SONY PlayStation 4 (PS4)

Interesting that the Square Enix guy said "these are the GFX we will be striving for on ps4"

Makes me wonder how much of the stuff shown was pre rendered.

Having said that if Microsoft insist on their pricing & gold/silver tier for XBL I'll be jumping to Sony.

We have lovefilm & to watch it or iPlayer on 360 requires gold which is bloody annoying.

Sent from my GT-I9300
That was extraordinarily disappointing.

Apart from being the worlds first unveiling without an actual Unveiling!.

There was nothing innovative about it.  At least the next xbox promises innovation in the form of a much better and featured Kinect etc.  This was just a PS3 with better graphics that doesn't add much.

Not impressed at all.
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Here you go people , the specs straight from the press release


8-core 64-bit x86 "Jaguar" CPU built by AMD,

Radeon GPU capable of cranking out 1.84 TFLOPS.

Blu-ray drive -- yes, it will still have one of those -- spins at a brisk 6X (8X for DVDs) and as mentioned on stage,

8GB of unified GDDR5 RAM capable of 176GB/sec of bandwidth.

802.11n WiFi,

USB 3.0,

Bluetooth 2.1,


optical out

analog AV out
That was extraordinarily disappointing.

Apart from being the worlds first unveiling without an actual Unveiling!.

There was nothing innovative about it. At least the next xbox promises innovation in the form of a much better and featured Kinect etc. This was just a PS3 with better graphics that doesn't add much.

Not impressed at all.
That explanation just made me angrier.  It would have been better if he said nothing.

Frankly this article sums up the feeling I'm having and what I'm seeing on the web.

I certainly hope EB games are kjidding with their $900 Pre-order page for the PS4 ->
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To be frank, being 2013 , I expected a change up, I expected a much needed quantum leap.

Basically the time for simple graphics enhancements to new consoles has reached a point where its not  moving to the next step gaming needs to take.

IMO, we needed to see innovation, like AR and VR gaming with Oculus Rift type goggles for example. This is just more of the same.  It's really disappointing
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To be frank, being 2013 , I expected a change up, I expected a much needed quantum leap.

Basically the time for simple graphics enhancements to new consoles has reached a point where its not  moving to the next step gaming needs to take.

IMO, we needed to see innovation, like AR and VR gaming with Oculus Rift type goggles for example. This is just more of the same.  It's really disappointing
Or just, more games.  We're all still playing Mario Mega Man and Zelda on our handhelds.  I would love for gaming companies to stop fighting over who's dick is bigger and instead focus on having lots of cool sex.  I'd be happy with companies making PS3 games forever, then I'd probably buy a PS3, because it wouldn't be dead in the water after a couple years.  I'd love them to make more PS2 games, and especially normal Playstation games, because we could rip and play those on our Pandoras.  I do like my pretty graphics like I like my porn, pretty, but I can really really love a video game with simple graphics. 
A console dedicated to XXX porn games might be the answer for you Tenka.

Imagine the titles

Anal Apocalypse

Lunar Pumper

and the list goes on.

P.S  Apologies , feel free to delete f you think this is over the top 
You know the 'share' button...

Allowing you to give remote access to a friend, so they can guide you through a tricky bit of the game, even do said tricky bit of the game for you...

...What prevents you allowing your mate to just complete the game remotely, rather than just one bit of a level or whatever?

Sounds like only one of you would need to d/l or buy the game, your mate can then play it using this feature.

Sure that would be prevented, but not sure how.
You know the 'share' button...

Allowing you to give remote access to a friend, so they can guide you through a tricky bit of the game, even do said tricky bit of the game for you...

...What prevents you allowing your mate to just complete the game remotely, rather than just one bit of a level or whatever?

Sounds like only one of you would need to d/l or buy the game, your mate can then play it using this feature.

Sure that would be prevented, but not sure how.

Maybe it only works if you both own the game 

Ah yes, that would be the obvious method eh

Still a nice feature.

Wonder if we'll finally get the ability to change ID like they have on PS3 in Japan.

Not the PSN ID, but the on screen identifier.

Your friend will actually go in spectator-only mode.
Like Read-only.

They said though, that as well as spectator mode, you can allow your friend to actually take control and play.

Allowing them to do the section of level that is causing you problems
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I think it's a bit inaccurate to call the "play while the game is still downloading/installing" a PS4 feature; it's the developers who are going to have to do all the work to make that happen. It's more like a developer feature mandated by Sony.

In any case, I'm just jumping on to the current console generation train. I was given an old PS3 with the Yellow Light of Death, which I've managed to get back up and running, so I suddenly have myself a PS3. As soon as all the heat transfer pads and compounds arrive, I can reassemble it and get me some Gran Turismo 5 all up in my face!

This will probably be the last generation of console that will connect to my 24" CRT standard definition TV. My Alienware laptop already won't.
Watched this 'launch' live, my head nearly exploded in frustration with all the 'social' waffle, but the move to a more PC-esque architecture did get me intrigued. Looks like they're going to woo developers who found other platforms more welcoming, and no doubt the hackers are going to be on this in milliseconds. A console with 4k res output (and FYI Loonie, conventional TV-out still! So say the specs..) running emulators? Yes please. I could live without the native games if this thing could be used for 'other' purposes.

Microsoft, your turn. Better be good.
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Watched this 'launch' live, my head nearly exploded in frustration with all the 'social' waffle
It was amusing to savor the irony of hearing the developers of Infamous lamenting (complete with pregnant pauses) the crazy out-of-control surveillance world we live in where all our actions are spied upon, right after Sony had finished waxing lyrical about how all your playing and viewing habits will be monitored to determine what content to potentially deliver to you.
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