I didn't get a chance to post this yesterday as I was busy. So here you are, Chapter 5 in all its glory.
The following morning about 10 am.
"Pass me a biscuit Craig" said Goity.
"No can do mate." said Craig. "We're out!"
"Bugger." said Mark.
"Damn" said Goity.
The door opened and in fell Spam gasping for breath.
"Nice one Spam." said everyone as they heaved him to his feet. Removed his pack full of biccies and dropped him to the floor once more.
"Don't mention it." said Spam crawling towards an unoccupied chair.
"Right, so we all know what we're doing then?" asked Mark.
"Everyone except Spam." said Goity.
"Yeah, can someone tell me what's going on?" asked Spam.
"I'm sure Goity can fill you in." said Craig.
Goity grinned and cracked his knuckles.
"Not again." said Spam.
A short time later as they drove towards the airport Spam was quizzing Toxibunny on the plan.
"So let me get this straight. Craig is driving because it's his car?"
"Me, You, Goity and Mark are going with Craig to the airport to fly to Lik Sangs secret HQ?"
"To do what again?" asked Spam.
"To break in and steal supplies of unlit, FLU and old type BLUs." replied Toxibunny.
"So what are Skeezix and Reesy going to do again?"
"Skeezix and Reesy are going to figure out how to disable the BLuplus GP32s and configure them to work for DrMD and Castaway."
"Right." said Spam who would have looked perplexed if it wasn't for the bag covering his head.
"So what is Gimp going to do?"
"He's staying with Skeezix and Reesy because he's too loud to take on a covert operation.
"I fucking well am not you shit." boomed a voice from a couple of miles away.
"I see what you mean." whispered Spam.
"So how the hell are we going to find Lik Sangs secret HQ if it's a secret? asked Spam.
"Mark has an operative on the inside." said Toxibunny.
"Who?" asked Spam.
"I don't know his real name" said Toxibunny "but his codename is EvilDragon."
"Blimey, sounds a bit scarey to me." said Spam.
"Nah, apparently he's a lovable hippy Graphics designer in real life." said Toxibunny.
"Ok you two we're there. Now remember Craig has diplomatic immunity and we are his Aides so we can sneak all the weapons etc through in the diplomatic bag." Said Mark.
"Will we have to declare the biscuits?" asked Spam.
"No Spam." said Mark."We won't have to declare the biscuits."
Meanwhile back at C.O.D.E.R.S HQ Gimp was giving the others a lesson in netiquette.
"Yeah so when the fuckers give you some shit just tell them to Fuck off." said Skeezix.
"Fucking right on Man. Shit you're a quick Mother Fuckin learner man. Shit!" said Gimp.
"Fucking right." said Reesy.
Gimp returned his attention to the Pr0n mag in his hands.
"Well I've finished my patch Skeezix." said Reesy. "How about you?"
"Yep I'm done."
"Biscuits all round then!" exclaimed Reesy producing the tin.
"Bring Bring."
Gimp grabbed the phone.
"What do you want you mutha fucker?"
"blah blah blah."
"Yeah well you'd better not let me see you do it fucker."
"blah blah blah blah."
"Shit man you've got a deathwish fucker."
"blah blah"
"Fuck you dick wad." said Gimp and slammed down the phone.
"Who was that?" asked Skeezix.
"That was mother fucking Blah"
"What did he say?" asked Reesy.
"Hell man I ain't got a fucking clue. All he says is blah an' Shit!"
Squeek went the tires as the plane touched down.
"Eeek" said Spam from within the Diplomatic bag.
Minutes later he felt himself being loaded onto a buggy and whisked away to the Diplomatic bag pick up point.( Oh yeah? well what else are you gonna call it I bet you've never seen one have you? or a diplomatic bag pick up point.

"Is he alive?" asked Toxibunny.
"I dunno. Spam are you alive." said Goity "Take his bag off."
"Bugger that." said Mark I've only just polished off that huge in flight meal."
"Cold." said Spam, shivering.
Craig arrived in the car which was obviously flown over by the military or government or someone at very short notice.
"There you see." said Craig "I told you he'd be fine. Saved us an extra 200 notes too."
"How you doing Spam?" asked Craig Cheerfully.
"Cold." said Spam, his teeth chattering loudly.
"How about a nice hot cup of soup." said Toxibunny noticing a vending machine just inside an entrance.
Spams bag made a kind of nodding motion.
"I've just got off the phone with Reesy and Skeezix. They've patched their software to run on the naff screens so even if we can't eventually get GamePark to change their suppliers back at least some software will work."
"That's very good news." Said Goity.
"What's that?" asked Toxibunny returning with Spams soup.
"I'll fill him in." said Goity.
"Sod off." said Toxibunny I've got Spams soup in my hands.
"Sorry Spam mate they only had Gazpacho." said Toxibunny handing Spam the soup.
"That's ok." said Spam.
"At least you won't burn yourself eh?." said Toxibunny.
"Hurry up and get the stuff loaded." said Craig. "We're meeting EvilDragon in twenty minutes. You stay in the bag and warm up Spam."
Tune in another time for more crazy adventures with Donkey, Shrek and Princess Fiona.
"No Spam i was kidding. We haven't really got Shrek, Donkey and Princess Fiona joining us next chapter."
"No Spam."
"Yes it was cruel Spam."
"No Spam I won't play with your feelings anymore."
"Night Night Spam."