Status Of Psx4gp2x Work Being Done :)

haha i just found a game in my room and made it into a bin and it works quite well but i cant make a video of it on youtube coz the game is virtual sex haha.

Did anyone else ever have this game ?
Legend of mana is broken, it worked perfectly on the previous release but now after the emu loads the image only a black screen, also rockman X3 only display the capcom logo movie and in the loading screen next to it, won't load.

i'm using uncompressed bin files.

EDIT: silhouette mirage chrashes the emu, its worse than the previous version.
Thanks... zodttd I can't believe there is a new beta out already... love the new features. Looking forward to frameskip etc...

Tried Hot Shots Golf on it... and it locked my GP2x up on exiting which did not happen with version 071907... I will tinker with it a little more and see what happens. Thanks again for the update.

Update... seems ok now. Must have just been a glitch on my part.
Ripster said:
Thanks... zodttd I can't believe there is a new beta out already... love the new features. Looking forward to frameskip etc...

Tried Hot Shots Golf on it... and it locked my GP2x up on exiting which did not happen with version 071907... I will tinker with it a little more and see what happens. Thanks again for the update.
Update... seems ok now. Must have just been a glitch on my part.

HOLY CRAP I LOVE HOW IT LOOKS! iam getting a cd error with mkt now and other weird problems:[ :[ can someone make a vid of resident evil 2 plz plz

newb question wat program are u using to make this emu?
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I'm not liking the compatibillity with this release, I couldn't even get Abes oddysee working nor resident evil DC
Crap, I guess people weren't following the blog at or read the included changelog.


I'm using new code to handle CD images. Technically there has never been true ISO support in psx4all. To avoid trying to support different ISO handling routines, I just went with RAW BINARY format which is straightforward.


MagicISO doesn't seem to convert to RAW format, though it says it can convert to ".bin".

Converting an ISO with IsoBuster is simple. Open the image file, right click the CD title in the left pane, and choose Convert -> RAW .BIN. Done.

Another reason for choosing this method of handling image files for psx4all is to support CDDA music output which is on it's way in the near future. Not to mention possibly RAR file support on it's way as well as the added .bz support included.
For the rest of those using BIN files and finding errors, I'm looking into possible issues.

shinra: Not sure why your games aren't working for you, I'm going to test them on my end of things. I'll let you know if I find something going wrong.

EDIT: Legend Of Mana works fine for me, check your image files.
haha i just found a game in my room and made it into a bin and it works quite well but i cant make a video of it on youtube coz the game is virtual sex haha.

Did anyone else ever have this game ?
Theres a virtual sex 2 as well which is less of a game than the first one.
The best thing about virtual sex was the mad cartoon at the end
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w00t! FF IV runs now, and its runs very well! It did hard lock on me after playing for 30 mins, but that could have been due to the high overclock, will test again later. but I have to say it runs nice! The first fight scene was almost full speed, imho, and walking around was not too bad either, even with lots of characters on screen.

So, *.img format isnot worlking now?

Only raw bin with isobuster? (i don´t like compressed formats like znx, bz,etc.. :P)
Wipeout XL definitely works. This is pretty much why I'd like to use RAW format, as there's so many different ways to make an ISO and lots of times ISO's are improperly labeled as such. It makes compatibility testing much harder with ISO support. It will be added at a later date.

So for now use RAW cd rips. I've tested and found the following tools to make raw cdrips:
CloneCD's .ccd + .img/.bin files are actually RAW .bin.
CDRDAO outputs raw cdrips.
IsoBuster extracts a image to RAW .bin format.

The only program I've tested to successfully convert my strangely formatted ISO's to RAW bin is IsoBuster. UltraISO most likely won't work either. MagicISO does not convert to RAW format .bin even though it implies that.

Hope this helps.

Finn: If you turn off Frame Limiting in the menu is MKT fullspeed with the 072407 release?
Ultra ISO didnt work for me.Like magic it doesnt appear to make them raw .bins .