SONY PlayStation 4 (PS4)

Ed should apply for a job at SONY or Microsoft and then work his way up to be the head of the gaming division of either one of them.  He then slowly turns one of  them into Sonyora or Xboxora and makes open consoles.  That would be awesome :)
Sony does not make open stuff. It's against their philosophy. 
WOW, I hope these run cooler than the OG 60GB PS3's. Those things where volcanoes of heat, and could warm an entire room depending on placement :lol:

Said it before, I think we need thermal imaging shots of the next-gen systems playing the same title for the same length of time!

There was a case of a display ps4 (housed in a perspex box with no ventilation) that stopped working and it's onboard LED strip switched to red - but within moments of the box being opened it resumed operation. So it gets hot, but the sensors seem to be kicking in in a timely fashion...!

The removable glossy panel (hiding the HD compartment), I can see 3rd party replacements coming for that - either with additional fans/vents or a bump to house a physically larger HD.
^ Yeah, Sony already announced you can throw pretty much any 2.5" hard drive you want as long it has more than 160GB of storage and it's SATA.
You'd just need a couple of little extension cables to locate it in the lid, if there's some kind of sensor in there to check if a drive is present then some kind of dummy could be inserted - I'd bet there'll be a solution in no time, especially since the announcement that external drives were off the table for some reason.
Run for the Hills!

So, you must be aware of the Call Of Duty 720p vs 1080p war that has raged over PS4/XBox One versions - it was stated categorically that the PS4 version is native 1080p, the XBox version upscaled 720p. Reviewers noted the 'visible differences' between the two.


"Quaz51", an insider of repute on NeoGaf, has posted that apparently the single player mode on PS4 is actually 720p! If this is true, a lot of people are going to have some explaining to do -

BTW, I've no idea how the story has progressed. NeoGaf seems to have imploded with this news, I haven't been able to get back on to follow it!
Unless the writing of the MGS this time is actually solid and serious, I would not be shocked.

Hideo Kojima can always make another snake and add in all the controversial topics he can find on the internet and mash that together.

People will buy it regardless of how many cutscenes will be in there this time around.

On a more serious note, ps4 is pretty powerful for a console, but running VR on that thing is nothing but a dream. It can barely output 1080p at 30 fps.
"Quaz51", an insider of repute on NeoGaf, has posted that apparently the single player mode on PS4 is actually 720p! If this is true, a lot of people are going to have some explaining to do -
Pfft, next you're going to tell me that Monster cables don't actually make digital audio sound much better. :P
I'm not surprised that the media would report that the PS4 looked sharper than the XBone. Two possibilities here: either they were told it was and psychology took over (legit, I wouldn't blame them for this, it's a well studied phenomenon), OR the demos they were watching were rigged and IW was actually showing 1080p gameplay that won't actually be in the final game. In either case IW has a lot to justify.

Or Quaz51 is full of it and everything really is on the up and up, this is highly possible as well. Detecting native resolution from a reduced and compressed video is pretty artsy, I doubt there's a guaranteed way of figuring it out.
Don't the Monster cables use unobtainium or imaginarionite?

Turns out the PS4 review copies were indeed running at 720p, leaving egg on the faces of several reviewers who noted the sharper, more detailed graphics. Activision have announced a day-one patch that enables 1080p native output on single-player mode -

We await updated reviews (!) to note whether the frame rate has been improved too...
Oh dear -

It might be as limited as they say, but it might not be...


I love this comment from SONY -

Be assured we are investigating reported PS4 issues. The number is very small compared to shipped, we believe they are isolated incidents.
My Bolding. Of course it's small against the number of shipped PS4s: customers haven't actually been able to buy and try yet.
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So, did anybody grab a PS4 last night/this morning? Any thoughts or opinions on the system so far?

A friend of mine was supposed to get one, and when I text him last night to see if he was going to get in line, he told me he cancelled it, and moved the funds over to the XBone. So I was planning to check his out, but now I guess I'll have to do so at GameStop instead.
