Test the keymat!

You are assuming it will be done before your bike tour?
No, I leave on Monday, I was thinking I could get one while on my trip. If the Pyra can use Blender for basic video editing I'd sell use my credit card to buy it and then sell my computer where ever I was to pay my credit off. I'd just need to stay in a hotel for a week or two so I'd have a shipping address.

If it just isn't fast enough I'll still get one when I get home though. The Pandora is my second favorite handheld. . .
No, I leave on Monday, I was thinking I could get one while on my trip. If the Pyra can use Blender for basic video editing I'd sell use my credit card to buy it and then sell my computer where ever I was to pay my credit off. I'd just need to stay in a hotel for a week or two so I'd have a shipping address.

If it just isn't fast enough I'll still get one when I get home though. The Pandora is my second favorite handheld. . .

If you haven't already ordered one, I don't see how it would be possible for you to get one on your trip.

The Pyra is still 2-6+ months out from mass production. I'm not sure of the exact - nobody is.
There are over 1000 units currently in the queue. Once mass production starts, they -might- ship 200 per week. An order placed today would logically be shipped at mass_production_start_date + 5 weeks or further out. A new order today could expect delivery sometime after 3.5 months. How much after - no idea.

After mass production starts and units arrive in users hands and the "risk" of pre-ordering is diminished, there may be a significant number of additional orders. Waiting for these to be 'in stock' and ready for 'immediate shipment' could be 3-6 months after mass production starts as additional orders could push the queue for some time.

The net of it is - unless you're riding around the world and haven't placed an order yet, from a practical viewpoint, you're unlikely to need to worry about getting a Pyra during your upcoming bike ride.
If you haven't already ordered one, I don't see how it would be possible for you to get one on your trip.

The Pyra is still 2-6+ months out from mass production. I'm not sure of the exact - nobody is.
There are over 1000 units currently in the queue. Once mass production starts, they -might- ship 200 per week. An order placed today would logically be shipped at mass_production_start_date + 5 weeks or further out. A new order today could expect delivery sometime after 3.5 months. How much after - no idea.

After mass production starts and units arrive in users hands and the "risk" of pre-ordering is diminished, there may be a significant number of additional orders. Waiting for these to be 'in stock' and ready for 'immediate shipment' could be 3-6 months after mass production starts as additional orders could push the queue for some time.

The net of it is - unless you're riding around the world and haven't placed an order yet, from a practical viewpoint, you're unlikely to need to worry about getting a Pyra during your upcoming bike ride.
Hmm, I might not be making myself clear. I know I won't have one for my trip, I realize It is a few months out from being shipped, but when I get to say Panama if it is ready and one of the devs or owners can confirm that it can edit video I'll order it from Panama and rent a hotel/motel room for a few weeks so I have a shipping address. When I get my Pyra I would sell my notebook for money to pay off the credit card I used to order the Pyra. I'm only using Panama for an example btw, I actually checked import tax in Latin American countries and a few are tax free but can't remember those off the top of my head. Like I said, the convenience of being able to charge the Pyra with a power bank and the weight/space savings is worth the inconvenience of living somewhere for a while to have a shipping address.

As far as the right time to order it I might talk to ED, order it and have him hold it so I can find a place to stay and then give him the address.

However, if the Pyra can't edit video I will still order one when I arrive back in the Untied States after my bicycle tour because my Pandora is my second favorite handheld console and this is basically a huge upgrade. I think I will be between 18 months and 2 years on my tour so it will be done by then.
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However, if the Pyra can't edit video I will still order one when I arrive back in the Untied States after my bicycle tour because my Pandora is my second favorite handheld console and this is basically a huge upgrade. I think I will be between 18 months and 2 years on my tour so it will be done by then.

18 months to 2 years on a bike through foreign lands? Sounds like an amazing trip!

Also sounds like an expensive trip - even if camping. Whatever tent you have will likely need replaced in 6-8 months of continuous use. Bike parts wear out - tires, tubes - bearings will need repacking periodically. Very few places allow free camping anymore. National parks used to be the exception, but they have become corporate run campgrounds these days. Small town parks will frequently allow Boy Scout troops to camp a night - with permission gained weeks in advance from the local authorities. And that is just in getting through the US. Just finding a 'legal' place to sleep along the way could be a challenge.

You have quite the an adventure ahead of you! If you're going to be blogging your way through, maybe put a link to the blog in your signature here so the rest of us can follow along?
Oh wow, that sounds like an amazing adventure. I can imagine that a Pyra would be a fantastic travel companion for such a trip.
Yeah, I think it would be awesome to have a Pyra on my trip, but it would need to replace another electronic piece of kit and I don't think it would replace my phone as I need a waterproof device to be my maps so a notebook capable of editing videos on Blender is the only thing it could replace.

As far as my bicycle tour itself I'll just go until I run out of money. I hope to make it to Guatemala so I can say I made it through at least one country, Mexico.

