The Best Hb?


aka kapakux89
iv never rlly used my 2x for homebrew, just the odd game as i am more into emulation. but now i feel like playing some new nd original games

so what are the best homebrew games on the gp2x?
Personally, I've been playing Waternet a lot. And GP Ladykiller and Vektar are always keepers for me. I keep a lot of homebrew in NAND so that if I accidentally grab my GP2X without the SD card in it I'll still be able to game after I rush to the toilet. Oh, and Protozoa by Ruckage... simple but addicting.

two new ones that are good are blockdude and tecnoballz. s-tris 2 is a good tetris clone, flubopoyo and amoebax are good puyo puyos, ghostpix is great...egoboo is the best 3d homebrew by far (most are tech demos actually, except for payback which is commercial). tilematch is great, so is beats of rage.
nickspoon said:
Spout! :wub:
Yeah! Spout was one of the first games I played when I got my GP2X. I had to stick it in the nand since I didn't have an SD card at the time... It will now forever be there. ^_^
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