hem <em>niet</em> uploaden.</p>
validation.xmlsyntaxerror.body=%%<p>De error was:</p><code>%error%</code><p>Lees <a href="">De PXML specificatie</a> voor meer informatie.</p>
validation.pxmlsyntaxerror.body=%%<p>De error was:</p><code>%error%</code><p>Lees <a href="">De PXML specificatie</a> voor meer informatie.</p>
validation.pnginvaliderror.body=%%<p>Er is een blok data met een <em>PNG</em> header na je <em>PXML</em> file. We hebben geprobeerd de afbeelding te openen maar het lukt niet.</p>
validation.pxmlsyntaxwarning.body=%%<p>De file was niet helemaal correct. Het systeem geeft de volgende error aan:</p><code>%error%</code>
validation.added.body=%%<p>Deze applicatie was al aanwezig.</p>

# External
html.loginmsg=%% <lift:Menu.item name="UserLogin">Log in</lift:Menu.item> Om opmerkingen, beoordelingen, etc. te plaatsen!
html.loginview=%%Je bent niet ingelogd. <lift:Menu.item name="UserLogin">Log in</lift:Menu.item> of <lift:Menu.item name="UserCreate">Registreer</lift:Menu.item> om gebruikers paginas te bekijken.

here is a dutch version of the file please correct me fellow dutchies

I dont know how UTF-16 works so some please put it correct in this entry

validation.category.missing=De PXML bevat geen categori U+00EB n!
Bosbeetle said:
<<wall of paste>>

here is a dutch version of the file please correct me fellow dutchies

I dont know how UTF-16 works so some please put it correct in this entry

validation.category.missing=De PXML bevat geen categori U+00EB n!
Thanks a bunch; the language is now available. Everyone from the Netherlands, rejoice!
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dflemstr said:
Bosbeetle said:
<<wall of paste>>

here is a dutch version of the file please correct me fellow dutchies

I dont know how UTF-16 works so some please put it correct in this entry

validation.category.missing=De PXML bevat geen categori U+00EB n!
Thanks a bunch; the language is now available. Everyone from the Netherlands, rejoice!

hopefully dutch does sound awfully silly :D On first glance it looks okay I might want to change some little thingies but now it reflects the english version.

(w00t the first time I really contributed to something)
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Quick update: The repository file has better headers now, loads in 2 milliseconds and supports HEAD requests. Hoping to optimize the rest of the web application as thoroughly soon.