Some more of my ideas

Camera's are not cheap features to add, not just in price but in physical packaging. I don't have any immediate use for a camera but can understand why someone would want it, but I'd expect ED to make a query before deciding to go with it simply because it would noticeably increase the cost for a feature that most people may not be interested in.

In the meantime, there are a lot of cheap cameras with i2c interfaces you can get and simply hack on, even in the P1, just figure out where you want it to go, solder to the correct i2c pads, and compile the software.
when it comes down to the size for the usb and how that will effect the room withen the pandora3 will come down to the designers and were they place and have room for things. Without being one and knowing all the parts that are going on it, it would be tough for me to present any kind or reason other than looking at the benifits of the hardware themselves.

There have been various threads in the past talking about the current wifi and it's hard to rule out the EDIMAX WIRELESS NANO USB ADAPTER that is being sold alongside the pandora.

I cannot stand wifi, it is unsecure and makes me get heat flashes sometimes headacks. As long as it has the option to turn it off like the current model I wont stand aginst it. But I will warn people about the health problems and drawbacks. When I do use it, it is an adapter at the end of a long cable connected to a single direction antenna, like a yagi for example.

just like you should not use compact fluorescent lights and Tube monitors, switch to leds.

Try sitting in front of 2-3 tube monitors under fluorescent lights 3 feet from a wifi router... :)
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I has happy about eMMc(nand) that is replaceable. The 100$ hardware is a dream, I paid well over 700$ for my pandora 1GHz and the accessories (128gig sdcard) and accessories case. They even sell the usb dongle with the pandora and recommend it with the purchase... isnt the wifi part of the end of life reason as well? The eMMC should be replaceable up to 64gigs but I dont want to be forced to buy that much if the sd is available.

I think some are confused about the nand being something they could change as easy as the battery... Also I'm for keeping the SD ports but would give one up for replaceable nand. I would prefer two regular sized USB3 ports, the bus sutpports multiple devices at once and the kernal has support for USB3?

I had to stand 4 feet from a wifi router to get a solid signal with the built in wifi. If you look up wifi radiation the majority comes from the router.. and the closer you have to be to it...
Ummm... you do know right that eMMC is BGA packaged NAND, right?

It's not replaceable unless you have a room full of technicians, can desolder a BGA package on a multi-layer motherboard and re-solder one in it's place... Ummm... maybe with a NSA type budget. Maybe.
Dude, did you not see my post about the way ODROID handled the situation... look  it's on a replaceable Module

write the log files to a diff partion. And at 25$ for 8gigs who cares about wear leavling, burn it up and replace it. You only need double the ram as swap so if they only put 1gig of ram your only going to need a 2gig nand module, that could reduce the cost even further.
Why don' t you buy an ODROID?  Why do you want to turn the P2 into a dev board?  That's not what P2 is about.
I cannot stand wifi, it is unsecure and makes me get heat flashes sometimes headacks. As long as it has the option to turn it off like the current model I wont stand aginst it. But I will warn people about the health problems and drawbacks.
Sorry, but:

Whatever their cause, EHS symptoms are a real and sometimes disabling problem for the affected persons.


The majority of provocation trials to date have found that self-described sufferers of electromagnetic hypersensitivity are unable to distinguish between exposure to real and fake electromagnetic fields,%5B2%5D%5B3%5D and it is not recognized as a medical condition by the medical or scientific communities. Since a systematic review in 2005 showing no convincing scientific evidence for it being caused by electromagnetic fields,%5B2%5D several double-blind experiments have been published, each of which has suggested that people who report electromagnetic hypersensitivity are unable to detect the presence of electromagnetic fields and are as likely to report ill health following a sham exposure, as they are following exposure to genuine electromagnetic fields.%5B4%5D%5B5%5D%5B6%5D


Seven studies were found which did report an association, while 24 could not find any association with electromagnetic fields. However, of the seven positive studies, two could not be replicated even by the original authors, three had serious methodological shortcomings, and the final two presented contradictory results. Since then, several more double-blind experiments have been published, each of which has suggested that people who report electromagnetic hypersensitivity are unable to detect the presence of electromagnetic fields and are as likely to report ill health following a sham exposure, as they are following exposure to genuine electromagnetic fields.[4][5][6] - seems to be quite well cited

Nevertheless, I'm sure the option to turn it off will be there, if only to save battery life.

