[Seemed solved but it isn't ;)] Custom XFCE themes crash terminal


Forum Addict!
Sep 28, 2011
Original Post

I want to use some black theme.

As the dusk theme causes some problem with some programs I run I wanted to check some other themes.

This one looks nice and is better to work wiith than dusk: http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Overglossed?content=74813

Unfortunately I can't launch the default terminal any more witht his theme activatet.

I get:

"Failed to execute default Terminal Emulator.

Input/output error."

How can I fix this?

All I did was this installation guide:

1.Download the file to your desktop
2.Right click the file and select extract here
3.open a terminal and run this command:
sudo cp -r $HOME/Desktop/Overglossed /usr/share/themes

Problem was that some custom theme crashed my terminal.

I met _wb_  on FOSDEM and he told me how to solve solve this problem.

The theme used Ubuntulooks engine we don't have.

It has to be replaced by some theme engine that's installed on Pandora.

Here's how to do it:

1: Open up


2: Change (Line 86)

engine "ubuntulooks"
menubarstyle = 0 # 0 = flat, 1 = sunken, 2 = flat gradient
menuitemstyle = 1 # 0 = flat, 1 = 3d-ish (gradient), 2 = 3d-ish (button)
listviewitemstyle = 1 # 0 = flat, 1 = 3d-ish (gradient)
progressbarstyle = 1 # 0 = candy bar, 1 = fancy candy bar, 2 = flat
animation = FALSE

engine "mist"
# engine "ubuntulooks"
# {
# menubarstyle = 0 # 0 = flat, 1 = sunken, 2 = flat gradient
# menuitemstyle = 1 # 0 = flat, 1 = 3d-ish (gradient), 2 = 3d-ish (button)
# listviewitemstyle = 1 # 0 = flat, 1 = 3d-ish (gradient)
# progressbarstyle = 1 # 0 = candy bar, 1 = fancy candy bar, 2 = flat
# animation = FALSE
# }
3: Save.

4: Reload theme.
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At a guess I would say that the theme installation removed your 'outdated' ncurses library.

Try "ls /usr/lib/ncurses*" and see if you still have libncurses.so.5.0.4 (which should also be symlinked as libcurses.so.5

Edit: or check for it in thunar... :)

- Neelix
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askarus-openpandora:~$ ls /usr/lib/ncurses*
ls: cannot access /usr/lib/ncurses*: No such file or directory

If I switch back to an old theme it all works fine.

The new theme also doesn't allow to chose between those window options (OK or chancel) via tab.

Perssing enter alwasy does the same.


OK, that's strange.

Installation guide says the theme has to go into


In this directory are only the theme of the window manager.

The themes of "Appereance' are not there.

That might be a problem.

Where is the stuff I can chose in the "Appereance" options.

Also strange that it shows up when I go into "XFCE settings > Appereance" and is selectable.

The dusk theme I use is definitly not in /usr/share/themes.

I might have chosen the wrong location to copy the theme.
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oops, I meant /usr/lib/libncurses*

That being said, if that was the issue I wouldn't expect the problem to go away when you change themes. did moving the theme files help?

- Neelix
The problem only occures when selecting the new themes.

Switch back to an old one and everything is fine.

You may follow my link and try on your own.

It doesn't delete anything.

You will simply copy a folder.

I can open the terminal as usual when switching backto  an old theme.

After searching the internet a little I have an other idea.

Might there be a missing theme engine?

I've read that most themes may need a theme engine.

I didn't move the theme files.

It ws the right folder but everything that normaly goes into "Appereance" is named "XFCE-Themename".

I'll try to name it XFCE-Overglossed as well.


Didin't help.

If a terminal is running and I swich themes it shuts down the terminal (only if it's one of the broken themes of course).
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EDIT: ninja'd

oops, I meant /usr/lib/libncurses*
Themes are just a bunch of text files & bitmaps you copy into /usr/share/themes, they're not the kind of thing that could 'upgrade' libncurses.
Installation guide says the theme has to go into


In this directory are only the theme of the window manager.

The themes of "Appereance' are not there.

That might be a problem.

Where is the stuff I can chose in the "Appereance" options.

Also strange that it shows up when I go into "XFCE settings > Appereance" and is selectable.

The dusk theme I use is definitly not in /usr/share/themes.

I might have chosen the wrong location to copy the theme.
On my system, the dusk theme is at /usr/share/themes/Xfce-dusk (all the themes from Appearance have a "Xfce-" prefix). I'm still on SuperZaxxon 1.52, so it might be different for you if you've upgraded.
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Both themes work fine with Slackware.

I just moved the folder from Pandora's /usr/share/themes

to Slackware's /usr/share/themes.

I'm using XFCE on Slackware as well.

So where's the problem with Pandora OS.
Just a note regarding your solution: "mist" isn't part of the Pandora OS - which doesn't have any of the gtk-engines - it's installed by the OpenBox PND.
Didn't know that.

_wb_ uses OpenBox so maybe he didn't know it as well :) .

I found out something interesting as well.

It only smashes xfce Terminal, not other terminals like lxterminal.

I now downloaded an other theme which is much better.

It doesn't have the lines which have to be commented out but also crashes terminal.

Only engine used is "pixmap" engine.

The other themes I downloaded (and fixed with the "mist engine" fix) also use pixmap engine. I only commented out "ubuntulooks" but left "mist".

I don't know id it's really the engine or something else.

Do we have the pixmap engine? Didn't find a .xml in / usr/share/gtk-engines.
Yep. It's at /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libpixmap.so. It's part of Pandora OS - along with libsvg.so and libxfce.so.

I don't think there's many interesting themes which just use pixmap though - so maybe the themes you've downloaded secretly use something else aswell.

Or maybe xfce terminal is only really designed to work with xfce's own themes.