Stupid Noobie Lamer Questions...


Still Fresh
Jul 22, 2003
Just got my gp32 out of the box i put it away for awhile in and just wanting to know the awnsers to these questions which are probably really obvious and stupid, well mostly :P

1) The gamepad mod on does that require anything to be done to the games to work? i know that playing some games on a gamepad would be really kewl.
2) There was a top dowon counter-strike game on the gp that some guy did for a contest, where is that?
3) Is there a website with all the coding comp entries on? With screenshots pref, i could never find anything on the official one.
4) Manga veiwer, where did that go? I found some kewl web-comics that i want to put on but the image veiwers cant veiw the pics (bigger than 1200X???) so that doesnt work.
5) Which firmware is currently most popular? I want one that looks good but also works well, i had the euro firmware .fxe (the one you test to see if u like it) and that didnt work at all :( but the default one is starting to suck, having to scroll down all the time.
6) Blood cross? What extra stuff does/will the game have compared with the 2nd demo?
7) Can the gp32 emulate 2d saturn games? looking at the saturn specs i would assume it could, just not the 3d games at a decent speed.
8) Which of the official games has an english translation? Im thinkin of getting one, just not sure yet.
9) Which games+emulators suport the RF unit, i've actually managed to pursuade a freind to consider buying one, but the multiplayer was a pretty big feature i thought, i havent experienced it yet though :P
10) What download would you STRONGLY reccomend? Other than emulators since i have good ones, and am hunting down *cough cough, looks around* files to use them with.

Ooh anyone else think that a proper java machine would be kewl? and how about a .pdf veiwer so we can read gp32zine on a gp32 :) actually isnt there already one of them?

Hmmm wonder if anyone has got to this line?????
Ooh dont shout, i love my gp32, just havnt had time to get the stuff i want.
Also on the Area 52 Playable Preview how the hell do you kill the guards? i can only do the sprint thing. looks kewl though...
2) if its the one i'm thinking of i think it was just an engine at the mo but last i heard it is still being wrked on
3) ADIC 2003 -
7) I think the general opinion is no. some ppl like to dream but it ain't gonna happen ;)
9) i don't think any of the emu's support multiplayer yet <_< maybe wrong
1, the gamepad mod for gp32 is at the moment only a concept. not available at this time.

2, I don't know.


4,, not too sure if it available to download anywhere though.

5, I use Mr spivs multi fw, includes gp fw157e, pacrom 0.31b, wind-ups v0.9 and pc-link v1.01

6, no idea.

7, no.

8, I dont think any of the other official games have an official english translation yet, some can be patched and some dont need converting. Dungeon & Guarder, Tomak - Save the Earth, again, Little Wizard and Rally pop all spring to mind as games that are entirely playable, but do have a little korean in the menus ect.

9, no emulators support it officially yet, but there may be a version of gpengine with it soon(ish), as for commercial games, at the moment there is Little Wizard, Dungeon & Guarder, Treasure Island and Rally Pop

10, xrick, myamya, giana's return, doom and puzzle-mix
Well, ill see if there are anymore replies here but thanx to those of yoou that have done. Cant wait for some english versions of some amazing GP32 games...
ShadowHarlequin posted on Mar 9 2004 at 09:46 AM said:
1) The gamepad mod on does that require anything to be done to the games to work? i know that playing some games on a gamepad would be really kewl.
2) There was a top dowon counter-strike game on the gp that some guy did for a contest, where is that?
3) Is there a website with all the coding comp entries on? With screenshots pref, i could never find anything on the official one.
4) Manga veiwer, where did that go? I found some kewl web-comics that i want to put on but the image veiwers cant veiw the pics (bigger than 1200X???) so that doesnt work.
5) Which firmware is currently most popular? I want one that looks good but also works well, i had the euro firmware .fxe (the one you test to see if u like it) and that didnt work at all :( but the default one is starting to suck, having to scroll down all the time.
6) Blood cross? What extra stuff does/will the game have compared with the 2nd demo?
7) Can the gp32 emulate 2d saturn games? looking at the saturn specs i would assume it could, just not the 3d games at a decent speed.
8) Which of the official games has an english translation? Im thinkin of getting one, just not sure yet.
9) Which games+emulators suport the RF unit, i've actually managed to pursuade a freind to consider buying one, but the multiplayer was a pretty big feature i thought, i havent experienced it yet though :P
10) What download would you STRONGLY reccomend? Other than emulators since i have good ones, and am hunting down *cough cough, looks around* files to use them with.

Ooh anyone else think that a proper java machine would be kewl? and how about a .pdf veiwer so we can read gp32zine on a gp32 :) actually isnt there already one of them?

Hmmm wonder if anyone has got to this line?????
Ooh dont shout, i love my gp32, just havnt had time to get the stuff i want.
1) No it will just replace the output of your existing buttons and pad.

2) You mean Bloody Rescue:

4) Resize the pictures on your computer.

7) No, the saturn has two processors running at 29Mhz each, on top of that two video cards and two sound processors running at 23 and 11Mhz respectively. It is impossible to do it at a decent speed even if it is entire made in ASM.

10) Gloop, giana sisters, doom.

The other questions have already been answered.
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You mean Bloody Rescue

No he is talking about bloddy cross. The first demo sucked but the second demo was acctually really good. This game should be out pretty soon and I would say that it's worth picking up when it does. I would assume that it would have more charactors the deom had 2 or 3. The demo also had some online thing which I never used but heard it was buggy so I would assume they would tryto fix that a bit. It should be a great game when its done. On another note if you want comercial software I would suggest gpfight its a great beat em up and gpcinima if you're into watching videos its amazing.
angrypants posted on Mar 9 2004 at 06:21 PM said:
You mean Bloody Rescue

No he is talking about bloddy cross. The first demo sucked but the second demo was acctually really good. This game should be out pretty soon and I would say that it's worth picking up when it does. I would assume that it would have more charactors the deom had 2 or 3. The demo also had some online thing which I never used but heard it was buggy so I would assume they would tryto fix that a bit. It should be a great game when its done. On another note if you want comercial software I would suggest gpfight its a great beat em up and gpcinima if you're into watching videos its amazing.
Reread the question, Bloody Cross is a fighting game, he is asking for the 2D counter-strike game which indeed is Bloody Rescue.
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ShadowHarlequin posted on Mar 9 2004 at 08:46 AM said:
10) What download would you STRONGLY reccomend? Other than emulators since i have good ones, and am hunting down *cough cough, looks around* files to use them with.
Mr Tricks Goldeneye conversion.

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