Sleep - How many hours are you getting?

How many hours of sleep do you get per night/day?

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Hey hey. I'm good to go!

Bring it on god of consequences!

DON'T MOCK ME!!! .... I'm sensitive and need to feel important....
Always awesome. Now where is my free triple scoop?

Alrighty people, this ver. 2.0 thread has run it's course...I'm gonna have to lock this one up now.


EDIT: Oh wait! That's right I'm no longer a mod on these boards! :P
It's the boredom period before the preorder floodgates. New topic: the dangers of gluten.

Anyways, sayonara thread. :)
Alrighty people, this ver. 2.0 thread has run it's course...I'm gonna have to lock this one up now.


EDIT: Oh wait! That's right I'm no longer a mod on these boards!

....ok, I'm done with smiting for the day..... anybody want a peanut?
3.5 hours has been my average since for the last past 12 years of my life.  It only went up when sleeping beside my fiancee.  I'm a very nocturnal. I function better in darkness and quiet... But I noticed my biological clock is better suited for these later hours so much so when I went to Australia I suffered no jet lag and in fact I functioned BETTER in Australia. My record for lack of sleep is five days of no sleep I only slept when the ram on my computer finally exploded leaving me staring a BSOD screen I passed out asleep in my chair....
^ A little-topic, but Australia is the best country in the world and we're all zombies here because we don't sleep.
Its because of the drop bears isn't it?
I imagine it would be hard to sleep with everything upside down.  I wonder if they nail the furniture to the floor.
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Coming back on the "coffee is bad for your health" nonsense from a few pages ago :

extract :

  • A 2005 study exploring concerns that too much coffee was bad for blood pressure found no link between higher blood pressure and coffee and found some suggestion that it improved blood pressure.
  • Regular coffee drinking was linked in a 2011 Harvard study to lower risk of a deadly form of prostate cancer.
  • Also in 2011, a study showed that drinking four or more cups a day lowered the rate of depression among women.
  • A 2012 study tied three cups a day to a 20 percent lower risk of basal cell carcinoma.
  • A 2013 Harvard study linked coffee consumption to a reduced risk of suicide.
  • Also in 2013, a Harvard analysis of 36 studies covering more than a million people found that even heavy coffee consumption did not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and that three to five cups of coffee daily provided the most protection against cardiovascular disease.
  • Also in 2014, Harvard Chan School researchers found that increasing coffee consumption by more than a cup a day over a four-year period reduced type 2 diabetes risk by 11 percent.
  • The same study showed that those who decreased their coffee consumption by more than a cup a day increased their type 2 diabetes risk by 17 percent.
I'm 2 to 3 a night typically. Occasionally staying up all night then the next night I'll flake out a bit earlier 
The nocturnal adventures of Sir Coffee

Source: Oglaf
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