Sorry Folks. It Had To Be Done.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
The typical response. By that logic, nobody can comment on anything unless they can do better.
I don't usually go for the typical "don't rip him if you can't do better" I just think your criticisms were really mean and badly though out. You try to come across all amazing and superior with your commonly one sentence posts. Yet really you just look like a dumbass...
If you think it was shite, say why, criticize positively. We all know you’re clever, most of here are otherwise we’d most probably be out on a street corner getting drunk. But put your thoughts across cleverly. I mean, if you have to act all serious and stuff at least put a bit of effort into your sarcastic and pointless posts.

Also you tell me that I’m an idiot because of my response to you. Yet all of your arguments result in you instantly being the victor, you don’t give people the chance to respond. It’s all about Klown, the full on rebel.
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Why are you people enjoying this crap? People today...

What was the point of that response anyway, Don`t like it, don`t read it. But i guess you in a minority as everyone else seems to be enjoying it. <_<

I`m all for constructive criticism, But that response doesn`t come anywhere near it.

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Tell me about your superiority complex Klown. Lie down, get comfy on the couch and let all the shit out. It does you no good to keep it bottled up. You've haven't vented your spleen for a few days so now's your chance.
Come on let's see your comedic response oh great and wonderous one.
You may not have noticed but their aren't many Klowns about these days. The world has moved on. Humour has changed you can either move with the times or remain a Klown.

Edit: 15 minutes since I posted this so there goes your chance of a snappy response Klown.
By unpopular demand - What needs to be Changed:
  • Paragraphs. Structure is nice.
  • Humour. OH NO SAM FISHER IS STUPID. OH LOOK GIMP JUST INSULTS EVERYONE. OH LOOK JOKES ABOT BISCUITS ALL THE TIME. Vary the inside jokes or limit them. It's like reading the script for Little Britain (oh boy here it comes)
  • It just seems flat and boring. Add more description, more variation in dialog.
  • Nuke it from orbit
By unpopular demand - What needs to be Changed:
  • Paragraphs. Structure is nice.

  • Humour. OH NO SAM FISHER IS STUPID. OH LOOK GIMP JUST INSULTS EVERYONE. OH LOOK JOKES ABOT BISCUITS ALL THE TIME. Vary the inside jokes or limit them. It's like reading the script for Little Britain (oh boy here it comes)

  • It just seems flat and boring. Add more description, more variation in dialog.

  • Nuke it from orbit


1)Does it matter?
2)Little Britains Great
3)Then it would be less like a light read
4)Shut the fuck up no1 wants to hear ur opinion, u lost our respect, u suck :angry:

P.s. @ BaDToaD,dnt take it to heart. he's just pissed cos hes not in it :P
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By unpopular demand - What needs to be Changed:
  • Paragraphs. Structure is nice.
  • Humour. OH NO SAM FISHER IS STUPID. OH LOOK GIMP JUST INSULTS EVERYONE. OH LOOK JOKES ABOT BISCUITS ALL THE TIME. Vary the inside jokes or limit them. It's like reading the script for Little Britain (oh boy here it comes)
  • It just seems flat and boring. Add more description, more variation in dialog.
  • Nuke it from orbit

Finally someone whos shares my passion of being a novelty

when it first came out me and a few friends watched all of it, then when the second series came out (which was shite) and EVERY one started saying "yeah I know" and other such amusing <_< taglines it got old fast

Little Britain isa one series wonder, the first series still doesnt compare to other british comedies like Dead Ringers, Fast Show, Partridge, and Pheonix Nights
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1)Does it matter?
2)Little Britains Great
3)Then it would be less like a light read
4)Shut the fuck up no1 wants to hear ur opinion, u lost our respect, u suck :angry:

P.s. @ BaDToaD,dnt take it to heart. he's just pissed cos hes not in it :P

1) It helps.
2) I'm not even going to start.
3) Detail and variation would make it more interesting and absorbing than the repetetive style it has taken now.
4) Thanks for playing! I'll refrain from posting the PM you sent me.
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