Originally, I was not going to tell anyone which project I am currently working on in my spare time until near completion because I don't know how long it will take and I don't know if I will come across anything that would make it impossible. However, it sounds like everyone is very enthusiastic about smash brothers, so I feel it is only fair to let you know exactly where I stand on being able to help you.
I am currently trying to reverse engineer the fighting game engine known as MUGEN. I don't have the source code, so everything has to be done from scratch. Add to this, the sprite format for MUGEN is a bank of .pcx files that average over 3MB in size and you can see that I have quite a task. The sprite problem is as follows, if each character takes up 3.5Mb of the GP32s 8MB, then I have just 1 MB to store:
1.) The game code.
2.) Player 1 + Player 2s SFX.
3.) Background images.
4.) Background music.
This just isn't possible, so for the past month I have been working on another compression method for the sprites. Each individual sprite can have a maximum of 31 colours (including the background/transparent colour) and you get a sprite bank 80% the size of the MUGEN one. If a sprite uses 16 or less colours then it can be around 50% - 60% the size of the original. Most MUGEN sprites are about 16 colours each so I managed to get a good decrease in size (Cyclops goes from 4.5MB to 2.25MB, but evil ken only goes from 3.91MB to 2.31MB).
My point is that so far, this is all I have done. I don't have much spare time so I can only work slowly. I still have to read and convert the following MUGEN files before I can even start on the fighting game itself, although I suppose the fighting game will progress with the files as well. The estimated time length is in brackets.
SFF - Sprite file (pretty much done

, took 4 weeks)
AIR - Sprite animation + colision boxes file (2 - 3 weeks)
CNS - Player stats + scripting language + Cpu moves + intelligence (Long time to do this)
DEF - Palette definitions + listing of character files (1 - 2 weeks)
ACT - Alternate colour palettes (1 - 2 weeks)
SND - Sound file (No Idea)
Sorry I can't help with Smash bros sooner, but I suppose it will give plenty of time for a full word document to be written up detailing the game precisely with nice mock graphics and stuff. Alternatively, you could get someone else to help I suppose. Sorry I can't help more, but I really need more spare time.