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I noticed a few of you guys have Lost in Blue. I was thinking of picking it up but hadn't really heard anything about it. Is it worth getting, or should I wait until I can find it cheap? Or just not get it at all?
Ravnos posted on May 17 2006 at 06:09 PM said:
I noticed a few of you guys have Lost in Blue. I was thinking of picking it up but hadn't really heard anything about it. Is it worth getting, or should I wait until I can find it cheap? Or just not get it at all?
The game is very hard, but the environments and gameplay are excellent. I would recommend it, but I say get it as soon as possible. I had the hardest time getting a hold of a copy of it, so I'm guessing it'll only get harder once production stops (if it hasn't already).
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Rico posted on May 16 2006 at 09:10 PM said:
On the subject of flash-based devices like the M3, how are people faring with them? I've been looking at picking one up but have heard of saving problems (or having to save to a DS cart, and only being able to keep one save at a time). Any tips on what to buy would also be helpful (I have a fairly old DS, bought around launch)
Well, i have a Supercard and saving works just like you would expect it. You have to convert your NDS roms and you get a .dsq and a .sav file, savegames are stored in the sav. You don´t even need a NDS cart inserted if you use flashme. Not sure how it works with passmes, but those are for losers anyway.
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You need PassMe first to transfer the bios, right? But the DS would certainly look a lot better without the PassMe sticking out of it. Thanks for the tip.
Rico posted on May 18 2006 at 02:11 PM said:
You need PassMe first to transfer the bios, right? But the DS would certainly look a lot better without the PassMe sticking out of it. Thanks for the tip.
yes that's what yoyoyoyoyoyoyo has told me
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Rico posted on May 18 2006 at 07:11 PM said:
You need PassMe first to transfer the bios, right? But the DS would certainly look a lot better without the PassMe sticking out of it. Thanks for the tip.

You don't necessarily need pass me. If you have a ralink RT2500 or RT2560 chipset you can do it via wifi.

i bought on made by belkin from PC world for less than 20 squid also could be soft hacked to work as a wireless access point to play over wifi.. versatile little card from belkin.. a manufaturer im generally not keen on :D
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skysnapper posted on May 18 2006 at 10:47 PM said:
Rico posted on May 18 2006 at 07:11 PM said:
You need PassMe first to transfer the bios, right? But the DS would certainly look a lot better without the PassMe sticking out of it. Thanks for the tip.

You don't necessarily need pass me. If you have a ralink RT2500 or RT2560 chipset you can do it via wifi.

i bought on made by belkin from PC world for less than 20 squid also could be soft hacked to work as a wireless access point to play over wifi.. versatile little card from belkin.. a manufaturer im generally not keen on :D
Yup, i ´ve done the same thing. That´s why i said Passme is for losers. There´s no use for it, since you can flash your DS via WiFi.
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Fishbong posted on May 19 2006 at 04:26 AM said:
skysnapper posted on May 18 2006 at 10:47 PM said:
Rico posted on May 18 2006 at 07:11 PM said:
You need PassMe first to transfer the bios, right? But the DS would certainly look a lot better without the PassMe sticking out of it. Thanks for the tip.

You don't necessarily need pass me. If you have a ralink RT2500 or RT2560 chipset you can do it via wifi.

i bought on made by belkin from PC world for less than 20 squid also could be soft hacked to work as a wireless access point to play over wifi.. versatile little card from belkin.. a manufaturer im generally not keen on :D
Yup, i ´ve done the same thing. That´s why i said Passme is for losers. There´s no use for it, since you can flash your DS via WiFi.
really? how would I go about doing that? PM me please :)
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daclassicgamingmaster posted on May 19 2006 at 06:49 AM said:
Fishbong posted on May 19 2006 at 04:26 AM said:
skysnapper posted on May 18 2006 at 10:47 PM said:
Rico posted on May 18 2006 at 07:11 PM said:
You need PassMe first to transfer the bios, right? But the DS would certainly look a lot better without the PassMe sticking out of it. Thanks for the tip.

You don't necessarily need pass me. If you have a ralink RT2500 or RT2560 chipset you can do it via wifi.

i bought on made by belkin from PC world for less than 20 squid also could be soft hacked to work as a wireless access point to play over wifi.. versatile little card from belkin.. a manufaturer im generally not keen on :D
Yup, i ´ve done the same thing. That´s why i said Passme is for losers. There´s no use for it, since you can flash your DS via WiFi.
really? how would I go about doing that? PM me please :)
Just tell us here, because I'd really like to know too. Thanks.
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