It's also not without its little security holes - and only an idiot would us it for anything important without additional layers of encryption.
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Why do you want to turn the P2 into a dev board?  That's not what P2 is about.

The pandora is a development system while it may not be classified as a development board. I would like the option to buy the mainboard. The pandora's linux support is very good, making it more ideal device to use for linux stuff seeing as how I'm not going to have to spend more time trying to get the device just to run linux.

they make paint to ground the radiation

They say a lot of things are not real, like telepathy. Has to do with making money $$

Computers are heading into the 3-d printing area anyways. Buy the board, comes with the diagrams. Then you can print the case, snap together. And support the hardware longer. May even print the pcb's one day.

I'm not trying to direct the creation of the new pandora, I don't get any money for this. But I would like to voice what I would like to see and why, so that it is at least considered. Often logic gets over looked for "say so" well I'm the boss and I say so. You know the "winners" write history, that dosn't mean it was the best way to go. When it comes down to it though, you never really know till you try. And doing something is usally better then doing nothing.
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^ You know now that I think of it a little, a dev-board type Pandora would be another good source of income for ED too.  It may attract another whole different type of crowd like the RPi.  But I guess Ed has enough tough times managing to make one type of Pandora let alone make 2 types...
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Why do you want to turn the P2 into a dev board?  That's not what P2 is about.
The pandora is a development system while it may not be classified as a development board. I would like the option to buy the mainboard.
All systems have developers developing on them...

Why would you want to buy a bare pandora-sucessor PCB when there are countless ARM devboards already out there?

they make paint to ground the radiation

They say a lot of things are not real, like telepathy.
Somebody making a product doesn't mean it fixes a real problem - or is suitable for the use you put it to.

There are many reasons for wanting EM-shielding paint - and plenty of customers who want to buy it.

In fact, the last person I would trust on the subject of any particular disease is the person selling the cure.

"They" make ouija boards too...

...and "they" say the earth isn't flat - what of it?
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if the current panda board was sold as is, it could be used as a dev board... there dosnt have to be two. Hell lets not even call it a development board. The only thing those dev boards "offer" is support. Usually support for the hardware. Look at all the support the current pandora has... I would say it's about even support. Uboot, compiling software, ect. He ends up listing it and the price is two high so I never buy one anyways (almost the price of the entire device). So back to what I would like to see on the new pandora.

Only full sized stuff

 Full sized USB3 ports (2)

 Full sized SD slot (2)

 A nand module slot

 and a tpm chip

if you want more sales, buy more advertising...
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anyways what matters more, what one person will buy or what a ton of people will buy? In the case of the pandora I thought it was nether, and had to do with what someone wanted that no one eles made.
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sigh, I love you guys :D
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I'm not trying to direct the creation of the new pandora
Then what about all these posts in a thread where its author is seeking advice about just that ?BTW I bet TPM chip are highly improbable anyway. Remember that he worked to get *no* serial number in the chip the previous round about ? ;)
The author is seeking adivce to consider for his direction, not mine. I was not here for the "no serial number" but would like to know more about it. I remember he decided not to go with tpm because it was not withen his intrest for the device to have that support as most people would not need it.

I doubt I will buy a new pandora anyways, the current 1Ghz model does everything I could ever want. Unless it emulated the PS2 system very well, eventhen... I really just like the SNES and PS1
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The author is seeking adivce to consider for his direction, not mine. I was not here for the "no serial number" but would like to know more about it. I remember he decided not to go with tpm because it was not withen his intrest for the device to have that support as most people would not need it.

I doubt I will buy a new pandora anyways, the current 1Ghz model does everything I could ever want. Unless it emulated the PS2 system very well, eventhen... I really just like the SNES and PS1
If you dont buy a P2 anyway, why are you throwing monkey wrenches with all these posts and make everyone wasting their time :)
^ Only if it has a hardware killswitch (dip or suchlike)
I find old 5.25" write protect stickers are handy for covering over user facing cameras on my devices.
1/2 of a post-it note works too (for laptop cameras) and is non-destructive.
Still, I'd rather not have a camera on the Pandora successor. I want every possible square millimeter of the lid to be consumed with screen.