Site Sneak Preview


Nov 18, 2003
Hi guys,

Yes I decided what the hell and actually started work on my gp32 site (Gp32 Forever)

Heres a quick peek at the layout. - obviously lots of work to be done still, but you'll get the idea.

The image is a screengrab, as I've not started uploading it yet.

The main features are:-

Rom of the week - screengrabs and info about a game, also download link (providing its a dead system ie speccy, c64)

system of the month - I pick 5 classic games and review them (screenshots and possible links to download them if the system is dead.

No Forum - I believe there is enough gp32 forums around and it would be silly to add another

Free hosting - for any gp32 games, apps or even sites!

Awards - I hope to give out an award every month, ie for a good emu, or a good site etc

hope you like it.

well, I already got game of the week, even though its not updated as much as I would like :P and the web hosting/developement was my idea, I posted it about a month ago for up and coming developers but nobody was interested so I didn't go forth with it. any way, good job, looks nice, and what kind of awards are you talking about? :D
Heh when I say awards I mean a nice image, you know like 'golden site award' not money ;)

you have game of the week? - bugger.. does that mean I have to kill my rom of the week?
I don't promote mine as being a rom, just a game for a certain system, and I don't have any links to roms as well.

and I really can't copyright a game of the week theme :P so i'm not going to cry about it if you have something similar, it was something for me to add to my site to give it a little more content and a little something extra for the readers to check out
Well thats lookin pretty nice but id keep to older consoles for the roms of the week,

P.S get rid of the google task bar now befor i mutilate u into a vole, its horrible and contains spyware