Terminal went to quasi full screen - stuck there?


Forum Addict!
Oct 3, 2008
I was trying to re-size a terminal session last night by clicking-holding on the top left corner and dragging down and right to shrink it a bit. It then popped to a full screen Terminal session.

There is no blue bar at the top. No min, windowed, max or exit buttons.

There is a white bar with (File Edit Terminal Go and Help).

It has a proper prompt.

Under the View selection I have:

Checked Show Menubar

Unchecked Show Toolbars

Checked Show Window Borders

Unchecked and grayed out and uneditable Fullscreen F11

Edit-Preferences results in a menu that is way too tall for the screen - and I can't move it around or even close it for that matter. Flipping through the tabs I do not see anything that has to do with full/windowed mode on entry. I'm going to stretch out and call these too-tall menus a bit of a bug.

I can not pull up the OS task bar - I have set it to auto-hide and also tried with auto-hide turned off.

How do I get Terminal to go back to and default to windowed mode? It's clearly saving the settings - through reboots even - so there must be a configuration file somewhere that I can edit to fix this. I'm half considering re-flashing my unit to fix this if I have to - but there should be a less brute force method.

Thank you.
Whew - thank you! There is no way I would have come up with that command on my own.

Is there a list of these known issues and work-arounds somewhere? Searching the forums wasn't any help when I was trying to find this one.

Thank you!
This bug was "fixed" in later firmwares. I think it was fixed as early has Hotfix 6... It's really odd that you actually got it to crash that way.
They made it so if the window manager does crash it starts right back up again. Or at least out is supposed to.

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