To help with the finances I'm going to offer some rewards like I'll host live streams when I get to the cities and for $5 you can participate, for $10 a month the live streams and I'll send a monthly handwritten postcard from what ever country I'm in unless it a country is between postcards in that case you'll get two. For $1 or more given through vid.me will get ad-free video viewing (vid.me doesn't have ads) and I'll post extra content there. I'll have both patreaon and vid.me set up but I prefer people give through vid.me, I'd rather give 5% of my donations to a fledgling video site than a mammoth donation site. I'll also offer the same perks through direct paypal donations. I'm also posting affiliate links in the descriptions of my videos, I get 10% if you click them and buy something. Anything also, not just what the link is to, so if you click my affiliate link I get 10% of whatever you order from Amazon for 24 hours and it doesn't cost you anything.

Traveling by bicycle is the cheapest way to travel so I'll just see how it goes. I'm also going to Latin America, it is cheap so my money will stretch and a little bit of funding will go a long way.
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Wow, so my video is just under 50 min, I have it all pasted together and am just putting overlays on, like screen resolution and pictures of handhelds I've had and such, it should be up tonight. Gopro corrupted a file, the end of part one, so I just put part one and part 2 together.
Be safe @second exodous , I would worry about gangs and the like.
For some reason this made me think of 1%ers (bikers), then of people that look like really rough bikers riding unmotorized bicycles, and then it all degraded into some surreal drama in my mind.

Bicycle (and other) gangs aside, be careful and make the most of it.
Alright, it is rendering as I type this, it turned out to be 45:57 so quite a long video. I ramble on quite a bit and probably should have done an unboxing, played around with the Pyra, did research, and then did an overall impression video. Oh well, it is what it is. I'm still learning new things on Blender and to make this video I had to import images for the first time and used a 'transform' layer to resize them. I apparently did not know the correct way to save as a PNG in Inkscape, learned how to export an image and have the transparent layer intact. So anyway making this video helped me learn to use Blender better.

Here it is! I know there are a few mistakes and I say 'um' a little much and weird pauses, and I say 'everything south of Brazil and that includes South America' but I meant to say Mexico there not Brazil, sorry for that. This is also my 5th video I have ever edited so it isn't professional by any stretch of the imagination. No one is really watching my videos yet, let me know what you think of my editing and consider watching some of my others and possibly maybe thumbing them up? Oh yeah, and comment, that helps it be suggested somehow. I haven't advertised my channel at all, even on my FB page.

For a few hours the quality will suck, I uploaded 1080p30fps but until it circulates on the youtube servers it will be lower quality.
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I would assume that the left click is on the nub which is not doing mouse movement. The right-click drag is not a very common action (aside from mouse-gestures).
I would assume that the left click is on the nub which is not doing mouse movement. The right-click drag is not a very common action (aside from mouse-gestures).
Off the top of my head I can only think of Blender, a program I have used quite often lately :)

It is used as a slider to adjust numbers, when clicked on a number by dragging right or left it changes the value by how fast you drag. It feels very intuitive actually, I don't know why more programs don't use it. I'm sure it isn't the only program though, just the ability to switch the unmarked buttons functionality would be useful.

Also it just feels like click isn't engaged when moved to the side, I'm not sure by just the feel. And a third click for mid-click is needed anyway, that is the easy highlight and paste in Linux, so just the two nubs aren't enough anyway.
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Yes, the clicks aren't designed to click and drag, unfortunately. One suggestion to enable click and drag is to have left click on the right nub, so you move with the left nub and click right the right (and then drag with the left if you need to). You could even have it so the right nub also moves to mouse, but lets you right click and drag. But that feels hard to describe well (maybe it'd be easier if the left nub left clicked and the right one right clicked, but I feel that wouldn't be as nice in practice actually), so maybe it's hard to explain and learn in action, so maybe something else is better. At the moment, I understand the dev units have the old pandora behaviour of button actions made by moving the right nub left or right (or up for double click, down for middle click, I think), so someone will need to do some work to enable different behaviours.

But I assume someone did some work to make the pandora behaviour work like that on the Pyra OS. No linux drivers I know of do that by default, so it's presumably largely a matter of someone doing a similar amount of work to make it work differently
Woohoo, got 34 views on my Pyra video, which is a lot for me, and 3 more subscribers!

Isn't the GPDwin mouse clicks with shoulder buttons? I don't know, that just seemed like it would be more intuitive than what the Pandora has by default. If the nubs won't work for click and drag maybe have both nubs work as mice, so if you needed to click and drag with the left mouse button you could use the right nub to click and the left nub for mouse control and if you needed to click and drag using the right mouse button you could use the left nub to click and the right to drag? What are the shoulder buttons being used as? I bet nothing right now. I never used them on the Pandora and don't think they had any functionality in the OS.
Yeah, they're already taken for a higher purpose (keyboard modifiers). How easy it will be to configure them to be mouse events instead is left as an exercise for the reader.
Shoulder buttons are mapped to Ctrl, Shift, Alt and Fn.
Oh, I guess those are handy but they're on the keyboard already. How hard is it to change their functionality? Maybe that can be put in the wiki? I was even thinking of having different setups for different tasks, like having special keys for Blender and one for desktop use.

I know someone coded a pnd to switch A and B to mouse click on the Pandora.