DivX CAN actually have DVD quality... it needs about half the MBit as a DVD movie.
So if a DVD movie runs at 5-6 MBit, the DivX need 2.5 - 3.
As most movies take about 6 or 7 GigaByte on DVD, you'll need 3 - 4 GigaByte for a good DivX...
BUUUUT don't forget: If you encode a movie, which has already been encoded with a different encoder (e.g. MPEG2 (DVD) to DivX, the quality will be worse... so to get the same quality in DivX you won't only need half the size, you'll also need to encode the MASTER tapes... Good Luck
So sorry, there will NEVER be DVD quality on the GP32 (well... the screen doesn't have the resolution anyway).
So if a DVD movie runs at 5-6 MBit, the DivX need 2.5 - 3.
As most movies take about 6 or 7 GigaByte on DVD, you'll need 3 - 4 GigaByte for a good DivX...
BUUUUT don't forget: If you encode a movie, which has already been encoded with a different encoder (e.g. MPEG2 (DVD) to DivX, the quality will be worse... so to get the same quality in DivX you won't only need half the size, you'll also need to encode the MASTER tapes... Good Luck
So sorry, there will NEVER be DVD quality on the GP32 (well... the screen doesn't have the resolution anyway).