I started out playing around with the Fenix source code for a GP2X/32x game called Istappen (source posted at http://fenixonfire.gp32x.de/html/sources.html), testing some music, sound, and graphics loading code as a way to test the limits of Fenix on Dreamcast, and ended up adding more and more features to the code. It's now to the point where it's become a full-fledged, albeit unfinished, game of its own. The original game has the player dodging icicles and grabbing packages as they fall. One hit and you're dead; game over. I've added music (excerpts of my own ambient compositions), sounds, new background and mode7 graphics, other new graphics (all placeholders at the moment), a player energy routine, powerups (energy and lasers only at the moment), a routine to count chains, and some other code cleanups. It's become quite a fun and addicting game in its own right so far, but I've got a lot to add and a lot of work to do to bring it up to my own high standards for a completely fun game. Once it's finished, I'll be releasing it with full source code so that others may learn from my experience. Here's a screenshot of the current WIP:
The game is being written primarily for the Dreamcast, but it should be able to run on any of the Gamepark consoles when it's finished (although I don't know the limits of the GP handhelds; I don't own one). I've got a lot to add to it; levels, more enemies, some bonus features, Quiest and Moogle's sprite fonts code, better graphics, more powerups, and other features that'll make it a simple, yet full-featured game similar to the ones I played in the 80s in the arcades.

The game is being written primarily for the Dreamcast, but it should be able to run on any of the Gamepark consoles when it's finished (although I don't know the limits of the GP handhelds; I don't own one). I've got a lot to add to it; levels, more enemies, some bonus features, Quiest and Moogle's sprite fonts code, better graphics, more powerups, and other features that'll make it a simple, yet full-featured game similar to the ones I played in the 80s in the arcades.