Talk About GTA

My point?  There are certain things that are acceptable to me, and some which are not.

If you get rid of all the wepons like assault rifles, so that someone can't re-enact GTA in real life...then maybe you can have GTA.
Agreed.  It's much nicer in Australia where we don't have guns everywhere about the place.

  • You can still get a gun, but you'd need a reason to have it and an actual license.
  • It's not so easy and very few people have them (in the cities at least).
  • Our government is much less inclined to transmute into an evil oppressive regime and start killing its own people.
  • Much lower murder rate (might also be associated with better social security).
  • We don't usually go around blowing up the rest of the world for kicks and profit.
People do go crazy and/or angry, and if there are not guns everywhere, it's is less likely to turn bad.

Not expecting to sway any NRA members from their convictions with this, lol.
I did miss a couple on the series, I bought the original GTA on Playstation, then the London one, then GTA2, then GTA3 ... then missed a couple and picked up Liberty City.

Have a couple on my Android too but they don't play too well ... I'm waiting till I have the correct Android device then will d/l again, were only a couple quid each anyway.

GTA5 looks like it will be one I have to get though, from what I heard about the scale of the sandbox I'm going to love it. Will be a PS4 purchase eh, I'd better start saving some pennies already
So is it sandboxy enough that I can get my character to be creative and wear rainbows? Or is it only to enable you to spread destruction and discord and just plain be a bad-ass?

In which case, I don't see how it's fun because it still forces me to be and behave in a way that's diametrically opposed to everything I *do* actually support and appreciate.

Even if I could paint the town in rainbow colours I still don't see much appeal - too little sci-fi & fantasy... Far too much like real life and too human. I just don't much like humanity...
No idea, sorry. Though I would hazard a guess that rainbow clothing is a miss on this one.

I've not actually seen much footage of it even, just was a little article on it on the other weeks episode of BLURB, where they mentioned that the maps were something like the size of the previous 3 games' maps combined.

I just enjoy the wandering around, outrunning the police on foot, listening to Lazlow talk on the radio, climbing and walking along the track-sides ... I'm one of those that is happy to allow the missions for ages and just go explore the environment.

*snip*. I just don't much like humanity...
...well, you can always just beat up all humans in this game if you don't like them :)
I played GTA 1,2,3 and never finished one of them. Why? Too realistic.

If I want to have cops immediately on the scene when I punch someone, I could have this in real life. xD

That is why I like Q3A in LAN, it is more of a sport, like virtual nice looking paintball.

My point?  There are certain things that are acceptable to me, and some which are not.
If you get rid of all the wepons like assault rifles, so that someone can't re-enact GTA in real life...then maybe you can have GTA.
Agreed.  It's much nicer in Australia where we don't have guns everywhere about the place.

  • You can still get a gun, but you'd need a reason to have it and an actual license.
  • It's not so easy and very few people have them (in the cities at least).
  • Our government is much less inclined to transmute into an evil oppressive regime and start killing its own people.
  • Much lower murder rate (might also be associated with better social security).
  • We don't usually go around blowing up the rest of the world for kicks and profit.
People do go crazy and/or angry, and if there are not guns everywhere, it's is less likely to turn bad.

Not expecting to sway any NRA members from their convictions with this, lol.
Yep, same here.

In addition it is nice, that here some more classy weapons are able to protect you as well because of this.

I have got several strong walking sticks that differ in weight and speed, a sharp rapier, main gauche and a medieval dagger (more of a tool for me) and I know how to use them and would laugh at a guy coming at me with a knife (if I go to more dangerous places at night, I choose a walking stick or my medi-dagger, it is not too big and quite fast, made of Toledo-steel).

You cannot do this, if there are guns everywhere. I wouldn't like it there.
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TimeSplitters is my fav of those type games ... I wish I still had that as it goes. Been a long time no play.

Wasn't there a new 4th installment of that series happening ... I'm off to google ... I fancy a fix of Time Splitters

Boo... looks like it was rumoured but not happening. Just read about it being released on Wii U but think it was more a 'hope' than anything else.

