Sound Not Working In Many Old Mame Games


Internal Development
Mar 4, 2004
I noticed that sound in many games is either missing partially or completely. The ones that do have sound it is kind of messed up (poping/distorted).

Some examples:

Galaxian: missing intro music and background sound, ship explode and shot sounds
Donkey Kong: missing many sounds such as jump, walking/climbing, Kong sounds
Donkey Kong Jr: same as DK
Zaxxon: no sound
Super Zaxxon: no sound
Venture: no sound
Moustrap: no sound
Carnival: missing background music, gunshot sound

Does this have to do with the MAME version? Does .34 not support these sounds? Or do I need to have samples somewhere? Does this version support samples?

Space invaders didn't have digital sound = impossible to emulate it, probably the case for several old games. Samples is the nearest thing you will get.

hhmmm... I can here the Galaxian ship shoot Im sure I did.....
Sorry but i removed sample support into my MAME port a long time ago :-(. Games like Space Invaders need samples in MAME 0.34.

About the other games, i know about the problem, and it is due to the sound library i have done for the port. It is a fail in my library... I will investigate about it. Also the sound is no too good now, this is due to bus saturation of gp32 and also to some tricks i did to get MAME working at good speed... I have to investigate a lot yet to get the sound better...

The Palm OS port has sample support. Maybe you could borrow code from there. If it can be done on the Palm I would imagine it possible on the GP32 too. Is Zaxxon one of the games to use samples? Would samples slow things down alot?
DaveC posted on Mar 8 2005 at 03:09 PM said:
The Palm OS port has sample support. Maybe you could borrow code from there.

There is a MAME port for Palm OS? I'm aware of the other classic arcade programs for Palm, but they are not MAME ports....
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dcpmark posted on Mar 9 2005 at 02:00 AM said:
DaveC posted on Mar 8 2005 at 03:09 PM said:
The Palm OS port has sample support.  Maybe you could borrow code from there. 

There is a MAME port for Palm OS? I'm aware of the other classic arcade programs for Palm, but they are not MAME ports....

EVERYTHING has MAME ports, Palms, Pocket PCs, Cell phones, Xbox.
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DaveC posted on Mar 9 2005 at 03:35 AM said:
dcpmark posted on Mar 9 2005 at 02:00 AM said:
DaveC posted on Mar 8 2005 at 03:09 PM said:
The Palm OS port has sample support.  Maybe you could borrow code from there. 

There is a MAME port for Palm OS? I'm aware of the other classic arcade programs for Palm, but they are not MAME ports....

EVERYTHING has MAME ports, Palms, Pocket PCs, Cell phones, Xbox.

Even digital cameras have MAME :o :P
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How good is the Palm port ? Very surprised that runs so well.

I used to use MegamameCE on the Pocket PC for many years, could only really use it the last 2 years because of faster PPC's.

There werent any updates for it and it had some major bugs but it was usuable. The sound on MegamameCE though was also crackly and popping , similar to how the Gp32 mame currently is.

Sometimes the sound can get very distorted but for a fair few games (eg Bombjack) its not that bad at all
The sound in Pac-Man and Mr. Do! is not too bad. The sound in Donkey Kong is just awful though, it is so bad that even I want to disable it. I wonder why it varies so much?
DaveC posted on Mar 9 2005 at 03:45 PM said:
The sound in Pac-Man and Mr. Do! is not too bad. The sound in Donkey Kong is just awful though, it is so bad that even I want to disable it. I wonder why it varies so much?

Yeah i've found a fair few where its not bad, i agree with you about Donkey Kong !

Have you tried any of the different variations ? Sometimes these might have different sounds etc.

Some great games out there i've never heard of before, eg....

Exed Exes - Sounds a rubbish game but its a great smooth shoot em up like Xevious

Pengo - Works very well, a classic

Jr Pacman - Works very well with sound

Arkanoid (USA) - Isnt too fast and is about right. The others are way too fast.

Juno First - Another good shoot em up
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DaveC posted on Mar 8 2005 at 07:35 PM said:
dcpmark posted on Mar 9 2005 at 02:00 AM said:
DaveC posted on Mar 8 2005 at 03:09 PM said:
The Palm OS port has sample support.  Maybe you could borrow code from there. 

There is a MAME port for Palm OS? I'm aware of the other classic arcade programs for Palm, but they are not MAME ports....

EVERYTHING has MAME ports, Palms, Pocket PCs, Cell phones, Xbox.

That's your response, that everything has a MAME port?? Well, a Palm OS port is not listed on MAME's website, although MAME versions for Pocket PCs, some Symbian cell phones, and X-Box are listed on the website. A Google search seems to show only a program called XCade available for some Palm PDAs, but XCade is DEFINITELY not MAME.

Do you have a link for a Palm OS MAME port? I would LOVE to play MAME on my Treo 600!
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Guest_dcpmark_* posted on Mar 9 2005 at 05:39 PM said:
djchk posted on Mar 9 2005 at 05:01 PM said:
The Zodiac now has's called palmMame.

Thanks! Unfortunately I don't have a Zodiac, but it's an excellent start! I hope someone ports MAME to the rest of the Palm OS line.

It DOES run on regular Palms. It is made for regular Palms so it should run fine and if you have a newer Palm it will run faster than the Zodiac anyway.
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Back to the samples, would it be possible to add sample support only for the games that need it or will it slow down every game?
as said, try all the options, I found Bombjack works great with just 'sound on', almost perfect IMO :)