Wait a minute you're that guy
geniv :huh: who pissed everybody off with your bad taste. Don't post in my topics man, you're a partypooper. :lol:
:blink: I don't think anything was wrong with his post here. And he has a point. Coding on the GP2X would be quite tedious since it has no good input method. Also, all game making involves coding, even RPG Maker and stuff. The only thing that would be useful on the GP2X directly would be a level editor. Well, maybe you could even add some game physics adjustments through a simple menu. The problem is that you either limit creativity a lot or you make it too tedious to use.supporting me
Thanks for standing up for me.
from my previous post. some of you might think I"m anti GP2x. (especially some of the fanboys. no offense) but the opposite is true. I really want the GP2x to be successful. if not I won't bother to come the site/forums to see what new development is happening.
Don't know how old some of you guys here are but I'm 29 and I have some (tho limited) programming experience from college (visual basic, C, PPE, Pascal)
I also dab my hands in game creation engines a few years back. RM2K (Rpg maker 2000), 3DGS (cognitec 3D game Studio). tho I didn't get as far as officially releasing a game becaues of time/personal life constrains. but I did get about 40% done on one game from each engine. and how much time and effort it is in developing a game (at least in general, since u can come out with a very simple game that is a blast to play like tetris or space invader)
I just see some things more from a productivity perspective. Sure you can make a apps for the GP2x that can create games without programming. but they would pretty much suck.
Anyone that ever used 3DGS or RM2K (support me here) can tell you that u can just point and click and create a game with it but it would be VERY simple and can't do much. (like using 0.02% of the engine's capability)
ex SEUCK. for the gp32. sure it works but it's very limited to shooter (as would other game creator like RM2K ).
But in anycase developing games on the gp2x/gp32 would be like OrR said VERY TEDIOUS. Without a keyboard on the GP2x even "typing" out a intro story would be hell. don't believe me? use the softkeyboard on your PocketPC or Palm to type this out:
" Once upon in a kingdom call GP Land. There was a village. This village is a peaceful one. In fact the entire kingdom was dull and peaceful, until one day, an evil cloud covered the sky.
Monsters began to appear from the darkness and terrorize the villagers. But this was not a surprise to the villagers as they know this always happen in the beginning of an RPG. The princess of of the castle even started to pack her bags, as she already knew the rules of RPG will dictate her kidnapping by a large dragon. "
how long did it take you to "type" in the two short paragraph above? now imagine the time being 3 or 4 times as long because you are using the stick to move to the character around a softkeyboard instead of taping with a stylus.
and I doubt writing scripts using the gp2x/gp32x would be any better.
sure you can port game creation app to the gp2x/32x that are "no programming necessary" but I"m sure the games made for it would be VERY simple.
Not to mention the limited workspace of 320x240 pixel or the creation object library (graphics, sounds, musics, etc..) resources that you have/can fit on your device.
Anyway enough of my blabbering, the point I want to make is would you rather develope games using a control stick & 6 buttons (a la gp2x/32x) or a mouse/keyboard and dual LCD display & 2 gigs of object resurces (a la PC)?
Instead of having a game creation app for the gp2x/gp32x I would MUCH rather keep using the extisting tools on the PC but have it able to complie to run on the gp2x.
I would WET MY PANTS. If the author of the RPG MAKER 2K (or its later release RM2K3 RMXP) and 3DGS make an option to complie the games to run on the GP2X. (or other game engines for that matter. game maker, sphere etc..)
Anyone here used RM2K? (I've never use the 2k3 version or the RMXP version) but from my experience with rm2k and it's games the engine is perfect for the gp2x/32x's 320x240 screen size. (even tho the complied games run at 640x480 the graphics just look like stretched 320x240. in fact the full screen size graphic files it use is max of 320x240 I think)
DROOL. there's plently of games released from the rm2k engine. heck maybe I can release my incompleted games I made years ago. as my gift to the gp2x community to finish or play.