Slashdot Geeks!

My bad... I didn't use the "quote" function on the board... the post you're quoting me as saying came from Skeezix - As my posts earlier in this thread state, I had no problems and found the readmes/info to be fine. I'm just trying to make the point of don't bite the hand that feeds you... emulation is the current lifeblood of the GP32 and enjoy it, don't complain about it!
Arutha posted on Apr 5 2003 said:
My bad... I didn't use the "quote" function on the board... the post you're quoting me as saying came from Skeezix - As my posts earlier in this thread state, I had no problems and found the readmes/info to be fine. I'm just trying to make the point of don't bite the hand that feeds you... emulation is the current lifeblood of the GP32 and enjoy it, don't complain about it!
Oops! sorry about that!
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I have a simple set up ... GPMM/SNES for snes, /NES, /GB, /PCE, /MSX. I think more emulators should take the approach of letting you choose where you want to put your roms, tho. I keep programs in the GPMM/ root and snes9x also wants its roms there, which is annoying.

- Rico
ok. so im a computer nerd. i used linux for about 2 months but then switched back to windows cause i got sick of its lack of compatiblity w/ hardware and software(yes im aware of wine and yada yada yada) so now im back on windows.i play alot of games on my pc, but i also use it for applications(vb and html and etc) im a quick learner and i love new hardware(i also love to mod the hell out of my case).i have gba right now, but im gona sell it.

NOW... should i get the gp32?

ps how do mp3s sound on this hog?
Talking purely about the in-built player, through the speakers the sound is okay, the volume for me does not go high enough, and maybe the bass could do with tweaking a bit, through headphones the sound is far better, still has the slightly weak bass, but not enough to spoil anything.

I have read that there is another player that needs installing (It'll probably be on this site in the downloads area) that has some pre-set music modes but I have not tried this one, for my needs the in-built player is fine.

I hope this helps, and welcome aboard :lol:


I went and ordered a GP after reading the /. article and it arrived the next day at 8am. Unfortunately I couldn't be bothered to get out of bed to answer the door at the time ;) so had to wait till today before going to collect it from the delivery office.

First impressions, it looks great, I'm looking forward to getting it working properly, I spent a while playing about with it before going to work (and turned up late... heh heh heh). Now I've read GP32 - FAQ and guides I figured out what I was doing wrong. Now I have to wait another 5 or 6 hours before I get home to have another go at it.

But yeah, I can't wait for a full working version of a MD emu to come out - Zero Wing!!!


Andrew, where do you live and who did you order from to get your GP32 the next day? I ordered mine April 4th, and just got an e-mail today (April 8th) saying Lik-Sang is shipping my order, and it's leaving Hong Kong this morning. Even though I paid the extra dough for 3 day air shipping, that'll still put the whole thing at around a week.

Seems like eternity ...