Debian/ubuntu Programs?


Still Fresh
Apr 15, 2010
I found a remake of The Maze of Gallious (Great MSX game), and on the download page, it lists some downloads for a Debian/Ubuntu port. I know Ubuntu is an off-shoot of Linux, and the Pandora's OS is an offshoot of Linux, so, would I be able to run this program on a Pandora?
I would hazard a guess that the download is for x86 Linux distributions, which won't help. Is there also a source code download?
If he talk about those games :
Yes, source code are available for all games.
Namo said:
I found a remake of The Maze of Gallious (Great MSX game), and on the download page, it lists some downloads for a Debian/Ubuntu port. I know Ubuntu is an off-shoot of Linux, and the Pandora's OS is an offshoot of Linux, so, would I be able to run this program on a Pandora?

they are both *distributions* of linux, not offshoots. they are essentially the same OS in different clothing, and as such are compatible. HOWEVER, OS distribution (ie. verisions of linux) is not the main issue - its architecture. I suggest you check if the package is available for the ARM version of Unbuntu, (normal PC distro's are not ARM but x86 or x86_64). If its there, it will probably be fine.
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The first Stella I run and onscripter I use for reading Narcissu on the Pandora are straight ripped from Ubuntu ARM / Debian ARM repository-Debs :)
Working nicely, normally.
If you have the needed libraries in the system, it works.
nerach said:
If he talk about those games :
Yes, source code are available for all games.

That would be the one.

Thanks for the help, everyone :D
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Just about any linux program made for ARM/ARMEL should run. Maybe require tweaking.

apt-get will be your friend..

Use 'apt-get moo' when you have time.... Its lovely. Will use zero HDD space and take -2 seconds!

Have YOU mooed today?
kingoddball said:
Just about any linux program made for ARM/ARMEL should run. Maybe require tweaking.

apt-get will be your friend..

Use 'apt-get moo' when you have time.... Its lovely. Will use zero HDD space and take -2 seconds!

Have YOU mooed today?

aptitude moo
aptitude -v moo
aptitude -vv moo

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All those games have .deb for AMD64 but nothing for ARM.

A port request for those games might be added in the wiki.
I can't do it now maybe tomorrow or monday.