Looks like might have to turn the old PS2 on for a little reminiscing play of the first one
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Kumaki I swear to whatever supreme being(s) there is/are ( probably my mom or sister :p ) that I WILL NOT EVER ( unless the fate of the multiverse depends on it ) force you to play GTA . That said please don't force others to change their gaming habits ( not that you would ) .
Nope. I wouldn't. But I'd prefer if the game simply had never been made in the first place.Forgive me for wanting to idiot-proff the world.

i just happen to feel that these sorts of games may teach some unstable people that the actions depicted in the game are an acceptable solution to whatever happens to ail them, see?
Life is a race between humans wanting to build an idiot-proof society and the universe building better idiots. So far, the universe is winning :)
Kumaki , I respect you as a human and as a mod , but here I need to justify my need for " asualt weapons " A 1022 with a wood stock , weaver mounts and no pistol grip is just as deadly as one with a pistol grip , plastic stock , and pitcanny ( probably spelled wrong ) rails . The diference is just cosmetic . On the subject of bolt action rifles being more powerful than "assualt weapons" : ( bolt action the kind you don't mind ) most ( there are exceptions both ways ) bolt actions are chambered in higher power calibers than assualt rifles . So yes , they fire slower . BUT I COULD WALK INTO A WALMART AND KILL PEOPLE . It would take longer but the round would better go through armor , better and put holes in people better . We have 2 ak47 diratives in my house . Personally I would take a bolt action for general use . BUT sometimes it is offsetting to move your eye out of your scope to jack in another round . TO be honest I sorta understand the point of of the whole gernade launcher mount , but then you cannot legally buy grenades so ... , but my GOD ... plastic and pitcanny rails are some of the  things in the world for guns . Lighter carry more ammo . Pitcanny rails offer the abilty to switch acesories faster . Hi capacity mags . The more ammo you have the more weight you have stuck to your gun . YES IT IS that noticable .  Pistol grips ? of all the things you could restrict ? THEY ARE JUST FOR a better abilty to grip your gun . having shot both ( and having both in home ) an ak47 ( 2 , actually , sterotypical terroist gun ) and a 300 win mag ( Chris Kyle's gun of choice ) I feel I could do as much if not more damage with a 300 win mag . Why ? zoom in with my high power scope and snipe Bob Piden ( made up pundit ) . Instantly cause panic and still have more ammo . Ak47 : start firing and with hope I hit something ( most toughest gun , but hoover damn its inaccurate ) plus waste all my ammo because I keep pulling that trigger . SURE I COULD kill a whole buncha nobodys with an assualt rifle , but for some reason the feds seem to only show emotion over their own . OKAY I know you hate me because of my last sentence of hill billy redneck rant ( and proud )  but can you name off the all the people at Newtown , or the shooter who were killed ( without googling ) , yet I'm betting you heard he used a bushmaster for his deed ( I'm part of the camp saying the assualt rifle was in the vehicle and that he used pistols ) . Dadun . I think personally he still could have done it with a bolt action . Or a crossbow . Or a knife . Or hell he could have drove in with a bomb in a bucket . YOU are trained to recognize a gun . But You see a guy walking around with a bucket with a ticking noise and you laugh - a lol wtf moment for most people before its too damn late .

Thanks for putting up with my bad grammer , puncation , and spelling hillbilly rant . I get emotional I sincerly hope I did nothing to offend . Plus I live in a rural area where you have to drive through the ton of 2000 only k-12 school to get to the gunrange . YEAH BUDDY . And the neigboring town is holding a raffle to win an ar15 for benifit of their school . If it was up to me I would have mental health screenings tri annually for gun owners , mental health evaluation bi yearly in schools , and a gun safety class in school using dummy guns ( even if you don't like guns you can learn how to check to make sure its unloaded , what NOT to do with a gun , and how to handle one , how to field strip one ) . As a lat note let me say that if all guns were to be outlawed ( not happening ) then sudenly the cartels would have a new source of revunue . I'm sorry to say I'd then probably be good customer . As would plenty of Americans . also you may have heard of defense distrubuted .
No, I don't hate you, 2bit.You have a right to have, and express, a different opinion that I have.

This does not anger me or make me hate you. We just plain disagree.

what gets me angry is when someone steps over the line of just plain having a different opinion...and launching personal attacks.
My point?  There are certain things that are acceptable to me, and some which are not.

If you get rid of all the wepons like assault rifles, so that someone can't re-enact GTA in real life...then maybe you can have GTA.
 Agreed.  It's much nicer in Australia where we don't have guns everywhere about the place.

