Tell Us Non-Snes Guys What The Best Of Snes Are :)

Star Fox 2 - 3D Shooter - Nintendo pulled this game from release at the last minute. A decade later, it was leaked online and some people finished it up and translated it: Link.

Dragon Warrior series - RPG - a bunch of these were released on SNES. It's the most popular RPG series in Japan.
All I'd recomend have been listed, but this one is the best
Tales of Phantasia Fantastisch. Very popular RPG in Japan, this one has SNES, PS1, GBA and PSP versions, but only the GBA version hit western shores, there's a fan translation VERY well made in case you can't speak Jap. A must play.
Secret of Evermore, Earthworm Jim, and Prince of Persia so far I love.
GunPei2X said:
Oh, and no one mentioned Umihara Kawase?
Yes! This! Put fish in your backpack with a grappling hook! It doesn't get much more awesome than that... :wub:
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This is actually a list all the games you can think of on the snes thread O.o lol.

For me these games are fantastic, although all mentioned I expect:

Terranigma : Action RPG zelda-esc, my fav game on the snes and 1 of the reasons I ordered a pandora, best ending of any game I played on that console
Zelda Link to the Past: Speaks for itself, classic
Secret of mana : All about the 2 player over wifi...???????? :D
Zombies ate my neighbors : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Chrono Trigger : Amazing! recently played this again on the DS, totally recommended
Shadowrun : Good action RPG game with a cool bladerunner/cyberpunk theme
Flashback & Another world: 2 different games but the same developer, Prince of Persia can smb
Super Metroid : Amazing action adventure
Super Punch-Out : Boxing game that never gets boring

There are loads more great games but the above are the ones Im looking forward to playing most ^^
Lots of great games listed! Some that are my personal faves that weren't mentioned are:
Super Adventure Island - Great music by one of the best (Yuzo Koshiro)
Super Turrican 1&2 - I actually like these versions better than my Amiga ones, plus they are totally different and not a port.
Super Aleste/Space Megaforce - Great vertical Compile shooter
Legend of Mystical Ninja/Ganbare Goemon - Just play it. It's an amazing launch title for the SNES. Konami at it's best back in the day
The 4chan list covers a lot of ground. Only good ones I can think of that haven't been mentioned are Jikkyo Oshaberi Parodius and Mario Paint.

Here are the must-plays:

Super Metroid
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario World
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Kirby Super Star
Donkey Kong Country 2
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Oh, I almost forgot Jim Power. :D

Great music, weird graphics (that scroll the wrong way and make you dizzy) and a LOT of gameplay variety (ranging from platform to shooter to top-down). I've heard that it's pretty hard, too. I usually don't like hard games, but I liked this one.

Some gameplay videos:
Level 1:
Level 6:
Esn said:
Oh, I almost forgot Jim Power. :D

Great music, weird graphics (that scroll the wrong way and make you dizzy)

It was in 3D - at least, some versions of it - came with 3D glasses and everything.
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GunPei2X said:
Esn said:
Oh, I almost forgot Jim Power. :D

Great music, weird graphics (that scroll the wrong way and make you dizzy)

It was in 3D - at least, some versions of it - came with 3D glasses and everything.

Seriously? Even in 2D it's disorienting.

I used to play it in DOS a lot. I'm pretty sure that it was the SNES version that was adapted, because none of the other versions have the same bizarre backwards scrolling (sure does make the game memorable, though).
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geise69 said:
Lots of great games listed! Some that are my personal faves that weren't mentioned are:

Super Aleste/Space Megaforce - Great vertical Compile shooter
1+ Also, Tetris attack, E.V.O. The Search for Eden, and Blazing Skies :D
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urjaman said:
Prometheus said:
And if it absolutely had to be a chocolate brand, I know a company that should be slapping their faces and cursing themselves for letting the opportunity to pass them by.
I LOL'd at the idea of some people at this company doing the facepalm :D
I think what's ironic about it is that the Snickers brand is owned by that company! What were they thinking?! :lol:
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