Slashdot Once More...

Um, no, actually the FSF states that they are very forgiving. The goal of everyone, including the FSF, is compliance. Not more, not less. Nobody wants to sue someone to make an example or anything.
I've read a short post of NK (now, he seems work for GPH, I see the reason his nice works are pending but kernel upgrading getting faster....except SCUMMVM...*sigh*)

He mentioned it has been complicated (not GPH's fault, I believe) cause some companies (how many?) don't want to release their binary drivers and it makes things difficult.

I don't know what he meant exactly I'm not license-expert, though, It seems it is not fault of one front-company but of communication among all small co-working companies.

I believe they (Dignsys) are trying to release sources :( *cross fingers*
But wouldn't they be destroyed as soon as the FSF gets a hold of them because of fees etc? I would imagine at the time the FSF gets involved it is too late. GPH and the GP2X will cease to exist, which seems like a bad option and not the result that we want.
Fortunately, this is less of a problem than you might think. Here is the Free Software Foundation's Eben Moglen on the issue:
Eben Moglen said:
In approximately a decade of enforcing the GPL, I have never insisted on payment of damages to the Foundation for violation of the license, and I have rarely required public admission of wrongdoing. Our position has always been that compliance with the license, and security for future good behavior, are the most important goals. We have done everything to make it easy for violators to comply, and we have offered oblivion with respect to past faults.
Taken from Enforcing the GNU GPL.
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Again: Are we SURE these aren't current?

Just downloaded the U-Boot code from that link (to make sure what I was saying was true). In the archive, in \u-boot\tools\logos\ is one file 'denx.bmp'.
If this was the code the retail units were compiled with it would have a bitmap of the grey boot screen. You know, the one before the ugly green one that has the firmware version number.

I can't even say this was the code used to compile for the devkits. Maybe someone with a devkit could say whether it had a splash screen that says 'DENX Engineering".

But it definitely isn't the code used for the retail units. That code has the firmware upgrader crippled to only look for three of the seven files a stock U-Boot installation will look for. Use sterm to enter 'cat /etc/profile|more' and look for the three lines that delete *.img files from root of SD card. NOT the same code.

EDIT: typo in path . . .
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Alright everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) stop your whinging.

"Dear Allan.

Thanks for your kindly help.
But, sombody how selling gp2x, reserve some space to us.

The site is

We'll upload at next week."

And I'm spent. If anyone wants me, I'll be over here doing the ironing.

Allan. (by the way, is this ED's space?)
This thread will stay in history as the consecration of idiots.
(Sorry. Can't resist)
Mate, you're just asking to be flamed. The people in this thread were reactionary, maybe even slightly insane (I should know, I smell my own), but they're not idiots.

Mate, you're just asking to be flamed. The people in this thread were reactionary, maybe even slightly insane (I should know, I smell my own), but they're not idiots.

Yeah, I know, I am a masochist. "Oh yes, please, flame me, flame me again" :P
Btw, is "idiots" a very strong term in english (that is not my native language, as you may have noticed) ?
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Maybe they would start to listen if people started requesting to return their machines for a refund.....

Craig - not wanting to upset you but if you started getting lots of refund requests or petitions from people wanting to return their consoles so as not to violate GPL I am sure you would be putting GPH under some more pressure and from them on to Dignsys.
Alright everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) stop your whinging.

"Dear Allan.

Thanks for your kindly help.
But, sombody how selling gp2x, reserve some space to us.

The site is

We'll upload at next week."

that's great news.

btw, sorry about the insanity/idiotness. guilty as charged. I was probably about a 5 on the 'brain not working' scale :lol:
was trying to keep the thread on track but it just seemed to go a bit mental. this guy just kept bouncing back more and more ridiculous statements, and ignoring the facts, until i flipped!

i'll get my coat. ;)
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Thanks a lot guys (esp. muncher666 of course) for resolving the issue, I am very glad it turned out like this...
Let's hope you dev's get the real hot source (or CVS) monday, and I am sure the next firmware release will have some rather -significant- changes ;) !!

