Suggestions For Gpmagazine-six?


Boris Johnson: Cuddly Conservative
Dec 27, 2003
Stoke-On-Trent UK
I've done this before I know, but that was a while ago and I think it's time I see what you would like to see. There's no point in me writing a huge magaine and no-one find it interesting, so I'd like to hear some suggestions for what I hope will be the best issue yet, and also the biggest.

It's going to have a very Christmasy theme, as I just plain love the time of year, and will have a few articles on Christmas themed games etc.

So far, my ideas/definite things include:
  • Making Your Own BOR Mod
  • The Top 50 Quotes From GP32x
  • The Great GP32 Scams
  • Christmas Themed Games
  • Missing In Action: The Unplayables
  • EDIT: The Rlyeh Interview :D
  • This time last year...
And of course the standard articles, reviews, more interviews etc. Obvouisly things could change, but as I say some of the above have already been started.

So, what would you like to see?
I know I've been pushing this via a thread recently but how about some 8bit computer coverage and reviews with screenies. I'm sure some people think the Speccy c64 Amstrad Atari800 etc are a waste of time. Maybe a review or two and some decent screen shots will tempt them.
Mark posted on Oct 26 2004 at 10:48 AM said:
[*]The Ryleh Interview :D

So, what would you like to see?

WOW :) seing the title of your post my first react was "My wish would be an interview of Mr Rlyeh :)))"

and I'm so pleased & happy to see that's already planned :)

thanks alot :) can't wait to read more of your sooo great mag :)

Edit :sorry for my mistake :(
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Hacking those old roms you're bored of to make new games! (E.g. Mario World)

Whats happened to Blood Cross, Goddess Saga etc..

How to customise KOF91 (add your own backgrounds, music and characters)

Obscure Japanese SNES games roundup you would die to play.

Eg. Sanrio Smash Ball, Do Re Mi Milons Quest, and others being translated as we speak. For example, although not GP32 related, Star Fox 2 is now in English @ Aeon Genesis Other great Japanese translations are available here too and at DeJap.
A homebrew special is an excellent idea. I only discovered GP32x earlier this year and there are bound to be some excellent homebrew titles I've missed. Arcano for example was one I only found when it was mentioned in a thread. TBH when I go to PD roms I haven't got a clue what to download. It's pot luck whether I download a good game or a half finished buggy one so I tend not to bother. Shame on me for that but I bet I'm not the only one. Even one screen shot and a one or two liner introduction with % complete would give a clue.
What about a round-up of all the press the GP32 has got? It's made it into some magazines etc here, so how about showing where it has popped it's head up into the public domain around the world, what they said and if it was fair etc?

Also I'm a designer, do you want some front cover artwork?

BaDToaD posted on Oct 26 2004 at 04:26 PM said:
A homebrew special is an excellent idea. I only discovered GP32x earlier this year and there are bound to be some excellent homebrew titles I've missed. Arcano for example was one I only found when it was mentioned in a thread. TBH when I go to PD roms I haven't got a clue what to download. It's pot luck whether I download a good game or a half finished buggy one so I tend not to bother. Shame on me for that but I bet I'm not the only one. Even one screen shot and a one or two liner introduction with % complete would give a clue.

No need to excuse, I don't think any developer is pissed because you mention his game is still unfinished. ;)
Some % rating or something would be pretty nice, much as the rom reviews, but for homebrew stuff.
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A comprehensive round up of all the firmwares and multi firmwares with guides on how to flash them. I know there is a guide on GBA emu for Mr Spivs firmware but that is a little out of date now, and also perhaps a little over long.
what about some strategy guides for games and cheats for games like homebrewed or even ported like doom or gianas return etc...
ThaFresh posted on Oct 26 2004 at 05:16 PM said:
Do an interview with Pirotic and ask how his cps emu is coming along

Why not do an interview with last year, and ask him when he wants that joke back ;)
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Those who pay attention to will notice that every few weeks there's a few translations for q few oldish systems released. I'd say there are worse places to start than a review of X game/quality of translation/how it actually runs on the GP32.

A couple of surveys across the board could be interesting too... clipboard interview a few of us for different surveys by PM with responses to be kept anonymous. Stick in the most amusing ones or some such. Could work if you can come up with some things to ask.

Oh, and any chance of a repeat of that interview using you and the simple AI bot? Let alone some more double-translating. Both were hilarity in the last issue.

What else....

Perhaps a GP32 design competition? Find someone who's willing to take a GP32 apart and paint it, maybe find a sponsor to pay them a bit, then get people to send in designs for GP32 paint jobs. Winner gets it done free of charge or some such. Maybe. Course, I dunno how many entries there'd be, but hey - might work.

GPCinema Freebies - sources for free movies on the net (including of course, the excellent repository that already exists of pre-encoded ones); say fan animation like the Fanimatrix or King Kong: Don't Mess with the Monkey. Possibly reviews of a few choice shows that you can get hold of and re-encode. Maybe look at the Machinima Star Wars series (A Great and Majestic Empire) or Anna. Or just a glance at a few of the sites available to get such legal stuff from (depends how long you want the feature to last - this issue only or many more to come).

Possibly look at a couple of GPQuake mods as well, given that they're now supported and GPQuake can run pretty quick at times.

I think that's all I can come up with for now - if I think of any more I'll post :)