Seriously Rethinking the Design (smaller size)


Active Member
May 13, 2011
Since it has been decided that the Pandora 2 must be smaller, we must make cuts wherever possible with features that are not absolutely necessary. This will require a sincere redesign of the original model, not to the point of unfamiliarity but certainly enough for our 2nd iteration to be competitive in the ever-growing market of ever-shrinking handhelds.

While reading on some related forums, I found a design idea that is a bit dated, but the principles still hold true... I hope the mods can forgive me for posting this here, but surely they will stay their hands long enough for the point to be adequately illustrated. Without further delay, the article is here, please read the first post to its entirety before passing final judgment... then discuss here.

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There you have it - the Pandora, the ultimate MP3/MP4 player with 2 SD ports and bluetooth interface. That should be one sweet device...

Not good for playing games...Looks like a Chinese device.
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Since it has been decided that the Pandora 2 must be smaller,
Is that so? :rolleyes:

Craig WANTS a smaller Design but at the end, form follows function and without a final HW design and the spacwe this needs on the PCB, you actualy can't say anything about the size of the Device. With all the stuff, Craig wants in the Pandora, I'm sure it will not be that smaller than Pandora 1. Quad Core, 64!? Sounds like we will need a Battery twice the Size of the current one to even start the Pandora 2. :lol:
bismuthdrummer said:
Since it has been decided that the Pandora 2 must be smaller, we must make cuts wherever possible with features that are not absolutely necessary.
it has? There is not enough evidence to state that.

bismuthdrummer said:
This will require a sincere redesign of the original model, not to the point of unfamiliarity but certainly enough for our 2nd iteration to be competitive in the ever-growing market of ever-shrinking handhelds.
They don't shrink. Think about the 3DS XL. PSP and PS Vita are also about the same size and smartphones are getting bigger. It depends on what you want. I don't see the point of making the pandora smaller? Is there any benefit that comes with it?
bismuthdrummer said:
Since it has been decided that the Pandora 2 must be smaller, we must make cuts wherever possible with features that are not absolutely necessary.
it has? There is not enough evidence to state that.

bismuthdrummer said:
This will require a sincere redesign of the original model, not to the point of unfamiliarity but certainly enough for our 2nd iteration to be competitive in the ever-growing market of ever-shrinking handhelds.
They don't shrink. Think about the 3DS XL. PSP and PS Vita are also about the same size and smartphones are getting bigger. It depends on what you want. I don't see the point of making the pandora smaller? Is there any benefit that comes with it?

It should not be smaller, it should be flatter.

Why do people keep insisting it to be smaller, while the obvious goal should to flatten it.
Since that thread was started I think we can make some improvements on it:

  • the buttons - who needs them when we can just display pictures of buttons on a capacitive touchscreen - then you can swipe them too :)
  • Also why run a proper Linux implementation when stock Android will do.
  • Whats more, full-size SD cards are useless so you can drop them to save space
  • Nobody would ever want to use their Pandora for more than a couple of hours between chargers, so we can cut the battery down by 60% - and make it cheaper in the process
  • Some users could accidentally mess up their installation so we'd better not give them the root password
  • and OP could get more money by using the P2 as a way of distributing adverts...
  • ...And only need use parts that will last for 18 months because they'll be a new version with twice the computing power out by then!

With all those design flaws ironed, out they should sell by the million B)
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bismuthdrummer said:
Since it has been decided that the Pandora 2 must be smaller, we must make cuts wherever possible with features that are not absolutely necessary.
it has? There is not enough evidence to state that.

bismuthdrummer said:
This will require a sincere redesign of the original model, not to the point of unfamiliarity but certainly enough for our 2nd iteration to be competitive in the ever-growing market of ever-shrinking handhelds.
They don't shrink. Think about the 3DS XL. PSP and PS Vita are also about the same size and smartphones are getting bigger. It depends on what you want. I don't see the point of making the pandora smaller? Is there any benefit that comes with it?

Ask Craig, he said it, I think?
god I can't find the video, or remember who is making it. But that device is coming out soon though. Has action buttons + dpad and about the size of a ipod mini.

EDIT: Blaze (gamegadget) is making it, and it was a video demo'ing the game gadget at a tech show

EDIT2: HA! found it
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