I am happy I bought a GP2X and being part of this community !

That's the open source spirit !!! :)

Alright everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) stop your whinging.

"Dear Allan.

Thanks for your kindly help.
But, sombody how selling gp2x, reserve some space to us.

The site is

We'll upload at next week."

Good News, my “whining” shall be postponed then till the end of the month, plenty of time for this to all be worked out. I think what people have to understand is the hysterical knee-jerk GPL zealot reaction is a necessary part of the process. It’s all part of the “Good Cop / Bad Cop” routine. You have a mass of people start sending out hate mail, and making threats about legal action, and you have a smaller group offer a rational way out of this mess. The GPL infringer then realizes that listening to the rational people sounds like a really good idea since dealing with the angry mob is a kin to being thrown to the wolves. Without the angry mob, there is little motivation to listen to the rational people.
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The Way I See it:

I'm not good with computers and i dont understand all this GPL and dgnsys or whatever.

It's not a computer issue, it's a legal issue.

However, I just think tat they are waiting for a good, strong complete firmware before they releace the source.

That's not for them to say. Under the GPL, if they distribute the binary, they have to release the source. Period.

They don't wan't to release every source because they know they are going to have to make a lot of new releases.

They don't have a choice.

They also said in one of their emails that when they want to upload something to the server, they have to send a "charge" (money)

That's their problem. It doesn't change thier responsibility WRT the source.

So I say, before jumping to conclusions, we should wait for the "official release" or a stable firmware. :)

And in doing so, they are engaged in full blown copyright infringement, which is against the law, even in Korea.

However much they want to comply with those thigies n be legal, it looks like they are trying to hold out as long as they can before releasing it so its stable

perhaps theres a reason why theyre not releasing it

its not as iff theri pi$$ing on those legal thingies, its that theyre trying to hold out a few more days before doing wht they have to do. They probably recognise what theyre doing but they know that it will be a while before any action is taken against them, because wel..... they can.

They will eventually release it, im sure theyre doing what they see as best, even if it isnt whats best for this dignsys thngy.

I guess ppl will just have to hold out....
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Maybe they would start to listen if people started requesting to return their machines for a refund.....

Craig - not wanting to upset you but if you started getting lots of refund requests or petitions from people wanting to return their consoles so as not to violate GPL I am sure you would be putting GPH under some more pressure and from them on to Dignsys.

Did you READ my last post? They're giving the source to us next week.

By the way guys, I've sent off a message confirming that we'll be getting EVERYTHING. Not just the kernel. 2x does use an implementatn of mplayer, right? I know they use busybox - what do they use for image viewing, anyone know?

Got another message, before I sent the last one, telling me that the source will be for 1.30. Yay!

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If they start releasing source at the same time they release binaries I'll be quite happy. -- Well and if a copy of the GPL is bundled with the firmware downloads, and a notice of where you can find the source -- you know full compliance.
Maybe they would start to listen if people started requesting to return their machines for a refund.....

Craig - not wanting to upset you but if you started getting lots of refund requests or petitions from people wanting to return their consoles so as not to violate GPL I am sure you would be putting GPH under some more pressure and from them on to Dignsys.

Did you READ my last post? They're giving the source to us next week.

By the way guys, I've sent off a message confirming that we'll be getting EVERYTHING. Not just the kernel. 2x does use an implementatn of mplayer, right? I know they use busybox - what do they use for image viewing, anyone know?

Got another message, before I sent the last one, telling me that the source will be for 1.30. Yay!


I did but it wasn't very clear to me, sorry.

Great - I look forward to a view of a full source next week.

For future reference - introduce your post with something like :

I have an official response feom e.g. dignsys after long conversation they agreed to use our webspace to upload all sources see quote below.

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I did, with the initial conversation - I've been posting responses from dignsys deep in this thread - I just got a bit annoyed at the continuing endless posting about GPL and slipped up on my usually quite formal message structure. :)

Allan. [edit: I thought it was your space, ED. :) ]