The Best Games Per Genre To Play On Pandora

Mr Wendal

Still Fresh
Aug 28, 2008
I thought it would be nice to make a list, one game per genre, of the games you wanna play the most on pandora. Look at my list and maybe you`ll discover some gems to hunt down before the pandora is released, post your own so I can do the same...

Let the sharing begin!

2D Shooter (ie metal slug etc) - Shock Troopers (Arcade)
Basically it`s an isometric smashTV like shooter

3D Space flight shooter - Tie Fighter (DOS)

Beat-em-up - Streets of Rage 3 (Mega Drive/Genesis)
I`ve played this to death but don`t really know any other good beat-em-ups ... any suggestions?

Driving - Gran Turismo 2 (PSX)

Fighting - Street Fighter III Third Strike (Arcade)
If they get CPS3 working, otherwise maybe I`ll finally give KOF a go

First Person Shooter - Quake 2 (Linux port)
I don`t wanna play arena deathmatch shooters without a mouse, but single player is ok ... any more suggestions?

Platforming - Umihara Kawase (SNES)
I don`t like traditional platformers much ... this is a puzzle platformer, like Bionic Commando without guns and Americans

Point-and-click Adventure - Dark Seed (DOS)
Dark Adventure game based on art by Aliens surrealist HR Geiger, there`s also Dark Seed 2

Puzzle - Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo (Arcade)

RPG - Secret of Mana (SNES)
I like hack and slash action RPG`s ... any suggestions? Can`t find many for pandora

Rythym - uh ... Frets on Fire? (Linux)

Shoot-em-up - Zed Blade (Arcade)
Wins my shmup award becase it`s horizontal like the pandora`s screen, and has the best techno music of any shmup ever

Turn-based strategy - Master of Orion (DOS)
I never played it back in the day, but recently got into modern games in the genre so I wanna check it out

Genre defying game - Xmoto (Linux)
It`s a platforming puzzle motorbike game ... it`s fun as hell and addicting as crack. Go play it.

Show me yours!
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virtua fighter 3tb is a very good game. I suppose we won't see that until pandora 2. for now I'm sticking with streetfighter alpha 3 for Psx.
What are the best Dos Box games people play? Will Pandora be able to play all of the games the same as the pc version?
I think Zdoom more neat that quake 2. It also have giant amount of aviable mods, wads and monsters :).
3D space flight shooter - Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (N64)


Beat-em-up - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time (Arcade)
USB hub + Joypads + TV-Out = <3


Driving - Road Rash (PSX)
One of my all-time favorites... KILLER SOUNDTRACK...


Fighting - Super Smash Bros. (N64)
Again... multi-player goodness

First Person Shooter - GoldenEye 007 (N64)
I bet this would make the Pandora choke with four players :)

Platforming - Super Mario World (SNES)
Of course :)

Point-and-click Adventure - Journeyman Project series (PC)
The only point-and-click games I've ever really gotten into. I'm not entirely sure I'll be able to run it on the Pandora, but with the first two only requiring a 33Mhz processor, one can hope?


Puzzle - Yoshi's Cookie (SNES), Pokemon Puzzle League (N64), Tetris & Dr. Mario (SNES)
You can never have enough of these guys :)

RPG - Earthbound (SNES)
I've beaten this game more times than I can remember, yet I still play it all the time.

Rhythm - Stepmania (Linux)
I could see myself playing this a lot on my Pandora.


Genre-defying - Grand Theft Auto 2 (PSX)
It's a shooter, it's a racing game, it's a murder training tool for children! Pure... Awesome...

Ooh i forgot

Sports - NHL94 (Mega Drive/Genesis)

Hell, yeah, I`d almost forgotten about road rash. I love soundgarden.
Rogue Squadron would be awesome too if they get N64 emulation working.
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I've got a few. Hope nobody minds a slightly lengthy list. :P The links point to screenshots - a handful of pictures were snapped by myself, one was borrowed from AGTP, and the rest were borrowed from VGMuseum.

Platforming (My favourite genre. :P This is just a tiny selection, in order to save on space.)
Mega Man 8 (PSX) (It may be worth tracking down a copy of the Japanese version, if you can't stomach the English acting. :P)
Mega Man X (SNES)
Strider (Arcade, CPS1)
Klonoa - Door to Phantomile (PSX)
Jazz Jackrabbit (MS-DOS)
Sonic CD (Mega CD)

3D Space Shooter
Star Fox (SNES)
Star Fox 2 (SNES) (Bear in mind that it's necessary to apply the AGTP English patch in order to fix some bugs that exist in the release candidate as it was when it was compiled from source.)

Vertical Shooter
1942 (Arcade)

Sidescrolling Brawler
Final Fight (Arcade, CPS1)
Captain Commando (Arcade, CPS1)

Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Arcade, CPS1)
Rockman 2: The Power Fighters (Arcade, CPS2)

Wild ARMs (PSX)

Three Wonders (Arcade, CPS1)
I again voice my support for a StepMania port. Pop*Candy + All my favorite Songs + a USB Pad = a ton of confused people in an airplane.
Mr Wendal said:
2D Shooter (ie metal slug etc) - Shock Troopers (Arcade)
Basically it`s an isometric smashTV like shooter
(just for pedantic fun:) I've seen this referred to as isometric before, but it's not. Isometric games have a diagonal axis to simulate depth, see here:

Shock Troopers is, hmm, a 3/4 top-down vertically scrolling shooter, like Ikari Warriors with a tilted horizon.

Bloody great game too.
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