But this "vagueness", as you put it has been approved by lawyers. Clearly it's an acceptable legal document - you say yourself that it has not been tested in court and I posted a link to Eben Moglen's explanation of why the GPL has not been tested in court: because nobody dares to try it on. You clearly couldn't be bothered to read the article, so let me reproduce the relevant section here:
Despite the FUD, as a copyright license the GPL is absolutely solid. That's why I've been able to enforce it dozens of times over nearly ten years, without ever going to court.
I was harsh in my previous message, but the point remains; you're posting lots of stuff on the board which is demonstrably idiotic. For example, read the Moglen article in its entirety - it is extremely interesting and illuminating. Next time
you can convince someone who hasn't read up on this stuff of what the GPL implies. Even if you don't want to read the article, I reiterate my point: The GPL is a
watertight copyright licence. It is effectively unchallengeable in court, because it grants
more rights than a typical copyright licence. In other words, releasing software under the GPL grants other people
more rights than they would have if you removed the licence. To put it even more simply, if GPH was taken to court and argued that the GPL was not a valid licence, they would
lose the right to sell the GP2X entirely, because it is only the GPL which allows them to distribute the Linux kernel. In over a decade, nobody has been willing to stand up in court and argue against the GPL; to do so would be idiotic.