The After. Talking about the competition.

So, i voted for myself, then Schwerkraft, then cpuVextor.

They are not big projects, but they are pretty consistent. They don't kill nubs, are fun to play, nice graphics, out-of-ordinary. Very polished.

So why did i not vote for the winner ones like most of us ? Was not a machiavelic plan. Otherwise i'd have voted 3 times for me ^^.

QEMU is huge, the amount of user-friendly work is awesome too. But it was not possible for me to vote for this project because QEMU and and AQEMU are part of the 200 packages i compiled for SL4P ^^.

PND Manager. Oh lord, why this hasn't be done before ? It rocks. It kicks asses. But from my voter pov, it installs pnds. PND store can do it. I can do it, manually downloading the pnd, putting them on a card.

Hurrican. Great to play, but not my style.

It's my voter pov.

As a community member, all 25 entries here are great, and very motivating to fight with ^^.

Thanks all, thanks ED for these monthes of fun.
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thanks for all who participated in the voting, its great to see interest in the project.

I'll keep working on my project, lot of things to do under the hood until a next release so it might be a little while, don't worry.

I'm offering we skip my entry in the prize awards (give prizes down to 8th place)

right now, on my person, I have 2 SD cards in one pocket a microSD in another pocket, 2 in my suitcase, 1 in my car's ashtray, and 7 or 8 at home all over the place :D

( I'm not making this stuff up )

the 6th place ranking is award enough :p

PS: however if my Pandora could somehow escape from first-batch-limbo, that'd be friggin awesome.
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It kills me not being able to vote for any of the entries! But thank you all the same to everyone who put in all that hard work and entered the contest. It makes the expectations all the better!

Now, if possible, don't be shy about porting your games to the Wiz/Caanoo. I'm sure no one over there would hold it against you. ;)
Wow, that was exciting! I really didn't expect PND Management suite to run neck in neck for the win. Huge thanks to everyone who voted! For my part I'll continue working on PNDManager on the side (I've practically been doing two jobs during the compo :p ).

Congratulations to all the winners! This was a tough vote, so I picked those I spent most time playing with. Many of the entries would've ranked better in another setting.

Hooray for QEmu!
Hey everyone!

I congratulate the winners! ED, thank you for the compo. I wish you a clouds less sky for Pandora & its successors. You have a nice international community here. B)

This competition is very useful for the Pandora Scene.

Have nice summer. ;)
Woah 8th?

I didn't expect Wicket to get that many votes, thank you guys! Development was a bumpy road and I'm really happy that was my first public release ever pleases more than just my girlfriend :D
congrats to the winners and thanks to everyone who entered for all your hard work!

I haven't tried out ALL the entries yet but I WILL!

keep up the good work guys, after all you are what makes the pandora awesome! :)
voted PNDManager 1st, Hurrican 2nd, Barbecue 3rd.

congratulations to all the winners and whiners
So~ah - when will all those pieces of awesome be uploaded to the repo?
i think the compo should be divided in categories..


original entry

non-PND. it's not possible compare original entry made from scratch with port (i dont say that for my position. but for justice)

I Vote for remake the poll!

and only 1 vote at person..
i think the compo should be divided in categories..


original entry

non-PND. it's not possible compare original entry made from scratch with port (i dont say that for my position. but for justice)
Wouldn't that mean tripling the prizes too? Or how would the category winners divide the first prize?

and only 1 vote at person..
Why? It's hard enough to only award three entries with points. With one vote per person all the voters could think of some entry as the second best and it would get zero votes. How's that fair? Also if there's one super popular entry it gets nearly all the votes and the others compete on noise.
Imho, that was fair.

That said, ED shoulda have explained more clearly we can put all three votes on the same entry.
the voting should have been longer, i missed out on voting :(

in fact who actually are the winners? or de we have to calculate that ourselves? :)
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