Shoot em Up OS Game

Well, it uses OpenGL, GLU, and GLUT.
So porting it is somewhere in this ballpark:

Might be easy with nanoGL / GLUT|ES
Might be tedious since you end up re-implementing all the GLUT functions like "draw a sphere" or whatever.
Might be in between.

Certainly possible.

edit: I meant it would be tedious IF you end up re-writing all GLU / GLUT functions. If there are already good GLU|ES and GLUT|ES libraries, this won't matter.
Given that the designer said he's finished with that project, he might be ameniable to handing the project over to someone with more interest.
lulzfish said:
Well, it uses OpenGL, GLU, and GLUT.
So porting it is somewhere in this ballpark:

Might be easy with nanoGL / GLUT|ES
Might be tedious since you end up re-implementing all the GLUT functions like "draw a sphere" or whatever.
Might be in between.[/i]
There is also whic could be useful.