GP2X Tips For Getting Tcp Going From Pc To 2x?


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
(Similar to bfore.. I was more on top of this 6mo or a year back, but now I only sleep 3-4 hours a night so my short and long term memory is a total disaster.. surprised I can code at all :)

I'm currently using a Windows XP laptop; how would I get TCP going to the 2x, solely for the purpose of telnetting into the handheld so I can use gdb on it :) (ie: Link efence into my game and then gdb its ass native, since I'm getting no issues on other platforms damnit :)

I suppose I could try and hook it up from freebsd or linux or osx or the like, but those machines lurk in the basement.. :P

Help out someone who doesn't sleep anymore ;)


Q for the devs; gdb is alreayd in device rom? I forget.. should fire up one of the shells and go poking around again, been too long since I was mucking in the flash :)
I got it set up...but later I reflashed the firmware. So its not up on mine anymore (when I have some free time it will be) but here is the post that I figured it out from GP2X Internet.

Good Luck :)
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I think you only need 2 things.

1. Plug in your GP2X via the USB connection. It should detect it in windows. I dont have a link but there is a driver for it. Should be on this site in the file downloads.
2. Turn on the services you want in the GP2X menu