So Who Lost Their Gp2x At Awa In Atlanta?


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
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There was some person wandering around Anime Weekend Atlanta a couple weeks ago with a sign reading LOST MY GP2X IN A PSP CASE. I wonder if me and HydraLancer were the only two at the show who knew what a GP2X was. :) I'm curious if he frequents this forum and if he found it... sadly if someone did find it I would worry if it just displayed a white screen and some odd rainbow-colored lines and he assumed it dead. :lol: Best of luck ...
im sorry that gp2x is lost... mines I protect it like if its part of my body, I even get paranoid when someone gets close and ask me "whats that"
=( shouldnt put such a treasured object inside a horrific psp case... the gp2x god probably took it because he desecrated it =(
Paradox posted on Oct 10 2006 at 11:37 AM said:
=( shouldnt put such a treasured object inside a horrific psp case... the gp2x god probably took it because he desecrated it =(
:lol: :P

kind of nasty though...
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people will steal a psp. people will not steal a gp2x in a psp case that's covered in duct tape/ripped up hockey tape :P