Somebody Please Do An Amiga Emulator!


Still Fresh
Nov 18, 2010
Whattup fellow retro gamers?

got my caanoo a month ago and cant put it down love the thing.... the emulators are brill .... and im pleased to join this community today.

whats the likely hood of an amiga emulator?.... someone pls do this.. moonstone and swos , ect on caanoo , i would love this.... any chance?

ps im a 2nd batcher 4 Pandora 2!
Please be patient. Even though it may not seem like it posts like these tend to annoy some people. Just be patient. Even If there's nothing posted some developer could be working on or planning to port it. The most likely Is that the amiga emu on the Wiz will be ported to Caanoo.

Patience is virtue.

Although(comma) there's always the do it yourself option =)
The ultimate Amiga emulator would be one that used the WHDload pre-installed hard drive games. You would need to be able to create a folder to use as a virtual hard drive on your SD card, like on WinUAE.

That's my dream, too. The caanoo could be great for a portable amiga. I'd love to port an amiga emulator myself, but i just began coding for the caanoo and am by far not experienced enough to do a port. But could it be possible to port the pandora version? And is the caanoo cpu really fast enough?


Amiga doesnt get much dev love sadly, Pandora and wiz have uae4all which is a cut down to the bone version of uae with many features missing such as basic HDD support. Pandora can also run PUAE and EUAE but they are both too dog slow to do anything useful with...

So basically... dont hold your breath. :(
Iorgy77 said:
Amiga doesnt get much dev love sadly, Pandora and wiz have uae4all which is a cut down to the bone version of uae with many features missing such as basic HDD support. Pandora can also run PUAE and EUAE but they are both too dog slow to do anything useful with...

So basically... dont hold your breath. :(

chui was able to do a pretty good port of uae4all for the dingoo...I wonder if he plans on getting a caanoo? :)
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Iorgy77 said:
Amiga doesnt get much dev love sadly, Pandora and wiz have uae4all which is a cut down to the bone version of uae with many features missing such as basic HDD support. Pandora can also run PUAE and EUAE but they are both too dog slow to do anything useful with...

So basically... dont hold your breath. :(

such a shame..... well i know nothing about i cant do it
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Iorgy77 said:
Amiga doesnt get much dev love sadly, Pandora and wiz have uae4all which is a cut down to the bone version of uae with many features missing such as basic HDD support. Pandora can also run PUAE and EUAE but they are both too dog slow to do anything useful with...

So basically... dont hold your breath. :(

such a shame..... well i know nothing about i cant do it

The humble F200 emulates the Amiga very well so why not the caanoo

I run most games with some tweaks very well on the F200
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An Amiga emulator would push me from someone considering purchasing a Caanoo, to someone that would consider it a must have purchse.

I still have my A500 set up.
404notfound said:
An Amiga emulator would push me from someone considering purchasing a Caanoo, to someone that would consider it a must have purchse.

I still have my A500 set up.

Another Caanoo owner who would love to have a good Amiga emulator on this machine.
There are LOTS of great Amiga games out there!!!!!!!
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+1 more to some Amiga love for the Caanoo.

I have UAE4all on my f100 and it's great.

Handheld + Amiga = FUN!
Iorgy77 said:
Amiga doesnt get much dev love sadly, Pandora and wiz have uae4all which is a cut down to the bone version of uae with many features missing such as basic HDD support. Pandora can also run PUAE and EUAE but they are both too dog slow to do anything useful with...

So basically... dont hold your breath. :(

I was testing out PUAE last week, and was surprised how well it runs - current version seems faster than the PND, and now OPP5 is available allowing much easier overclocks - going to make PUAE very useful I feel.

Config is a bit of a mess (GUI is mostly-broken, so a lot of setting up need in the config file). But I was booting into ClassicWB on an AGA 68030/68881 from a 2GB hardfile and running WHDload games with speed that seems on a par with my real A1200 setup. However, there is currently some issues causing a *lot* of ALSA buffer underuns which hammers performance. I've noted people complaining of PUAE stuttering a lot - but I think this may be the errors, not the emulation.
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Hey, I would really love it if someone could port an Amiga emulator for the Caanoo. I decided to bite the bullet and get a Caanoo as hell is more likely to freeze over before my 1st batch Pandora arrives (Plus the Caanoo arrived the next day without anyone with a bit more money jumping ahead of me in the queue :@). Unfortunately I just assumed that all of the Wiz’s emulators would be ported at launch :(

Does anyone know if a dev is even looking into doing a port?


there was a snes emulator ported over from the dingoo to the caanoo last year and the guy who done it said it was fairly easy for him to do so on that thought wouldn't it be fairly easy to port the amiga emulator over from the dingoo?

It wouldn't be perfect as the snes emulator wasn't but it would be a start :-)

The ultimate Amiga Emulator would be one that could run the WHDload hardisk installed games, I noticed on the Wiz Amiga emulator that the performance dropped a lot when reading a disk image.