Yamaha's Roms List

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yamaha
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I have been using mame for a few years, I think i know quite alot about it too..
I bought GP2X and tried out many games.. that i do own and i would like to help out the anyone who is into mame.


Shinobi - Missing some sounds voices mainly

Rygar - The sound is poor

Golden Axe - Crowd SFX is missing and some other SFX are missing voices mainly.

Pleiads - The sound is not acurate

Heavy Barrel - The background sound is not acurate - tempo is different

Bubble bobble - The sound is wined up.

Galaxian - The bgm is not accurate

Street Fighter - Some voices are missing

Victory Road - Some SFX is missing

Donkey kong 3 - missing some sound

Wonderboy in Monsterland - sound SFX re-arranged

Rolling Thunder - sound is poor


Xainda Sleena - first round if you use the fast mame it will work now

1942 - end of first round

Donkey kong - will not fire up

Sea Fighter Poseidan - will not fire up

Missing Sprites in game


Twin Cobra



Recommended Roms

Kyukyoku Tiger II - ktiger2.zip

Lightning Fighters - lgtnfght.zip

After burner II - aburner2.zip

Aliens - aliens.zip

Battle Chopper - bchopper.zip

Big Karnak - bigkarnk.zip

Alien vs Predator - avsp.zip

Air Duel - airduel.zip


Most roms cannot be changed back to Mame 34. due to the crc is different you may or may not change the roms using both romcenter or clrmame


1) There is no Test switch - normally used in mame emulator by pressing or holding down F2

2) There is no menu - normally used in mame emulator by pressing TAB

3) A cheat file

4) Add to favorites

5) Sound samples to used - which can support up to 150 - 200 classic games like galaga

6) Screenshots


I am happy to support donate anyone for mame on the gp2x. its only fare

This will be updated. soon
It is well known that sound is not right or is missing completely for many games. Try Donkey Kong or Zaxxon. Missing sound. It is because Franxis doesn't care about older games so someone else will need to get the source and add that.
DaveC posted on Jul 29 2006 at 09:51 AM said:
It is because Franxis doesn't care about older games

Err, adding sample support and caring about older games is the same thing now? If slaanesh is already working on sample support, why should Franxis put time in to it? In fact, why should Franxis put any time into anything if he's not interested in it. Because you want him to?

Seriously, you're a fucking idiot.

What I find the most amusing is that all of the games that Yamaha posted about do not even support samples. Nice one, Dave. Way to derail a thread for your own interests once again.
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wtf? How did he derail this thread for his own interest? And way to go to you all for derailing this thread into becoming another fucking flamewar. DaveC sure knows how to spawn these...
nem posted on Jul 29 2006 at 06:35 PM said:
What I find the most amusing is that all of the games that Yamaha posted about do not even support samples.
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