  • You can still get a gun, but you'd need a reason to have it and an actual license.
  • It's not so easy and very few people have them (in the cities at least).
  • Our government is much less inclined to transmute into an evil oppressive regime and start killing its own people.
  • Much lower murder rate (might also be associated with better social security).
  • We don't usually go around blowing up the rest of the world for kicks and profit.
People do go crazy and/or angry, and if there are not guns everywhere, it's is less likely to turn bad.
Not expecting to sway any NRA members from their convictions with this, lol.
Maybe I ought to consider moving to Australia. sounds more like my kind of place.
Not only Australia has few guns, just about any country other than the USA would do.

But it is pretty good here.
I'm unfortunately in the third country in term of guns/habitant... stupid people's militia...
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The Canadian population has lots of guns and you do not hear from people shooting each other all over the place.

Just as a sidenote.
Kumaki I swear to whatever supreme being(s) there is/are ( probably my mom or sister :p ) that I WILL NOT EVER ( unless the fate of the multiverse depends on it ) force you to play GTA . That said please don't force others to change their gaming habits ( not that you would ) .
Nope. I wouldn't. But I'd prefer if the game simply had never been made in the first place.
Forgive me for wanting to idiot-proff the world.

i just happen to feel that these sorts of games may teach some unstable people that the actions depicted in the game are an acceptable solution to whatever happens to ail them, see?
The thing about "idiot-proofing" the world is there will always be a bigger idiot

Life is a race between humans wanting to build an idiot-proof society and the universe building better idiots. So far, the universe is winning  :)


edit: Ninja'ed by Moxie
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Very Personal and Graphic Experiences Contained Within. Just want to warn anyone before they read it.

(P.S. Sorry this happened to you FaeMinx)

I'm in South Africa and this country is turning more and more into a criminal utopia... I'm getting out of here ASAP!

So far I've been mugged, raped (drugged & date raped numerous times by a sick pervert I nievely and stupidly had as a friend - so my fault, but still), had my car broken into, my house, my staff beaten up, cops threatening me if I *didn't* bribe them, etc etc..

P.s. if you're wondering how I was raped 'numerous' times... I never suspected it was happening untill the last time it happened where he was caught and evidence found... Then over the years all the pieces fell into place and it became glaringly evident he had been doing it to me for a long time, as well as to other people. Only fairly recently did I figure out that he was molested and raped by his own father almost on a daily basis when he was a kid.

I still don't have a shred of sympathy for him. he can rot in hell.

Oh yes, I was also mercilessly bullied in almost every school I went to... So yes I would be delighted to see such activity become illegal...
I have to fight down urges within myself to hunt down certain people and slowly torture them to death, film the process and distribute the evidence with a few left over pieces of them to their friends and family members.

I'm angry because I despise human nature itself. Even good people are capable of the most disgusting things under the right circumstances. I myself, who loath darkness and evil, now have the very thing I despise living within me... because of the hatred and vengeful desires I have to a great many 'sick people' that have affected me throughout my life.

The sickness spreads... From parents to children, from friend to friend, stranger to victim, victim to victim... Until everyone and everything is sick.

If I was any less mature, intelligent, and introspective... I could be out there right now killing people in the most horrific ways.
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Well I often wish we could just get rid of more idiots rather than make the world idiot proof...

I fully support all the stupid looking disclaimers companies put on their products. They're there to prevent idiots from profiting when they do stupid things with products that aren't meant to be used in stupid ways.

(Also, that's how you use their, they're and there if you needed any help with that.)
My point?  There are certain things that are acceptable to me, and some which are not.

If you get rid of all the wepons like assault rifles, so that someone can't re-enact GTA in real life...then maybe you can have GTA.
Agreed.  It's much nicer in Australia where we don't have guns everywhere about the place.

  • You can still get a gun, but you'd need a reason to have it and an actual license.
  • It's not so easy and very few people have them (in the cities at least).
  • Our government is much less inclined to transmute into an evil oppressive regime and start killing its own people.
  • Much lower murder rate (might also be associated with better social security).
  • We don't usually go around blowing up the rest of the world for kicks and profit.
People do go crazy and/or angry, and if there are not guns everywhere, it's is less likely to turn bad.

Not expecting to sway any NRA members from their convictions with this, lol.
Maybe I ought to consider moving to Australia. sounds more like my kind of place.
I'll talk to my people about it.