The Definative Must Have Playstation Games Thread

Azure Dreams (Best RPG EVER!)
Twistid Metal! (all 4 of them!)
Area 51
Breakout (with nubs!)
Contra - Legacy of War
C - The Contra Adventure
Cardinal Syn
Chrono Cross!!
Cool Boarders! (and it's sequels!)
Descent & Descent Maximum
Dragon Warrior VII
Duke Nukem (all 3!)
Final DOOM! (Yes, Dosbox, but screw that)
Gauntlet Legends (PSX for Netplay I hope)
Guilty Gear
Harvest Moon
Hot Shots Golf!
Tiger Woods
Hydro Thunder
Jade Cocoon!
Jet Moto & sequels
Soul Reaver
Legend of Dragoon
Legend of Mana
Lunar Silver Story (and Lunar 2)
Madden NFL games
Marble Master
ALL the Megamans!
Pandemonium (1 & 2)
Panzer General
Pipe Dreams
Pitfall 3D
Pong 3D
Primal Rage
R-Type Delta
Risk and Monopoly (PSX board games FTW!)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Sim City 2000
Sorcerers Maze
Soul Blade
Spec Ops (all 4)
Spyro the Dragon (1 2 & 3)
Star Ocean
Suikoden 1 and 2
Tecmo Super Bowl
Time Crisis 1 and 2
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4
Vandal Hearts (1 & 2)
Vigilante 8
Warcraft II
Wild 9
Wild Arms (1&2)
Wipeout (and sequels)
Wu-Tang Shaolin Style
ImmaculateChimp said:
The Granstream Saga: 3rd person action-rpg

Holy crap! Someone else has played The Granstream Saga. I remember playing that and got to the part where the chick is in the shower and got an anime. That was mildly embarrassing with my mom in the room >.> I stole the main character's name and used it before I adopted this one.

Clock Tower - Survival Horror
Digimon Digital Card Battle - Card based RPG
Dragonseeds - Tactical RPG (like a turn based fighting game) that you raise dragons to battle
Ehgeiz - Fighting game that includes FFVII characters
Galerians - Survival horror
Ghost in the Shell - Action game. You pilot a Fuchikoma!
Gundam Battle Assault - Fighting game
Hellnight - Survival horror
Hot Shot's Golf - Golf
Jade Cocoon - RPG/Monster raising
Legend of Dragoon - RPG
Parodius - Shmup. As the name implies it's a parody of Gradius
Psychic Force 1/2 - Fighting game. Personally, I love these games
Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure - RPG

Edit: Pruning repeats because libflash exploding prevented me from originally doing it.
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Exophase said:
I'm only aware of there being exactly one game that requires dualshock, Ape Escape. All other games were made to be compatible with the original PS1 controller that had neither analog controls nor force feedback.

L2/R2 can be mapped to one of the dozens of other buttons available. Most games don't require active and routine use of more than two shoulder buttons simultaneously. With per-game configurations most games won't have control problems. It'll be much better than it is on PSP, where L2/R2 are mapped to moving the analog nub.

I'm aware that you will likely be able to map the buttons to the keys on the Pandora as you see fit, but your thumbs will already be busy with movement and look controls, meaning you'll have let go of one or the other...(hey, I just thought of something, because of our being able to re-map buttons as we want, we might no longer have to deal with the cumbersome L1,L2,R1,R2 look controls of the Armored Core games, we could map them to the right analog nub!!=) Back on topic though, I still think adding (especially)L2 & R2, and (if possible)L3 & R3 would be a good thing to consider for a future Pandora 2, if it ever happens..
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So many great games to choose from. Things I didn't quite get to:

Vagrant Story
Grandia (lost my save after disc 1!)
Colony Wars
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
Tempest X3
Ogre Battle
and on and on
because they haven't been mentioned yet (i think?)

Tail of the Sun (caveman hunting adventure)
Carnage Heart (robot programming battler)
some A-Train variant or another with translation patch (Japanese train business simulation thing)
LAPD Future Cop (too much fun .. isometric action game with a transforming vehicle)
WipeOut3 (probably my most played PS game... very fluid and responsive controls with the analog sticks) touch screen support possible here?

I'm thinking Point Blank series, Elemental Gearbolt, Policenauts...
Here's a true co-op gem (VERY rare):

Blaze & Blade: Eternal Quest

If you liked the Mana series' co-op play, you'll love this one...
(but not available as NTSC, I'm afraid)
aatu said:
Here's a true co-op gem (VERY rare):

Blaze & Blade: Eternal Quest

If you liked the Mana series' co-op play, you'll love this one...
(but not available as NTSC, I'm afraid)

I got the PC version, and it's quite neat... even if it's quite empty...
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It's a pity ASSAULT RIGS came before the Analogue pads. Some kind of Tron Tanks / Battlezone dual Nubs controlled game would be great.
Not sure if it has been mentioned but you all need-
Team Buddies
because everyone wants their lego people to swear at them :-)
These are the ones I plan on replaying... :)

Alien Trilogy
Alien Resurrection
Castlevania: Symphony Of The Dark
Duke Nukem: Time To Kill
Die Hard Trilogy
Fade To Black
Final Doom
Final Fantasy Tactics
Future Cop: LAPD
Jumping Flash 1-3
Kagero: Deception 2
Magic Carpet
Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus
Rakugaki Showtime (Treasure's Poy-Poy like brawler, but far more brilliant
Rogue Trip
R-Type Delta
Silent Hill
Silent Bomber
Suikoden 1 & 2
Syndicate Wars
Syphon Filter 1 & 2
The Raiden Project
Tomb Raider
Twisted Metal 2
Vandal Hearts
X-COM: Enemy Unknown
YoYo's Puzzle Park (single-screen platformer like Bubble Bobble, never gets mentioned:
Zanac X Zanac