So Evildragon Is Going To The Olymptronica

'Consequence9' said:

Maybe 'cause she only has one shirt?

Haha, nice. Maybe Ed suggested she wear it, in case any of those forum fanboys from one of those "who's that girl" threads showed up at Olymptronica. :P
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'RenegadeChic' said:
ooh ooh! isnt she the girl on the homepage "holding" the Pandora render?
Hence the "one shirt" comment. Nice deduction Mr Watson. :P
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'gp32rich' said:
That is going to be the face of every significant other when P-Day comes round...
lmao, ya shoulda seen my gf's response to my cardboard/papakura model... priceless.
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WOW. Finally pics of a working pandora with only a power cable on it and no other cables. That is so awesome. I always felt a bit like they stole my money (I know craig is a honest man , but those cables always freakt me out). But now Im 100% sure its real.


More pics here:

Wow, I leave 5 bike-minutes far from the Unicampus Westend (where Olymptronica takes palce) and I couldn't care less going there to see a naked prototype.

I consider myself an enthusiast Pandora wannabe-user but paying 10Euro to just hear ED saying "hellolo" isn't worth enough (imho) :P

Instead, the techno party on saturday night was indeed AWESOME!
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'rutto' said:
Instead, the techno party on saturday night was indeed AWESOME!

Was it actually techno?
also, nice to see that wind and water puzzle battles was there. kind of wish i spoke german so i could read the threads on
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'PoisonedV' said:
Was it actually techno?
also, nice to see that wind and water puzzle battles was there. kind of wish i spoke german so i could read the threads on
Me too. I feel kinda left out by not being a part of the german forums! There's a lot of threads and discussion going on, maybe it's a conspiracy...
It's in these kinds of moments you know you picked the wrong language..
Anyway, great that you got there EvilDragon. Cool plexi-pandora!
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'GuSec' said:
'PoisonedV' said:
Was it actually techno?
also, nice to see that wind and water puzzle battles was there. kind of wish i spoke german so i could read the threads on
Me too. I feel kinda left out by not being a part of the german forums! There's a lot of threads and discussion going on, maybe it's a conspiracy...
It's in these kinds of moments you know you picked the wrong language..
Anyway, great that you got there EvilDragon. Cool plexi-pandora!

The german forum really isn't that interesting. Everything of worth there is generally translated for the unofficial blog.
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'conso' said:
'GuSec' said:
'PoisonedV' said:
Was it actually techno?
also, nice to see that wind and water puzzle battles was there. kind of wish i spoke german so i could read the threads on
Me too. I feel kinda left out by not being a part of the german forums! There's a lot of threads and discussion going on, maybe it's a conspiracy...
It's in these kinds of moments you know you picked the wrong language..
Anyway, great that you got there EvilDragon. Cool plexi-pandora!

The german forum really isn't that interesting. Everything of worth there is generally translated for the unofficial blog.

had the same problem before I stumble upon this translator.
it's a Firefox plugin called Ubiquity from Mozilla labs.

once installed, you just have to select text, click Ctrl+Space and type tr then enter and there you go

it can do a lot other things too ;o)
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Just reposting the pictures from the German thread:





There's also a slideshow of some photos over here:
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