Fungp Sneak Preview


The Big Wad Bolf.
Sep 4, 2004
Hi All,

I have just been given a sneak preview of GPH's UK FunGP website:


The site isn't live yet and as you can probably see the information populating the various sections is incorrect as it's probably just test data.

I will bring you more info as I get it.

Bye for now,
Looks great (apart from that small glitch at that "Free Downloads" headline button thingy).
Oh yea, one thing... Korea is the IE-only land with >98.5% IE. In terms of web standards Korea is really the worst (by far). It's very important that FunGP works with the better browsers as well.

On geeky sites (it can't get much geekier than stuff about a homebrew handheld) you typically get less than 20% IE traffic from the EU or the US. IE is very unpopular among the tech savvy people. It's slow, buggy, and insecure. I really have no idea why it's different in Korea, but it is.

So, Fluffy, if you could relay some message for me... If they got some compatibility issues, I'd gladly help them. The current Wiz site (well, both of them, actually) is horribly broken and not really usable. Some of the links are only reachable if you remove some overlapping div with Firebug or the like (yes, that upper row of buttons is actually linked to some pages). Fixing the Korean Wiz page would be futile and lots of work, but fixing the English one would be actually pretty easy (but it isn't really important).

However, having a broken shop will seriously hurt. It will. Seriously.

One half of your US/EU customers won't use IE and the other half doesn't even have one installed. So, yea... if one of the steps can't be done in one of the popular browsers, you've got a problem. The (want to be) customer might try a different browser, but if he/she doesn't know that Korea is the land of IE, the next try will be most likely a different standards compliant browser (i.e. not IE). Unfortunately customers don't really like jumping through hoops and they tend to give up quickly. There is always a more streamlined way to waste some money just around the corner.

I'm a professional front-end engineer (coincidentally I'm taking care of shops most of the time) and I'm usually sorta expensive. However, in this case I'd do a few hours of bug fixing and tech advising for free (just enough to make it work). My motivation for that is pretty straightforward: For one, I can't be arsed to deal with all that bureaucratic overhead. Also, if I ever see another broken Korean website, I'll probably rage-puke all over the place. It's so goddamn irritating.
Pure GPH goodness then.

Have you tried telling them next to no one that uses the Wiz will have IE even installed, as well as a significant number not even running windows?
They know about that. I posted that quite a while ago (about 1 month?)
The problem is, it's hard finding coders for such things in Korea who DON'T use ActiveX.

So, to create a system working without ActiveX, that will take a few months more.
As they didn't want to delay the start, they will first go online with the ActiveX version and continue to work on a version that works with any OS / Browser.
Audi said:
I have a wiz and use IE, am i strange?

No, just irrational and irresponsible.

You're fine with using a far inferior product even if it means that everyone has to pay for that - with time and money.
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