Amiga Emulator


Still Fresh
Jun 19, 2005
Hi guys,
I have been running Amiga emulators UAE and also uae4all, loading single disks fine no problem however how on earth do i get the machine to recognise more than one disk? I think I have been doing it correctly would somebody please write out an idiots working guide for either of these emulators as this was one of the main reasons I got the machine and so far any game bigger than one disk just aint working.

What is the best Amiga emulator?

many many thanks in advance

More than one disk at a time? Not possible in UAE4All but what's the problem? You can just swap the disks when the game asks it; Go to menu, insert second disk and press Run, NOT Reset Amiga.

I think UAE2x supports two drives but it isn't as good.
I think to use the 2nd disk drive on one of the emulators you press A when selecting your ADF.

But as miika said the games should ask you to swap disks and on both emulators you can do this without resetting
foleyjo said:
I think to use the 2nd disk drive on one of the emulators you press A when selecting your ADF.

But as miika said the games should ask you to swap disks and on both emulators you can do this without resetting
Ok Guys cheers not sure if I tried that, I tried so many diffrent things I might have missed the obvious,so when it asks for disk 2 go back to the drive menu and insert then A button?

will let you know how I get on later today

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dunnster said:
foleyjo said:
I think to use the 2nd disk drive on one of the emulators you press A when selecting your ADF.

But as miika said the games should ask you to swap disks and on both emulators you can do this without resetting
Ok Guys cheers not sure if I tried that, I tried so many diffrent things I might have missed the obvious,so when it asks for disk 2 go back to the drive menu and insert then A button?

will let you know how I get on later today


Just select Run again after inserting the second disk.
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Miika said:
dunnster said:
foleyjo said:
I think to use the 2nd disk drive on one of the emulators you press A when selecting your ADF.

But as miika said the games should ask you to swap disks and on both emulators you can do this without resetting
Ok Guys cheers not sure if I tried that, I tried so many diffrent things I might have missed the obvious,so when it asks for disk 2 go back to the drive menu and insert then A button?

will let you know how I get on later today


Just select Run again after inserting the second disk.

Hi miika,
cheers for the reply, Ive tried it again loaded disk a cannon fodder it then asks for disk 2 press select to take me back to the menu pressed left shoulder button selected cannon fodder disk 2 went back to the menu pressed run and it then just re sets, ive tried 4 or 5 diffrent games to make sure that it was not the image that was corrupt but they all do the same I am running FW3.00 , sorry to be a pain anything else I could try oh yes im using uae4all as the emulator
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Try this:Select disk 2 with the b button go back to the menu screen and just pres the start putton on the gp2x
Strange, Cannon Fodder always worked, go to select disk, press B to select and scroll down to Run, never resetted for me..
Miika said:
Strange, Cannon Fodder always worked, go to select disk, press B to select and scroll down to Run, never resetted for me..
Ok Guys cheers will try this when I get home tonight and get back to you.

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dunnster said:
Miika said:
Strange, Cannon Fodder always worked, go to select disk, press B to select and scroll down to Run, never resetted for me..
Ok Guys cheers will try this when I get home tonight and get back to you.


Cheers guys,
cannon fodder now working , not had time to try anything else although it should be ok I think.


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Miika said:
More than one disk at a time? Not possible in UAE4All but what's the problem? You can just swap the disks when the game asks it; Go to menu, insert second disk and press Run, NOT Reset Amiga.

I think UAE2x supports two drives but it isn't as good.
uae4all does support two disk drives.

From the wiki:

"In the load menu:

Put the currently-selected adf into df0:
Put the currently-selected adf into df1: "
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critical said:
Miika said:
More than one disk at a time? Not possible in UAE4All but what's the problem? You can just swap the disks when the game asks it; Go to menu, insert second disk and press Run, NOT Reset Amiga.

I think UAE2x supports two drives but it isn't as good.
uae4all does support two disk drives.

From the wiki:

"In the load menu:

Put the currently-selected adf into df0:
Put the currently-selected adf into df1: "

Ah. Fine. I was just checking if you commented on that :P
BTW Are you working on a new version? ;)
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Miika said:
Ah. Fine. I was just checking if you commented on that :P
BTW Are you working on a new version? ;)
I haven't worked on it for a while. I keep meaning to, but I'm very busy at work.

However, someone contacted me last week about making some exciting improvements to it, and I'm looking forward to that progressing. Ask no questions, hear no lies.
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critical said:
Miika said:
Ah. Fine. I was just checking if you commented on that :P
BTW Are you working on a new version? ;)
I haven't worked on it for a while. I keep meaning to, but I'm very busy at work.

However, someone contacted me last week about making some exciting improvements to it, and I'm looking forward to that progressing. Ask no questions, hear no lies.

Great news Critical! Thanks for all your efforts so far.
Save states would be the feature I would really like to see.
I find most games are playable at F/S 1 or 2.
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GnoStiC said:
i was kinda bored at work today and played with uae4all source and compiled this:
uae4all 2007/07/13 (only uae4all.gpe)

i'm not familiar with uae4all's speed so you'll decide if it's any faster..

It seems faster to me. Emu Bios thing in the middle and Turrican 3 intro seems to be at normal amiga speed

One thing that is definatly different the L and R buttons in the menu have become mixed up.

extra--- It appears to be the same with the mouse buttons. L is now right mouse button and vice versa
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GnoStiC said:
i was kinda bored at work today and played with uae4all source and compiled this:
uae4all 2007/07/13 (only uae4all.gpe)

i'm not familiar with uae4all's speed so you'll decide if it's any faster..

I havent really noticed any speed improvements yet on the games I have tried, Will have a play around some more and see how it goes. Would be nice if we could update the wiki compatibility list with new results but the wiki nazi will ban us if we update the list and his new compatibility lists are not suitable for the amiga emulators at all...

Could I request an fps counter so we could accuately gauge any speed improvements when you get a chance?
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