Tell Us Non-Amiga Guys What The Best Of Amiga Are :)

Got to agree with Craig here the Amiga had so many games across so many genres, even with the lists you've got there I still don't think I've seen some of the below mentioned :

F1 Grand Prix
The whole Infocoms text adventures series (nice once the keyboard is mapped)
F-29 Retaliator

That's just with the A500 options, if the emulator gets mature enough for A1200 and AGA support then there's a whole new category opens up.

Plus of course at the risk of opening up old wounds if anyone recommends an ST game in another thread there's probably a better version of it on the Amiga ;)
Two biggies that haven't been mentioned yet: Starflight and They Came from the Desert

Infocom adventures are probably best played on a Z-machine interpreter. One of those will probably be ported soon, if it hasn't already.
Never had an Amiga, but I watch the longplays on Recorded Amiga Games all the time. They look awesome. Good way to get a feel for whether a game might be fun, or to just see how the hard ones ended.

Alex777 said:
Infocom adventures are probably best played on a Z-machine interpreter. One of those will probably be ported soon, if it hasn't already.

Magnetic Scrolls was working on a dev unit.
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WombleGoneBad said:
Appart from those mentioned by other people,
I really liked the Valhalla series, e.g. 'Valhalla & The lord of Infinity'.
puzzles well thought out, and his wee voice is funny.

"It's black and sticky" lol, I played that game for ages, But never did get around
to completing it.

And some more.

Super Obliteration
Alien Bash II
Deluxe Galaga
Wibble World Giddy
Bob's Garden

Liberation: Captive 2
Doctor Who
Chuck Rock 2
Deep Core
Marvin's Marvellous Adventure
Second Samurai
Magic Pockets
Kwik Snax
Hoi Remix
Sink or Swim
Speris Legacy
Vital Light

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Why not let this be my first. Don't have much to say until I actually have my pandora but...

Treasure island dizzy, still remember the cheats. Eggs on legs to be invincible and I can fly to... well fly.
I don't know if Elite was on Amiga or just ST.
Is it ok if I ask if anyone knows if the freeware titles that have been mentioned are still distributed somewhere? Aminet, maybe? :P
RobertJ said:
North and South

(shocked nobody had mentioned that yet)

Oh yes.

2 Player North and South, wept with laughter playing that.
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Apidya! One of the best shmups on any system.

And Silkworm - miggy version was much better than the arcade.
As someone who has never played Amiga, I approve of this thread.

I love the Turrican series, so the Amiga Turrican is probably a good place to start with the Amiga.

*Edit: Oh god. Upon further investigation, it appears the Amiga Turrican is the same impossible Turrican that I could never beat on other systems.
Prometheus said:
Is it ok if I ask if anyone knows if the freeware titles that have been mentioned are still distributed somewhere? Aminet, maybe? :P

Hi Prometheus,

Sadly it is quite difficult to find single sources for Amiga PD/Freeware and
legal games, As they were mostly distributed via magazine coverdisks or hosted
on the authors/publishers website.

There are probably more, But i have found two sites that host a large (But by no
means complete) database of PD/Freeware games, With a fair few legal commercial games
(Offered with prior permission from the copyright holders) available for download.

There are other legal places to download commercial Amiga games, Most usually
the authors/publishers website, As mentioned above.

One such site is Though i'm sure others
will post links to other LEGAL sites too.

Hope this helps.

Rembember guys and girls, Only LEGAL links, If you are unsure or have to question
the legality of a particular site you intend to link here, Then error on the side
of caution, And refrain from posting it, Thanks.

Yep, And as hobbyman has said, Abandonwre DOES NOT equal Legal.

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just to add/emphasise (since people make this mistake frequently)

abandonware <> legal

no abandonware sites please :D

(adds listed sites to bookmarks)

I have an official emulator cd with a fair few games on, but will be adding more legal stuff to the collection too.
If you really want a legal source of amiga adf, you should consider Amiga Forever.
They sell DVD with a large set of games, emulators for windows, linux and osx.
IIRC one of the DVD is a bootable one that launches stripped down linux and autolaunch UAE.

I don't know which games/software the pack contains, but it seems legit.
trooper said:
Prometheus said:
Is it ok if I ask if anyone knows if the freeware titles that have been mentioned are still distributed somewhere? Aminet, maybe? :P

Hi Prometheus,

Sadly it is quite difficult to find single sources for Amiga PD/Freeware and
legal games, As they were mostly distributed via magazine coverdisks or hosted
on the authors/publishers website.

There are probably more, But i have found two sites that host a large (But by no
means complete) database of PD/Freeware games, With a fair few legal commercial games
(Offered with prior permission from the copyright holders) available for download.

There are other legal places to download commercial Amiga games, Most usually
the authors/publishers website, As mentioned above.

One such site is Though i'm sure others
will post links to other LEGAL sites too.

Hope this helps.

Rembember guys and girls, Only LEGAL links, If you are unsure or have to question
the legality of a particular site you intend to link here, Then error on the side
of caution, And refrain from posting it, Thanks.

Yep, And as hobbyman has said, Abandonwre DOES NOT equal Legal.

Thanks muchly, Trooper. :D I'm always glad to find more resources like this. I'll add them to the Legal Emulation Resources list that's linked to in my signature, too.

KodeIn said:
If you really want a legal source of amiga adf, you should consider Amiga Forever.
They sell DVD with a large set of games, emulators for windows, linux and osx.
IIRC one of the DVD is a bootable one that launches stripped down linux and autolaunch UAE.

I don't know which games/software the pack contains, but it seems legit.
I second this. This is, aside from playing them at friends' houses way back in the mists of time, how I really got started with the Amiga.
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I'm also a non Amiga guy, but I've found this Youtube clip some time ago:

100 Amiga games in 10 minutes ;)
Its tough to explain to people what was so good about the amiga... If you were`nt there at the time then you wont ever get it, the fact is that for a long time, the A500 totally ruled the roost. Anyone who feels otherwise is sadly deluded (sorry ST guys, I understand that you loved your system, I do also like the ST). There are some real gems on the Amiga not availiable anywhere else (or at that quality).

It came from the desert 1 and 2
Amazing spiderman
speedball 1 and 2
sensible soccer

Just a short list of some really accessible games... many more are availiable on snes or other systems so i wont waste your time with them.

The truth is though that its the less well known oddball games that make you love the Amiga, games that appeal directly to you for some unknown reason. Often difficult to pigeon hole obscure games with unique appeal that just dont work on consoles (and thats why they will work on Pandora with its keyboard).

Nuff said ;)

(edit) Try some ST stuff too, there is interesting stuff on it also!
Colonization.. a classic i still play
Wings of fury
Ports of call
Railroad tycoon.. Not sure how this play on the pandora though.
Hunter.. Only vaguely remember this game, it was good if i recall