Status Of Psx4gp2x Work Being Done :)

Wow GTA is looking good, I think even DaveC would raise an eyebrow at the in game performance there. I wonder how well that would run with 266mhz + ram timings?

*goes to try some psx*
Hmm, the bugs in Tactics Ogre will be worked on. I didnt notice any last I tested, so I must of introduced some.

I also got about 2 more FPS in Wipeout XL by using the GPU assembly routines. They're less compatible though, as the tail lights on the ships are green for instance.

Remember theres a lot of work to still be done on psx4all. This is just the beginning. :)
Crashes part way through the intro. A lot of the text just doesn't appear. Persona 2: Eternal Punishment is loaded with bugs as well. Skips cutscenes, won't progress past the titlescreen.

Also, I know this isn't priority, but it would be easier for the PSX clock changing to be menu driven. You could delegate L2 and R2 to the Vol. buttons, and have volume menu driven as well, which as best my memory recalls would have all the buttons taken care of.
well, I can't see any change in Driver. It may be a little slower even.. Diver 2 is the same. Still, nice work Zod :)
Heres a bishi bashi Special video ------>HERE

I havent tryed much games but i just tryed Gex and im sure that never worked before but it works now :)

EDIT: I made a video of gex and im goin to make a video of wipeout xl when i (ahem) Find it.

EDIT 2: Heres the GEX video ------>HERE

EDIT 3: Heres the Wipeout XL video ----->HERE

I clocked the psx clock to 104% like you said :) but i think that is why the sound got so bad im sure when it was lower the sound was better. But still its great :P
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Those vids look well impressive.. thanks CABBAGES for sharing.
I have always had high hopes for this emulator and it looks like it's definitely getting there.
Well done zodttd, exophase, una-i and whoever else has had input to this.
A 266MHz overclock and interlaced on Wipeout XL makes things look good and go smoothly at 14-15 FPS. It's much more playable at the 12-13FPS mark.
right am drinko !! and i feel like makin videos so tell me a video to makeo !!!! hahaha and still zod where is usb pad support for v43 !!!!! am i just being silly :P

EDIT: What video should i make ? Ishould be able t oget any game!

Zod was that wipeout video not as good as you can get ????
EDIT: What video should i make ? Ishould be able t oget any game!
Rainbow Six runs at an impressive speed and Alien Ressurection looks nice. So you could make vids of them to show off the emulator.

I am interested in seeing how Silent Hill runs and parasite eve 2 was impressive graphically and thinking of getting it so on a personal point of view you could make vids of these.

Oooh Blazing Dragons too.

And as your drinking and can get any game how about Thrill Kill and Virtual Sex :lol:
OIm drinking too
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this is fookin amazing 100000 times better than the psp emulator as the psp emulator was made by 10000s of people for a console that can handle it !!!! . The gp2x is pish compared to the psp but look how fuckin amazing it is at psx emulation !!!!

Come on Zod lets fuck the psp bastards in the ass !!!! im drunk but i love this so i want to make lots of cool videos :P

EDIT: Im sure i tryed silent hill and it didnt work But i will try again !! parasite eve is a game that has never really worked onm this but i will give it a go too :P
EDIT: Im sure i tryed silent hill and it didnt work But i will try again !! parasite eve is a game that has never really worked onm this but i will give it a go too :P
Damn Silent Hill. Make sure its Parasite Eve 2 if you do. i have the first one Im just wondering if its worth "ahem buying" number 2
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@CABBAGES can you make vids of vibribbon,ff7,parappa ? pretty please with sugar on top