Shite Good Games.....

I can complete VF1 in about 20 minutes, but thats cause I haver been playing it from about 5 years old.

Nothing happens on Virtua Fighter. It's like Dead or Alive in that there are two moves; kick and punch.

It actually has quite extensive special moves. Pretty cool if you pull them off.
bringoutthegimp posted on Aug 10 2004 at 08:08 PM said:
mattmagoo posted on Aug 10 2004 at 09:03 PM said:
but because there are guns it's deemed awesome by 10 year olds who bludgeon theyre friend to death
you are an idiot. simple as that
its true

u mite think its good coz its a decent game (im not argueing that it isnt good, just not godlike)

but the reason kids think its a good game is coz it has guns, they will put god mode on and just kill hookers for hours
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I can't see the big fuss about Halo, nor can I see why the world still raves about Final Fantasy VIII my guess is that half of the FFVIII fan boys are the people who quickly jumped on when they missed the FFVII band wagon, now for them its **da best game eva** the other half are girls who like that song in it.
I used to think Halo was shit. Then I really got into it, and started to realise what a tottally amazing game it is. Not quite worth an Edge 10 though.

Zelda 64 is great, but not as good as Mario 64, which in my opinion is the only truly perfect game. But hey, that's my opinion.

Resident Evil blows, but that's just because of the controls. There's a good game lurking underneath. Plus, I prefer super happy games to scary stuff.
I'm not going to waste my time countering each of those games. I mean, you just pull some random and well-established classics out and call them crap, then admit that all you did in Vice City was 'get a gun and kill people'. Well, of COURSE it would be boring then. I bet all you did in Mario 64 was jump and run around the castle then get bored because you couldn't find the entrance to the first level.
Rico posted on Aug 10 2004 at 08:46 PM said:
I'm not going to waste my time countering each of those games. I mean, you just pull some random and well-established classics out and call them crap, then admit that all you did in Vice City was 'get a gun and kill people'. Well, of COURSE it would be boring then. I bet all you did in Mario 64 was jump and run around the castle then get bored because you couldn't find the entrance to the first level.
thats not what i did, i got about half way through and it felt so repetetive but little kiddies play it for killing people
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Mario 64's early levels were ingenious but got pretty generic near the end. Same with Sunshine. I'd still give both 8/10. The only thing I fault Halo with is the level design which got repetitive later on. I love the Resident Evil games. The controls are meant to be like that. It's a slow game, you're meant to feel helpless. It works perfectly.
i think if u started playing Resi when the original was released the controls were OK and they grew on you,

I started with Veronica on the DC and i am used to Shenmue and other true 3D controls so i just couldn't get to grips with it,

plus the fixed cameras dont work well at all imo
And here, my children, we see the definition of "Troll".

Seriously man, if you don't like it, don't play. I like Red Alert 2, for me it's the best C&C up to date. But I'm not going to argue with it. Who am I to tell you which games to like? And who are you to tell me which are bad? It's just trolling, no matter if you realized it or not.

I'm bored..... anyone up for a game of Warhammer 40k open beta?
Mosch posted on Aug 10 2004 at 09:11 PM said:
And here, my children, we see the definition of "Troll".

Seriously man, if you don't like it, don't play. I like Red Alert 2, for me it's the best C&C up to date. But I'm not going to argue with it. Who am I to tell you which games to like? And who are you to tell me which are bad? It's just trolling, no matter if you realized it or not.

I'm bored..... anyone up for a game of Warhammer 40k open beta?
arghhhh, I am not arguing about the game, i just hate the way people tell me why I hate a game

I dslike the Matrix greatly, but according to everyone it's because I didn't understand it

I didn't like KillBill (coz i prefer richer dialogues) but according to everyone it was because I don't appreciate the fight scenes

I didn't like GTA because its just not a brilliant game, but according to every1 else it's because I didn't play the levels

I definateltydidnt like Metal Gear Solid coz of the camers, but every1 else says its coz i didn't know how to play it properly

I am a troll, coz I like to get my point across and I enjoy arguing because it'g a lot more interesting than people agreeing with each other
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Halo - Wonderful
Super Mario 64 - Amazing
Goldeneye - Excellent
Zelda Ocarina of Time was great, didnt care more Majora's Mask as much.
mattmagoo posted on Aug 10 2004 at 09:18 PM said:
I didn't like GTA because its just not a brilliant game, but according to every1 else it's because I didn't play the levels
Aside from the main missions and just killing people, there are optional sidequests & assets to collect, pizza missions, ambulance missions, taxi missions, 'ice cream' (drug) missions, police (vigilante) missions, Remote Control car races, bomb drops and checkpoint races, boat checkpoint races, Sunshine Auto missions to collect cars and get rare ones in return, 100 hidden packages, 36 unique jumps, insane stunts, a whole bunch of rampages, 15 stores to rob, 'Brown Thunder' helicopter missions, Arena races and deathmatches, and 5 assassination missions.

It IS a brilliant, diverse and genuinely enjoyable game IMHO.
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