Hardcore Member
You are assuming it will be done before your bike tour?I'll get one while on my bike tour if someone can confirm Blender works and if not I'll get one when I get home.
You are assuming it will be done before your bike tour?I'll get one while on my bike tour if someone can confirm Blender works and if not I'll get one when I get home.
No, I leave on Monday, I was thinking I could get one while on my trip. If the Pyra can use Blender for basic video editing I'd sell use my credit card to buy it and then sell my computer where ever I was to pay my credit off. I'd just need to stay in a hotel for a week or two so I'd have a shipping address.You are assuming it will be done before your bike tour?
No, I leave on Monday, I was thinking I could get one while on my trip. If the Pyra can use Blender for basic video editing I'd sell use my credit card to buy it and then sell my computer where ever I was to pay my credit off. I'd just need to stay in a hotel for a week or two so I'd have a shipping address.
If it just isn't fast enough I'll still get one when I get home though. The Pandora is my second favorite handheld. . .
Hmm, I might not be making myself clear. I know I won't have one for my trip, I realize It is a few months out from being shipped, but when I get to say Panama if it is ready and one of the devs or owners can confirm that it can edit video I'll order it from Panama and rent a hotel/motel room for a few weeks so I have a shipping address. When I get my Pyra I would sell my notebook for money to pay off the credit card I used to order the Pyra. I'm only using Panama for an example btw, I actually checked import tax in Latin American countries and a few are tax free but can't remember those off the top of my head. Like I said, the convenience of being able to charge the Pyra with a power bank and the weight/space savings is worth the inconvenience of living somewhere for a while to have a shipping address.If you haven't already ordered one, I don't see how it would be possible for you to get one on your trip.
The Pyra is still 2-6+ months out from mass production. I'm not sure of the exact - nobody is.
There are over 1000 units currently in the queue. Once mass production starts, they -might- ship 200 per week. An order placed today would logically be shipped at mass_production_start_date + 5 weeks or further out. A new order today could expect delivery sometime after 3.5 months. How much after - no idea.
After mass production starts and units arrive in users hands and the "risk" of pre-ordering is diminished, there may be a significant number of additional orders. Waiting for these to be 'in stock' and ready for 'immediate shipment' could be 3-6 months after mass production starts as additional orders could push the queue for some time.
The net of it is - unless you're riding around the world and haven't placed an order yet, from a practical viewpoint, you're unlikely to need to worry about getting a Pyra during your upcoming bike ride.
However, if the Pyra can't edit video I will still order one when I arrive back in the Untied States after my bicycle tour because my Pandora is my second favorite handheld console and this is basically a huge upgrade. I think I will be between 18 months and 2 years on my tour so it will be done by then.
For some reason this made me think of 1%ers (bikers), then of people that look like really rough bikers riding unmotorized bicycles, and then it all degraded into some surreal drama in my mind.Be safe @second exodous , I would worry about gangs and the like.
Off the top of my head I can only think of Blender, a program I have used quite often latelyI would assume that the left click is on the nub which is not doing mouse movement. The right-click drag is not a very common action (aside from mouse-gestures).
Oh, I guess those are handy but they're on the keyboard already. How hard is it to change their functionality? Maybe that can be put in the wiki? I was even thinking of having different setups for different tasks, like having special keys for Blender and one for desktop use.Shoulder buttons are mapped to Ctrl, Shift, Alt and Fn.
Woohoo, got 34 views on my Pyra video, which is a lot for me, and 3 more subscribers!.