Squidgesnes Compatibility With Two Snes Games


Still Fresh
Dec 13, 2005
Boston, MA USA
Hello all

I've been thinking about getting a GP2X since its been available. I love its xvid support and emulators. Here's the thing, the only retro games I play religiously are for SNES: Ken Griffey Jr.'s Major League Baseball and Tecmo Super Bowl III.

It seems like SquidgeSNES is the best SNES emulator for the 2X. Would someone be kind enough to test these two games to see how smooth they run? Sound isnt important, so if you need to turn it off so that it runs better, that is fine.

This would REALLY be appreciated. If these two games run well I will definitely be buying one ASAP. THANK YOU VERY MUCH
They both load and run but pretty slow. The best I could get with the baseball game was 8FPS with the GP2X overclocked to 250. The football game ran at about 12-14 FPS at the same clock speed. I am no expert at tweaking this emu and most units are over clockable well over the 250 mark. According to the clockspeed tester mine will do 305Mhz but I havn't tried any games at this speed, maybe I'll try later if I get a chance. If you want baseball RBI works very well on the Sega Genesis emu. Hope this helps.
Is there ANY portable system that could handle these 2 games at a relatively fast speed?

PSP? DS? ............what else is there?
notebook? top of the line pda? :-)
sne sis pretty much the holy grail of handheld emulation, i dont think any handheld gameing system "is there"
does the new "10 fps faster" V0.37 do any better with these two games? Keep in mind sound can be disabled

......................just checking.

I really want these to work at full speed. Very, very badly.

the psp snes emulator is dam good it's worked with over 100 roms i ried and not had a prob and thats WITH sound!
but i'm not saying anything bout the psp here...