Show Off Your Ds Collection!

For DS I have:

Animal Crossing Wide World,
Another Code: Two Memories,
Mario Kart DS,
Metroid Prime Hunters First Hunt,
Metroid Prime Hunters,
Nintendogs Chihuahua and Friends,
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney,
Project Rub,
Sonic Rush,
Super Mario 64 DS,
The Rub Rabbits,
Wario Ware Touched!,
Yoshi's Touch & Go.

M3 and PassMe v2.

I might have missed some since I've let a friend borrow a couple of games.

Enough said :P

- Alex

PS: I don't own a DS.

this mine, as well as viewtiful joe, and tony hawk i have just bought off ebay!!

sorry about the crap pic, was took with a mobile.

edit: to anyone who downloaded new smb, whats it like?!?im buying it next weekend, its the most ive wanted a game in a long long time!
anime5ever posted on May 13 2006 at 08:57 PM said:
yoyoyoyoyoyoyo posted on May 13 2006 at 08:34 PM said:
I have zoo keeper,Lost magic,Pokemon trozie,Warioware touched,Yugioh..,Nanostray,Elf bowling,Advanced Wars,Electroplanton,Megaman 5,Tetris DS,Animal Crossing,Brain Age,Mario kart DS,Metroid demo,Metriod pinball,Worms,Age of empires, and Lost in Blue.

I also have the New super mario bros. which I downloaded.
i could a whoop about ya downloading it! this only for only who buy'em not Download em! :angry:

I only downloaded super mario

P.S. The new super mario is the best game I have ever played on my DS
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im going to buy it because i dont have the tools you need to play ds backups, but if a person chooses to download load its up to them. it'll sell by the bucketload anyway you look at it.

edit: just been lookin at some video of it in action on ign, it looks brilliant, i really cant wait for this.
Vimacs posted on May 16 2006 at 03:34 PM said:
stop flooding me with reports bitches :-)
flameing deleted, you should all be ashamed....
thank you!
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On the subject of flash-based devices like the M3, how are people faring with them? I've been looking at picking one up but have heard of saving problems (or having to save to a DS cart, and only being able to keep one save at a time). Any tips on what to buy would also be helpful (I have a fairly old DS, bought around launch)
Rico posted on May 16 2006 at 05:10 PM said:
On the subject of flash-based devices like the M3, how are people faring with them? I've been looking at picking one up but have heard of saving problems (or having to save to a DS cart, and only being able to keep one save at a time). Any tips on what to buy would also be helpful (I have a fairly old DS, bought around launch)
PM yoyoyoyoyoyoyo as he has helped me with my future purchase. just have to compile that money!!

ps: thanks for deleting my post, vimacs :rolleyes:
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yoyoyoyoyoyoyo posted on May 16 2006 at 08:26 PM said:
I will help anyone considering buying a M3 or already has one. The M3 saves to the SD or CF card you have NOT the DS card. Just PM me and I will help.
quit going off topic! this for posting pics of your ds collection not some stupid m3 topic! :angry:
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anime5ever posted on May 17 2006 at 01:09 PM said:
yoyoyoyoyoyoyo posted on May 16 2006 at 08:26 PM said:
I will help anyone considering buying a M3 or already has one. The M3 saves to the SD or CF card you have NOT the DS card. Just PM me and I will help.
quit going off topic! this for posting pics of your ds collection not some stupid m3 topic! :angry:
It's pretty obvious that anyone interested in your topic has already posted here, so why don't you just take a break and relax?
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