Space Dodger Version 1.5


Still Fresh
Apr 3, 2005
Hello! Now that we have the competition results of GBAX2005 compo, I can give you the download of the latest version of my game. If you don't know what is this game about, I can tell you that is a vertical shoot'em up game where you have to be good at dodging too. This new version improves a lot it's speed, has new levels, is harder and longer than the previous one. I want to thank all people at this forum, specially to the ones who gave me ideas for my game, and again a lot of thanks to Quiest for making the files for GP32 and for testing. Don't forget to read the "readme.txt" to see full credits, controls, etc. Here's what's new in this version:

* GP32 is the first system to have v1.5
* In-Game artwork completely made from scratch
* Most of the slowdowns problems are fixed (but there are minor slowdonwns when lots going on
* I have changed the sizes and brighten up the graphics by using painting tools to make them more
watcheable on the GP32 screen
* Full of sounds and music
* Fluid framerate
* Six levels of increasing difficulty
* Game is harder than v1.0 (but still isn't hard, because I don't want to make it that way)
* Six kind of powerups (three weapon powerups)
* Six kind of enemies
* Only for one player

* NEW IN V1.5:

* Now six levels. Almost all in them is new.
* Every stage has his title and his different theme.
* New weapon powerup: bomb missile.
* New powerup: shield.
* Two new kind of asteroids (red and white).
* Mines.
* Baddies are now harder.
* Almost no slowdowns (lot of code rewrite).
* Small bug fix.
* Other minor changes (new fonts, etc).

Download can be found at my homepage :Pineapple Soft
Hi Paul!

Correct me, if I`m wrong, but didn`t you release v1.5 for the GBAX compo? :huh:

EDIT: Yes, you did! :) lol
Yes, but the rules were "don't release anything to the public before competition results" so... this release is about one month old, but I think that it deserved an announcement on this forum.
Okay, nothing wrong with it :D it`s always allowed to promote some homebrew, I think :)

Just thought you may have updated something else and I didn`t notice, since Space Dodger is a constant on my SMC :D
Haha, you puzzled me :)
I checked my archive and both zips were exactly the same :)

Now I know why :)
But nevertheless, it's a good game and deserves this thread :)
Quiest posted on Jul 13 2005 at 06:30 PM said:
:o you confused the evil dragon! lol
Yeah, I noticed that the download was updated. I've tried to follow the competition rules, sorry for any inconvenience. Anyways I would like to hear what people thinks about this update, I don't have any feedback of this version. Thanks in advance
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