Release SunVox (ultimate multiplatform synth/sampler/tracker)

For info, i can run sunvox under Slack. I just had to symlink libpthead... to libpthead-stubs...

I provide a realtime kernel so if someone wants to test, he just have to use the 13.37 and install and configure the r_limits.
Good news.
All right, I'll have a look on it when I get home. Can you still Alt+Tab to a desktop when in this forced fullscreen?
No, you can't alt-tab. Personally that doesn't bother me. Perhaps you could include true fullscreen as an option, with a first run dialogue so the user can choose? But if you're not into that idea, I'm happy knowing I can do it my own way manually.
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Alt+Tab was not working for me either. Also the mouse cursor is hidden although I set "pencontrol 1" in SV config. It would be totally fine to let the user to decide about fullscreen. Maybe a Zenity dialog window at app launch? If you have something like this already, I'll be glad to incorporate it into PND.

Edit: Btw, do you perhaps know how to make the app icon appearing at the taskbar?
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This is how I'd handle it. Create two copies of the existing, renamed and On first run a display option is chosen, and the relevant script is copied to appdata as

This would be the new


# First run prompt for selection of windowed or fullscreen mode

if [ ! -f ] ; then

notify-send 'Note: alt-tab is not available in fullscreen mode. You can undo this selection later by deleting "" from appdata.'

action=`zenity --list --title="Choose display mode" \

--text="Choose action:" \

--column="Action" \

"Windowed" \


# echo Resultat: $action

if [ "$action" == "Windowed" ]; then



if [ "$action" == "Fullscreen" ]; then





Gave it a quick test and it seems good. I haven't tested it in a PND though. You should be able to drop the attached scripts straight in.


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And to put a PND icon on your taskbar, right click the taskbar, choose "New Launcher" and use a command like this:

pnd_run /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/menu/sunvox.pnd
Thanks for the script. I'll give it a try.

By PND icon I ment the icon which is displayed on taskbar when the app is launched. Somehow it's not displayed for SunVox. I should maybe try different size, 48x48px perhaps ...? Currently it is 256x256px which is maybe too much.
The latest updated version is in the repo. Gruso's windowed/fullscreen initial switch is included, thanks for that!

Author brought us again some interesting features like MetaModule (you can load the whole song as a module and pull out the controllers of your choice!), WaveShaper, realtime recording quantization and a lot of other stuff.
The new version is available at the usual place. See the list of new features on official page.

Windowed mode is broken for me, I run fullscreen no matter what I set at initial dialog. Can somebody test this out please? You should delete your /media/<yourcard>/pandora/appdata/SunVox/ file to get the initial window/fullscreen dialog. Thanks.

Alex (the author of SunVox) has added internal preferences option to control the fullscreen mode and it might somehow collide with Gruso's fullscreen setting in the launch script. I'm too tired to investigate in it now, might get on it in a few days.
I wish I had the "mad coding skillz" to create a piano roll interface for this program. This is an amazing piece of software, but I just cannot get along with trackers.
If there is


Then it is using notaz sdlhavk for scaling and touchscreentranslation.

Windowed mode is not supported with this driver.

I'd really get to like Sunvox but the current build has a big touchscreen offset issue. I've set "fingers" as the interface type in the preferences and everything is ok for a couple of minutes. After that it just goes wrong and end up with some random offset of around an inch or more. Anyone seen this? It's rendering it unusable? This is on a CC with latest firmware.

(Tried deleting appdata etc)
Sad news for Maemo > Pandora Sunvox users. Maemo version support has been dropped from v 1.9 onwards so no updates anymore :(

Luckily we should be able to use Raspberry Pi version on Pyra (Armhf).

If you use Sunvox on other platforms, check the latest 1.9 beta. It's got some really neat features like MIDI learn for any module controllers, new Feedback module, new Filter Pro module and many, many more.
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Good news, I've misread the change log. It was Meego support that was dropped, not Maemo.

Updated version is in the repo.

Check out the change log. It's rather significant update again (MIDI learn for controllers, feedback module and other goodies).

I had the touchscreen offset issues with 1.8 too but it seems better with 1.9. More testing is needed.
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I'd really get to like Sunvox but the current build has a big touchscreen offset issue. I've set "fingers" as the interface type in the preferences and everything is ok for a couple of minutes. After that it just goes wrong and end up with some random offset of around an inch or more. Anyone seen this? It's rendering it unusable? This is on a CC with latest firmware.

(Tried deleting appdata etc)

Yeah I am having the same problem with the latest version. Sadly this renders this program totally unusable for me :(

Does anybody got an idea on what might be causing this?
Just took a look at the runscript, copied it to my appdata folder, enabled notaz' SDL again - and it seems to do the trick. Got no mouse offset issue now.

So maybe try the following:

  1. Start SunVox
  2. Press and hold the Pandora button for a few seconds, then release. A dialog should pop up for closing misbehaving PNDs.
  3. Just ignore that dialog (SunVox should still be running windowed in the background). Start the file manager and navigate to /mnt/pnd/SunVox/
  4. Copy from that folder to ./pandora/appdata/SunVox/ on the SD card the SunVox PND is on (i.e. this folder should already exist)
  5. Right click the file, select Open with...->Mousepad to open it in an editor (double clicking will attempt to run it, don't do that)
  6. Remove the # symbols at the beginning on lines 4 and 5 (below "#Fullscreen"), those should say "export SDL_VIDEODRIVER=omapdss" and export "export SDL_OMAP_LAYER_SIZE=fullscreen" respectively afterwards
  7. Save the file, close it, close SunVox and restart it as you would normally. It should now use your changed runscript to start and use notaz' SDL, which does not allow windowed mode, but does not seem to have the mouse issue.
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Thank you foxblock for pin-pointing this! Updated version is in the repo. It's the official minor bugfix version from this summer. And the SDL fullscreen options in the launch script are enabled now. I disabled them some versions ago because the Maemo binary was forcing the fullscreen anyway so I thought they are not needed anymore but never realized they can cause the touchscreen offset issues.
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I also have been having an issue where the new version doesnt open after being opened for the first time. I have tried deleting the "lock" file, that doesnt fix it, the only thing I have found that works is to remove the sunvox folder in appdata completely, making it open as if it was the first time configuration. I havnt tried the older versions yet, bit of an anoyance having to delete files everytime i want to use this app, its currently my favorate thing to do on my pandora atm, really fun piece of software!