My guess is that they have implemented DRM based on the SD Cards unique id rather than the GP2X's. Makes it easier to sell the game without asking you for your unique gp2x id which everyone can read and change anyway.
Fun thing will be if they included the drm in the kernel rather than a module, then they would have to open source there drm software
Be interested to see how they implemented this... the laziest and easiest way would be to only run $game if the serial number of the SD card matched one in a "known list" ... the easiest attack on this would still be to simply crack the game itself. I do find the paradox of as soon as someone implements DRM, it suddenly becomes a focused challenge for people to break it...
Hmmm, I've just downloaded this and all thats in the archive is the updated kernel. So since gph didn't use any closed source modules, we can now demand the source code to the modified kernel, including the source code to there drm Also, if they refuse, we can sue them
And if they are using the sd card as protection, its even more fun. They can be sued if they don't release the source code, and sued if they do.
Sounds like typical a GPH screwup to me! Every other company would put there drm stuff in a module, so they could release the source to the kernel, but keep there drm proprietary.