If someone were to make a native synthesizer (other than the littletracker which is great but has no "true" sound creation utilities) this would be an awesome device to get sound ideas on, tinker with abstract sound and oscillators, emulate C64 audio chip or record through a USB mic to the SD card for note taking/sampling? anyone know if this is possible (specifically the microphone idea)? I would financially support development of music software, so far the stuff I've found has been mediocre and it's clear the system supports good audio capabilities. maybe you could even use midiUSB devices with a true MIDI tracker ... one can dream. I bet something like this would win that dev contest.
BTW Anyone know if there is a GB ROM for the gameboy camera? because that had an awesome easy-to-use synth/tracker embedded in it.
BTW Anyone know if there is a GB ROM for the gameboy camera? because that had an awesome easy-to-use synth/tracker embedded in it.