So what are you playing now?

Most recently, Spyro the Dragon, using PCSX ReARMed. It's full-speed at 750MHz (stock voltage). It's been a long time.
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For some reason I've taken to trying to beat Turrican2 without any cheats. I just play it now and again but it works well like that. I spend most of my time flashing Pandora consoles!
Secret of Monkey Island (Scummvm), way too much BattleJewels, and Kokotomi Wilf (Fuse). I also keep trying out games for five minutes just to see if they work, and how they look and play on the Pandora.
Nothing cos my pandas in for repairs.But will fire up the pcengine emulator hugo.when i get it back.Is it a good emulator.Compatibity,speed etc?
You're better off using the Wiz version of Temper through Ginge; it's better in every way and supports the Turbo CD.

Unless, you know, Exophase decides to finish Temper for the Pandora.
Spyro 2 with ReARMed. I clocked it to 800mHz, and turned off the music (it was stuttery anyway) and it still lags now and then. But most of the time it is deliciously playable!
I've recently developed an addiction for Magical Drop 3 on GnGeo. The dpad, A, and X button are taking a serious beating, but holding up ok so far.
Final Fantasy VII on pcsxReArmed (or however spelled and capitalized). 750 mhz, slight dips in the framerate whenever something too flashy happens, but no more than a slight nuisance. No more than that I haven't bothered trying to raise it.

Super Mario RPG on Snes4awholejumbleoflettersandnumbers. Also a big dream - To finally be able to play it, portable, fullspeed(ish). Wonderful.

Numpty Physics, or whatever it is called. Draw shapes with crayons and let them fall. Weird.

This will change. Again and again and again. I am so enjoying this machine.
Two more from me; Samurai Warrior - The Battles of Usagi Yojimbo, and Scooby-Doo & Scrappy-Doo, both for the Commodore 64. I grew up with the latter, and the former was a more recent discovery (I got into the comics last year, and then found that the software house that developed the C64 game had given the ok for some of their back-catalogue to be re-distributed online by a couple of preservation sites, and this included the Usagi game). I love them both.

This set me thinking, incidentally. I really can't wait for the TV-out cable, now, as this will be a damn sight more convenient than trying to make my old C64 (yes, I still have it :P ) play nice with the LCD TV I tend to use my older hardware with on occasion.

Also, Croc: Legend of the Gobbos, on PCSX ReARMed.
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This set me thinking, incidentally. I really can't wait for the TV-out cable, now, as this will be a damn sight more convenient than trying to make my old C64 (yes, I still have it :P ) play nice with the LCD TV I tend to use my older hardware with on occasion.
+1, although mainly because my old consoles/computers are at my parents house and I don't want to store them at mine :P